Kira hears rushing foosteps from outside the tent then three people enter the tent and when he saw whom they were, he knew he was gonna face the music more sooner than he thought.
"Hello girls" Kira nervously said at them.
The ones who enter were Samui, Yugito and Ameyuri.
Samui was giving small gasps, when she found out that Kira woke up from Naruto, she bolted towards him to see him, now seeing Kira looking at them with a smile gives her relief but then she remembers what he did to defeat Kisame and her angry mood came back.
Yugito was extremely happy seeing Kira awoke and fine. She hurriedly cleans up some tears on her eyes and looks at Kira with a smile on her beautiful face.
Ameyuri was grinning seeing Kira fine. She still feels anger against her former team member for what happen but now she's happy that Kira's fine.
Samui walks towards Kira's bed while looking to his eyes, Kira knowing what's gonna happen, prepare himself for the pain but surprisingly, she gave him a hug. Kira was surprise about the hug but then she heard her crying and realise what he did, he hugs her back and didn't said anything else.
After a minute of crying, Samui separates from Kira and looks at him in the eyes and said in a serious voice "I hope that's the last you will do something like that", he smiled at her while nodding 'do it again? the only reason i did it is because it was the only option i could do, if there was another less risky option, i would have done that instead' he thought.
Samui kept looking at Kira then she suddenly gives him a kiss, surprising him on the action that she took but in the end, Kira hugged her waist and brought her closer to him while their kiss became a little hot, they stopped once they heard someone coughing. They look at a blushing Yugito and an envious Ameyuri.
Kira and Samui separate from each other with Samui having a small blush on her cheeks. Ameyuri couldn't hold anymore and jump at Kira also giving him a kiss, surprising him again but he shrugged his shoulders and accepted the kiss, hugging Ameyuri's waist closer to him. Kira knows that Samui is watching but he also knows that she doesn't mind. Samui is Kira's first wife and that's something she takes pride in and after this mission is over, she'll be his first as well.
They finish their kiss and were gasping for breaths until Ameyuri puts her hands on Kira's cheek and began stretching them
"Oww!" he scream in pain from getting his cheek, Kira then looks at Ameyuri with hurtful eyes and rubbing his cheeks then said in an aggrieved voice "What was that for!?"
Ameyuri looks at Kira with cold eyes and said "I don't like it when the man that i fell for wanted to kill himself"
"You know why i did it for"
"I know why you did it for" Ameyuri interupted him "Couldn't you activated that technique after you've summon a clone then USE that clone to switch with Darui?!" she said to him, Kira was surprise about that, he actually never thought of that, at that time, he was concentrated on keeping Samui and Darui alive that he didn't think at all. Kira feels like a fool and sighs due to his own stupidity.
"I'm sorry, i'll try to think cleary next time" he said towards the three girls in the room, honestly, the reason why he didn't think clearly that time is because of the appearance of Kisame this soon. Kira knows how strong he is in the Canon, so he was actually worrying about the others to think clearly, at least he can take this as a lesson.
Samui, Ameyuri and Yugito just smiled at him when he said those words. They can feel his honesty when he said it. Suddenly, other people began entering the Tent.
Darui, Omoi, Killer Bee, Naruto and Karui came inside, Naruto is seen grinning "Sorry, we couldn't wait anymore, how are you Kira?" Naruto asked.
"I'm fine, Fenrir told me that my body was already fully heal but i will need a day to fully recover my chakra" he said, honestly using Kirin took every chakra that he had and more, it involves extreme Lightning chakra control which he didn't had yet, but using himself like a sort of a beacon or a lightning rod, he was able to easily call down Kirin and the reason he survived is because Kisame took half the damage because he was close to Kira and he was lucky seeing black clouds when Kisame destroyed the ceiling of the cave.
You could say that Kira survived by luck against Kisame, something that he doesn't like but for now, he'll take it.
Darui walked forward and said "We are glad you're alright Kira, but next time, think twice about doing something extremely dangerous like you did against Kisame" Kira nodded at him with a bitter smile.
Darui nodded but Kira saw that someone was missing "Where's Izana?" he asked
"She's still resting, Izana lost a lot of chakra battling some of Yagura's shinobis on our location" Naruto replied.
Kira nodded and was glad that she's safe, Darui then said "Alright, let Kira rest now, all of us were awake, worrying about Kira so we also need to take a rest" everyone nodded at him and began leaving the room, wishing Kira a good rest, Samui, Ameyuri and Yugito hugged him then they left leaving him alone in the tent.
Kira lied down on the bed then he heard Fenrir's voice 'Sad, that you didn't suffer more under your mate's wrath but i'll take what i can' She said, Kira rolled his eyes on her comment.
'Fenrir, i'll take a nap to recover my chakra, wake me up if anyone comes into the tent' Kira said to Fenrir and felt her nodding then he went to sleep.
You know, i almost quit watching Naruto in the past because of the "Chosen One" crap.
I mean isn't Naruto suppose to be about a boy going against his Fate of being no one and his dreams about becoming Hokage, he'll Naruto's fight against Neji in the Chunin Exam was Naruto going against Fate because Neji comes from a powerful clan and Naruto was an Orphan (and Kakashi ended up training Sasuke rather than Naruto and if i remember right, the only thing Jiraiya taught Naruto was Summoning Jutsu of the Toads and he did it by literally dropping Naruto from a cliff which is very bad in my opinion on him) yet Naruto went against Fate and defeated Neji but then the 'Chosen One' crap thing happen and i literally quit watching Naruto because i felt the everything Naruto went through was Fated.
The only reason i return was when Madara appear on the battlefield and literally went one-man army against the Allied Shinobi Force.
Anyway sorry about my ranting and hope you guys enjoyed the Chapter!
Just in case though; I'm an Amateur Writer, so i still don't know how to make my character show great emotions (If i did then lucky me), this is the reason why it was underwhelming what happen in this chapter but i'll keep learning.
Another thing. This chapter was suppose to be release a little by early today, but i was stuck helping my grandmother clean up at least half her house. My body is LITERALLY SORE ALL OVER and after this chapter is release; I'm going to sleep