
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

hunterxxhunter2011 · 电视同人
52 Chs


(A/N: Additional chapters are on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter)


There's something that no one tells you about small town living and going through his memories he found a few intricacies that stood out as a little inconvenient from his perspective.

The early closing times, the lack of night life, and the fact that everyone not only knew your name, but knew your family.

This entire town was a like being stuck inside a furnace, waiting to be cooked alive, at the first sign that he was stepping out of the person that everyone knew him to be.

Now, while of course there were unknowns in the town, Jeremy Gilbert was not one of them.

And with the death of his parent's, despite being somewhat morbid, he couldn't help but acknowledge how "appropriate" the timing was for his arrival in this life.

If only because, he had the perfect catalyst for undergoing a drastic change in who the town knew him to be and no one would be able to say a single thing at risk of poking a reversed heel that shouldn't be touched.

So, going forward and waiting for his food to arrive, he had to acknowledge the fact that he had just about every excuse he needed to not only change who he had been in the past as Jeremy, but also to improve everything he could be, as Jeremy.

For instance, maybe changing the name Jeremy would be a good step since he had to admit, he wasn't really feeling the name.

It didn't feel like it fit.

In his past life, he had many names. It was like a hat toss game where he just picked one at random and the one he was born with, only few knew.

Now, he was born with a new name. Jeremy. And it kind of sucked.

So, he stood at the counter in the kitchen, drawing circles with his finger and his other hand resting on his chin and thinking about what name he wanted to take.

His first thought, Gil.

It could work....no it couldn't.

Second thought, Fiona...........

And with that, he realized why he would leave his name choices up to a hat trick.

He was garbage at naming things, so he decided to leave it and walk away.

When it came to taking action, he was that guy, but who gave a shit about a name, really.

That which we call a rose, you know?

So, with that, Jeremy made his way out of the kitchen now that it had been cleaned, by him, and went to plop down on the couch, taking the seat between the two women who had made themselves comfortable, pulling them both into his sides as he wrapped them both up with his not yet strong arms.

They didn't resist, which he considered progress.

Though, it might have had something to do with the fact that they had finished their venting and Jeremy bashing and were now content to bask in the after-glow that comes after some righteous fury.

The only thing that could make it better was some make-up sex......but that wasn't an option, was it?

Jeremy could feel his body getting a little bit warm as the thought passed through his mind. His hands instinctually squeezing the arms of the two girls that were pressed against his chest. His teenage hormones making even his mental strength wane in the face of a grand imagination that played memories of just about every girl Jeremy had met, and then ended on scenes of Vicki.

He could feel himself becoming hornier by the second and knew that he needed to do some practicing in order to take control of this aspect of himself.

Especially since he refused to let his mind be controlled by his body.

It had always been the other way around and it would be so again.

It would just take a little time...and some getting off.

But he knew from experience that masturbation was hardly the answer. No, he would need to get some. Get some and keep getting some until he was fully in control of every aspect of his mind and body.

Were there other ways...of course.

But there was a reason why he excelled in all that he did, and that was because no matter what he did, he always figured out a way to do it that brought him the most enjoyment, and pleasure.

It might sound a little crazy, but his work as a killer for hire was enjoyable.

Changing his name, profession, personality, were all fun for him.

Going places where only a few could journey, doing what no one else could, and walking away with an explosion at his back (in his mind) was so much fun form him.

That was his secret and one that he would never tell. XOXO Gossip Girl.

He stopped his mind from wandering when he heard the doorbell ring and felt Jenna attempting to get up to answer the door, however he simply pulled her back down by her shirt and got himself up.

Even if he hadn't said and probably never would, because some things just didn't need to be said, he appreciated the hell out of the gorgeous brunette for stepping up when she truly could have kept living her life free and clear. And he would make certain that she lived a life that was as glorious as she deserved simply for being a worthy woman, in his opinion.

Opening the door, he was met with a sight that he did not expect, but also did not truly take him by surprise.

Standing at his door was a bubble blond who for a second truly resembled Parker from one of his inspirational shows in his past life, but it wasn't her. No, it was a girl wearing a beautiful smile that had a hint of both pity and sadness, and gorgeous brown eyes that he wanted to see just how many ways he could make her erase that look of pity and understand that he needed no pity. Only her mind, body...yeah, he was going to need to get his body in line.

"Hey, Caroline." He gave her a narrow eyed half smirk that fit the face of Damon or Klaus, but somehow made even better on him, and reveled in his mind as he saw her eyes widen and the pity replaced with surprise.

He liked that better.

There was something about pity that just rubbed him the wrong way, especially from a beautiful girl who should be looking at him as an equal, not in condescension....or maybe it was the look in her eyes that just screamed that he was a little boy that put him off and she was about to comfort him. Not only did it not fit Caroline, but it also didn't fit him.

He couldn't be exactly sure, especially with him still not completely in-tuned with his body, so while his motivations might be partially alluding him, he decided that he didn't truly need to know the exact reason. Only that he liked wiping the look out of her eyes and much preferred her not knowing what to expect and he couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw a hint of interest.

It was known by all that she definitely liked a bad boy.

And he knew himself to be pretty fucking bad.