
423. Costs My Life

After the screech, it was deathly silent. Mauve didn't hear a cricket crick nor any of the usual nightly sounds. The worst part was as the sound suddenly appeared so did it cease.

She noticed Jael resumed moving before the sound stopped. Mauve could feel his urgency. The worst thing that could happen is the sound getting closer because it was headed in the same direction as them.

Whatever the sound was, there was no doubt in her mind that it was something dangerous. It was better to be out of reach in case it decided to head their way.

Mauve wondered how long it would take to get to the castle. Jael did say they were heading out earlier than normal but she could tell they wouldn't get to the castle until just before dawn.

She hoped Danag was fine, he was closer to whatever made that sound. Mauve hoped they would all get to the castle safely.