
Chapter 49

Wei nervously sitting in front of the crown prince. Confused of the event that was recently happened. He timidly raise his head but immediately withdraw upon seeing the person harmless smile. He can't really read this person mind, he seems to be simple minded prince but the way he rebuke the empress made him think that this prince is like a cunning fox yet you can't help but be drown to him.

"I intentionally let you hear our conversation to save myself from explaining your secret birth, it was troublesome to plan how to make it easier for you. But, thankfully our mother empress willingly present herself." He mischievously laugh and tense atmosphere suddenly vanished.

His easy going smile faded and with a serious tone, " Use this dagger to release your pent up anger, I will shoulder the sin of my mother for bringing you up in a harsh environment. I will never blame you if you want to claim this prince life. Only this moment I will give you this privilege."

Wei expressionlessly pick the dagger and stood, he come closer to the prince yet there is no hint of panic nor fear can be seen in the prince eyes.


He kneel in front of him and tearfully said, " This servant have no desire nor intention to blame master. Royal blood or not, I already became your loyal shadow first and that will always be my identity. I was used to live in the dark, but you were the only person who let me see the beauty of life. They treat me as a weapon but you saw me as a person. For the first time your majesty, I was thankful to be born and raise as an assassin if being with your side is my prize."

The prince calm gaze soften and lightly patted his smooth hair, " We don't have a power to choose our birth nor defy our destiny but if this encounter is fate then I'm grateful to be your brother, the imperial palace is a den of monsters, I have many siblings but you are the only person I acknowledge as one of my kin." He help the young man to stand up. "The road I shall take is not an easy one, are you willing to follow my lead?"

Wei straightened his stand and with his eyes full of determination, "With no hesitation, YES! I will be your hand and feet in the dark, my existence may be small but I would also like to be your support in the near future."

The prince happily nod, "Take this dagger and be its rightful owner, this shall be the symbol that you are my trusted aide and will be the leader of my shadow guards when you reach the right age. Let us return from the way we used to be, this revelation had got nothing to do with us but a mistake that made by our parents. And by the power bestow upon me as your future ruler, I require you to call me Big Brother when we are alone and I pledge to grant whatever you desire if you call me that." He playfully laugh , giving a comfortable feeling towards Wei.

Wei calmly stopping himself to laugh, "I believe master, It is already time to study with the imperial tutor."

The energetic prince freeze upon hearing the imperial tutor, remembering his deal with the mother empress he knew what kind of hell is waiting for him.

"Then call my servants to change my robe," he weakly order Wei. When the person can no longer be seen he look at the farther side of the palace," Report what you have seen and heard to appease my mother empress."


Back to the present

In a single night, many unexpected events happened that stir the harmony inside of the imperial palace that earned lots of gossips and rumors among the common people. And the very person who caused this mess is happily taking her night bath. She joyfully humming a song that is foreign from her two maid servants.

Jin Zan teasingly looking at her mistress, "Mistress can now truly hold her position in this Duan Wangfu since Wangye express his deep affection towards mistress. Still, remembering that heroic act upon catching mistress is truly fascinating." Her small eyes can no longer be seen with her big grin plastered in her face.


Su Qian MEng can't help but to hide her bashful face and splash some water to this shameless yatou, " If you are fascinated, why I don't arrange for you to be his side concubine, then you can imagine all those things with him."

Jin Zan was stupefied with a large of water coming form the tub of her mistress and hearing those words made her lost her consciousness, luckily Mu Jin reflex is fast and catch her body. She weakly opened her eyes while biting her lips, " Big madam kindly fetch me, this lowly servant fails your expectation. Mistress always bully us and mistaking our good intention. This servant only telling the truth and nothing but the truth, this is the fault of your servants eyes, seeing the wrong things. Big madam teach us to be honest but,....." Her pitiful eyes linger to the woman lying in the bath tub "Mistress want us to liars, Big Madam!" her pitiful acting is truly irritating to look and Su Qian Meng can't help but to give in "Stop, who said you are lying? Fix yourself and change your wet clothes. I never intended to marry you off without your consent, I'am only scaring you"

Jin Zan stand up and happily recover her cheerful face, " Then you admit mistress that what this nubi witness is your affection to each other and that you are fated to be with?"

"JIN ZAN" Su qian meng instantly stand and no longer care if her tempting naked body is exposed.

Upon hearing her full name, the maid already escape and run from the clutches of her mistress. Then, decided to look for a food to serve her mistress.
