
The Vampire of Love

Kitty_Boatwright · 奇幻言情
3 Chs

the vampire love part 12

Regina I know you did something like that you're not mean to where is his body in the highway but basically I did I don't know where you basically for him and a highway you got to be kidding me yeah I did not mean to do that what happened to did he try to kill me with a gun I don't know you got to hide that body we'll take him to a hospital somehow I don't want to go to jail would you not you will not okay it was a accident you're not mean it you're not mean to to to do something like that I don't know why you did something like that but I know he had a gun and try to kill you and so you did the right thing but you should not push him towards the highway with cars drive or trucks what does a producer do maybe you should have knocked the gun out of his hand not pushing my toys the highways with the cars and trucks at please tell me he did not get hit by a car or a truck it was a car no thank God are you serious yeah I'm serious this was a car well I know he blame may be damaged the hit the ground very hard yeah are you okay just fine I never knew something happen like that in my life I need to tell myself then to the cops no no no I lose my crown this yeah a princess not posed to do something like that push somebody towards the highways I'll fit the building play I need the tow the whole tire true towards this they don't have video cameras because it didn't have video camera up oh on the school if it will be different well I'm happy you don't have no video cameras then you'll get caught that doing it yeah you right about that but I just don't want to go poison poison everywhere poison is the best place where people go out most of it so doing bad things maybe he's not dead maybe some I pick him up from the highway the ambulance it maybe was the ambulance the pick everyone up I just basically disappear because that was an incident what incident I did yes do you clean up the blood no I don't want to touch the fly I can okay happen like this Regina the building and I told you you don't mess with tell me why you did this to me why I told you don't mess with me I told you that you did not listen to me would you know who wanted to kill me you make me a mess up guy the mess up boy now I'm dead because of you bye Regina bye Brian ma'am ma'am ma'am keep silence do you see what happened no I did not see anything happen I just see something basically happy now I know where we jump off the building he jumped off the building why do you would do something like this I don't know he was my ex I mean I pushed him off the building okay really I did what could I do it for safely you know why are you a put your own ex-boyfriend off of the building because you had the gun he tried to kill your only boyfriend who had the gun try to kill you now Regina the princess why did he had a gun to try to kill you I don't know but he tried to get well me somehow do you feel your own boyfriend just to push him off of the building you did the right thing Regina forget you want to die from a guy who have a gun and do everything wrong towards you or basically yes I have to speak the truth somehow Brian been taken back to the hospital for a boy and Country on the ground Regina basically told the truth about Brian Bates we try to kill her Bryan whips try to kill her Wilson taken to the hospital somehow and then this is discovered e by this incident it was a accident but Regina it's a princess and her mom and dad is a queen and a king but she's not in trouble or anything it wasn't a student boyfriend ex make it out this Brian wellspace Lee had a gun in his hand earlier today the incident was a bad thing with Brian Welch try to put a gun on Regina the accident was a because it away love gun from hell and nobody don't understand it with this type of gun what did this gun came from oh yeah definitely Came From Hell dance dance will come up next on the news45 channel well that would happen I turn on the TV so you're not in trouble no why do you not speak the truth horse mean whoever scared of a lose my relationship with you why won't tell you the truth for because most princesses do I tell the truth to their own boyfriends yeah why are you lying to me made me look like a fool you're not a fool I just lied to you because I just don't want to speak the truth to you I don't want to lose my only a relationship don't cry Regina I know you're not mean it yep relationship you're not going to lose it but I should have told you the truth of weight but I just can't should have not ever told you Regina Regina are you up there yes Mom I'm here who is this this is the new guy in my life name is Brandon nice to meet you Brandon but I told you to not bring guys over yeah but I need help with my homework I know you need help with your homework but you are princess this is a school night for you I don't want nothing to happen to you I don't want you to get pregnant because that's simple guys out there who put the thing in things in ladies yes I heard it on the radio an TV I basically saw it on TV so you basically telling me your ex is pulling a gun on you really Regina Regina mom yes Brandon would you know not mean that yeah but I know that but she tried to get herself in trouble today can't believe my only daughter have powers that's not good I thought you would be happy for me I protect myself I know that would you know you pushed somebody off the building you push him off the completely build that the school building what's wrong with you Mom I don't want to talk about this I mean he bring you McDonald's that's good but we will discuss this later nice to meet you Brandon I know she was mad at me I know I know it I knew it I knew she was mad because it's pushing my ex-boyfriend off the building why can't you trust you anymore Regina whoa whoa that's your daughter that's your daughter ma'am I am her boyfriend her new boyfriend this year you know what you talking back me get out take some out because of how what he's saying to me I'm saying to you I can do whatever I want with only daughter is a killer and what's going on with Regina what's going on tell me what's going on I know what happened but I'm not going over stuff stuff it to my mother excuse me I am your mother can try to be a mother and be happy for me I did not got killed today what what did Regina talking about fine if you want do you want to know the truth about if you want to know about Regina I can't tell you yes you can just tell me what happened she got herself in trouble today all right nothing at all right with this she don't want to explain nothing to me don't want to say anything play Silly shut the door and now my face but her boyfriend was in her room her new boyfriend would you know basically push Brian off of the building wait wait what wait wait wait what what what happened again oh my God Regina push my ass boyfriend off of the building where is it don't curse brass that don't curse I did not know about this well you was making out well woman is your woman and stuff and you did not know anything about our daughter did and the gun came from some simple hell somewhere I've never heard that's on my day in my life we got to go to a castle and see what they about how come the world if we do go to a castle and the castle don't mean nothing toys us right now is your daughter I have a book remember when we got married we have a book in the castle and what the book about brass book what is the book about is a magical book it's a you some evil things come for it tell you some evil thing don't come or good luck things come I don't know why you have a nasty attitude towards me you cheat on me with your woman yeah okay you was treating me wrong what do you respect that's why I broke up with you that's why I end a marriage that's why we got a divorce a divorce lawyer I don't want to be with you anymore I want to know about our daughter right now and you know what I'm about to tell you one more thing I'm getting married again excuse me Regina living with me so I guess you didn't marry again huh you always marry me you put a ring on my finger I basically took it off because there are you with you and me you treat me want first remember that I want you to know my house in my I'm living with another woman now taking my daughter with me I have some respect for her new boyfriend but our daughter put it you can't get mad about that if she did something like that to push him off of the highway off of a building Becky you got to do something I'm sorry I'm breaking up with you the family Co-op because because of me disrespect me Regina pack your things okay you moving out initiate you can't do this to me I need my own daughter with me no how you all treat her and how you treat your tree house no respect now do it now we just Regina I saw your phone it's basically saying I know a guy named on it that's why I cheat on you I mean I saw and I have a guy named on your phone who is it yeah that's why I thought you f****** him all you behind my back right you sleeping right now right why you busy Becky the truth is the truth what you can have your damn phone back I can't believe you cheated on me and nobody don't know about it how could you do this to the family we've been together since high school we have one daughter or maybe two more you cheated on me we have three children you caused it on your own who was beautiful woman to me I don't want to let that go how you what you hear me well don't get this long you're the one who treat me wrong over the years so I'm taking Kevin with me both of my kids me and my my kids I'm raising my kids you can't do this to me I am your woman well it's too late for that will you fucken ever do in a bed and not tell you on husband that wasn't going to be inspecting goodbye Becky I get the hell out my house then get out I I don't care anymore I can f***a lot dude out there

