
578. Keep it from Her

Mauve pouted as Mill brought the cup closer. She felt her eyes water and fear crept into her heart.

"Don't do that," Mill scolded. "You look terrified. I promise it will be over before you know it. Next thing you know you're right as rain, all better. Don't you want that?"

"You know I do," Mauve replied. She couldn't believe Mill was asking her something like that.

"You will have to sit up," Mill said.

She was already moving to help Mauve to a sitting position even before she could counter it.

Her body felt heavy as Mill lifted her. Mauve winced, as her head shook, a shot of pain passed her body and it took her everything not to jerk.

Mill put her against the headboard and stacked pillows around her. Mauve held onto the pillow so she wouldn't slide to the side as she had no energy to keep herself up.

Mauve grimaced at the change in position, her head felt heavy and she wanted nothing more than to go back to lying down.