
346. Tavern’s Inn

"Sir Galath," a voice called out. "I am sorry I am so late."

"Where are the rest of you?" He asked.

"They should be here any minute, I left them behind." The young lad stood to his full height. Mauve could vaguely see his face, he looked younger than she was. He was tall, lanky, and slightly drooped over.

His eyes zoned in on her face and he didn't look away, just stared at her like one would a piece of jewelry they couldn't afford. Mauve wasn't sure if she should be flattered or concerned.

"For goodness sake, Owen, don't stare at the princess like that and say your greetings."

"I am so sorry," he said, throwing his head forward, Mauve would have sworn she heard a snapping sound. "I-I am Owen Martins. It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess."

She smiled at him, "The pleasure is all mine and you don't have to be so formal."

"Thank you, Princess."