no no I'll let you go you let me go and I hurt more you're not taking my only daughter we don't have only daughter we have more kids you're drinking more I'm not going to have my daughter live with you if you drinking and you basically doing all these things towards me you show me a picture when you had a guy in your bed when we was still married Premier League I'm sorry I really sorry well it's too late for that I got to go now my woman is wearing for me and a in the vehicle in the vehicle I'm leaving too because I'm not getting to know this I'll see you tomorrow long Regina but this is all control with this alright Brandon bye Regina bye on Brandon

I mean nobody then I opposed to you I put a ring on your finger nobody else did oh f*** you and go back towards your man who you was sleeping with although he get me pregnant again please tell me you're not pregnant please tell me you're not pregnant yeah I am yeah I'm leaving you know goodbye find this leave me I don't hate you only nobody do you say there are three kids if you want to figure out what to do I got figure out what to do I don't have my man and I have a weight on my finger in mouth why can't my three kids are gone Dad where we going you have a new mother now I do you have a boyfriend now Regina but your mother is just out of control with her drinking and the truth is your mother cheated on me first can't believe this yeah she lied to you I know it hurts and Regina your mother is pregnant but who you know not me whenever different dude I don't know about show me photos when she was sleeping with him

going to crying back a seat well I did not know she cheated on you white bat well it's bad for me but now me and you about to get married yeah I mean you a handsome jam and you are handsome man dad yes me and her have sex last night okay Dad I want to hear about that the new Lady Sue you I don't want to hear about something like that especially driving on the road right now what the hell Regina watch your mouth but I'm grown remember that I got to do what I need to I don't have no husband God please forgive me for Jesus please forgive me for this I got a knife in my hand I don't want to do suicide to myself but I asked to let me write a letter to them I am sorry I am sorry sweetheart I did it to myself I hope you forgive me but it's too late for me maybe I am the one place now hopefully take care of my kids good I happy you and your woman is together and stuff I deserved that how I did to you I'll take my life away her myself very deeply don't cry and please do not tell the kids what I did to myself I tried very well why didn't my stuff somebody spell me my house when I die I know it's all over the news and stuff just so you know I will miss you forever all for this Earth so good I am a better place now take all the money take all the jewels and stuff and keep it for yourself my checks and stuff and take the castle a my car goodbye and I love you forever and the kids so the kids are say goodbye.