
The Unwanted

In 2030, two planets collided; Earth and a planet filled with magic called Lumina. Since then, billions died due to a surge in monsters, refugees were scattered around the world and new countries were formed. Lumina's magic met Earth's technology and soon cities began to form to combat the over growing presence of monsters. However, this leaves thousands displaced, millions of people live in poverty, the poor only get poorer and the rich get richer. This story takes place 30 years after this event which would come to be known as the Great Merge. It follows a group who work as elite mercenaries for an organistion called the Unwanted. The Unwanted take in those thrown out from society, young or old, it didn't matter. Those that were chosen were selected for their special skills, many of them orpahns, discarded nobles, slaves- they were deemed disposbale from the various cities they lived in. However, the Unwanted operate solely as a tool for the elite and the cities they operated in, they fight wars, clear dungeons, kill mad kings/monsters, etc. They are all paid well. The main charcater who you will come to know his name is one of these Unwanted, and within his team are other people like him. They are all strong and went through the gruelling training process and now they operate as field agents. Follow them as they under go missions and experience life. Warning: Extreme Gore, Sexual Content, Only for Mature Audiences. Note: This is a light LitRPG story with a main focus on the story but some aspects on the system. Expect releases every two days, I am not looking to create a story with limited words for each chapter, only writing the story as I go.

Sivios · 奇幻
97 Chs

Chapter 74- Never Anger The Immortal

Sol died over and over again as his body tried to regenerate around the stalagmite through his spine. The spear through his heart didn't help either. Eventually, the skin couldn't hold his body together any longer and he fell to the side of the stalagmite.

He panicked as he looked up, only a glimmer of moonlight could be seen. That meant it had been at least 4 hours since he fell.

"Those fucking cunts," Sol said through gritted teeth.

He started to panic, he didn't know what to do.

In the spur of the moment, he called the Tower.

"Hey Sol, ho-"

"Tower, th-these people the-they t-t-"

"Calm down Sol, what's wrong."

Sol managed to calm his breathing. "My sisters, I think they robbed them- no I think they kidnapped them," he said upon the realisation that they would have tried to rob Sol too.

"Ok, where are you now?" Tower asked calmly.

"They threw me down a drop, I can't get out."

"What do you mean?" Tower questioned. "You have Wolfy, remember? He-She can climb anything."

Sol took a deep breath and instantly started the summoning.

"I'll head to New London now, where are you?"

"Wetlands," Sol replied.

"Alright, now texting the rest of the team."

"They won't make it in time," Sol said.

"Sol, relax. If they've just been kidnapped they won't move straight away. They'll try and find out who they are first. If they fucked with the wrong type of people they would give them back. We learnt that on our tenth mission."

"Fuck-" Sol said, "I let them take them- my sisters."

"Sol, you need to calm down. I've got your location, Sharp and Mute are already on their way."

Sol punched a wall with his free hand as hard as he could, just as Wolfy stepped through a portal. He climbed on her back and told her to scale the chasm wall. Stars came into view then the moon.

Sol brought out some of his sister's clothing and put them near Wolfy's nose. The prowler moved her head backwards and forwards.

"What?!" Sol screamed.

Wolfy conveyed messages that she couldn't track them.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Sol shouted.

Wolfy whimpered.

"Sol! What's going on?" Tower asked through the phone in his pocket.

"Wolfy can't track them," Sol said. "Fucking useless!"

"They used ward stones, not even an Elder tracker could find them."

Sol got off Wolfy and started to punch a tree, he still couldn't believe this happened. He was filled with anger, worry and most importantly- disappointment in himself.

"Fuck!" Sol shouted.

"I'm on the teleporter, I'll stay on call. Who saw them last?" Tower asked.

Sol climbed back on Wolfy. "I'll ask the guards."

"Alright, Spike responded too, he's picking us all up."

"Ok," Sol said and put the phone in his pocket.

Wolfy leaped over the rock formations and sped through the marshlands, trees collapsed beneath Wolfy felt her masters worry.

Sol saw five guards standing next to their post with only a lantern to light them. They were all joking around together smoking cigarettes. He told Wolfy to stop and he teleported next to one of them.

Sol picked them up by their collar and held them in the air

"Do you remember my face?!" Sol shouted.

The guard looked terrified and started trembling.

"Do you remember my face?!" Sol shouted louder.

"Y-yes I do, with the two women."

He didn't flinch as he felt a sword pierce his side. "Get off him!" a guard yelled.

Sol whistled and Wolfy came trotting up behind them. They all froze from absolute fear.

"Did they come this way?!" Sol shouted as he raised the man up higher.

"I-I-I don't think so, I didn't see them."

He commanded Wolfy to bear her teeth and walk dangerously close.

"Ok-ok" the guard said. "We-we just told them about the two women that walked in with you, we didn't know you had a tame They just pay us coin when we tell them who looks like easy targets.

Sol's eyes went crazy. "You were all a part of this," he said quietly as he slowly moved his hands across his throat.

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry, we didn't know you'd be this strong."

"Where did they go?" Sol asked, still with the quiet and crazy hushed tone.

"I don't- ackkk. I don't know!"

"Where?!" Sol screamed in his face.

"Past the Wetlands- North."

Sol looked to the side as Wolfy tore into the guards behind him. He let the guard slowly watch as his friends died one by one, being torn into like paper.

"I'm sor-"

Sol snapped the man's neck and his body went limp.

A car's headlight was coming up fast to his location, it screeched to a halt 10 metres away. The headlights illuminated the pieces of human remains scattered around. The ground was stained with blood.

Sol was still staring to the side.

"Fucking hel," Spike said as he looked at the massacre.

"Sol?" Tower questioned carefully.

He didn't respond for a few seconds then he dropped the guard's body. "They went north," he said calmly.

Sharp whistled and his bird flew in the sky.

"We'll go on foot, roads don't go past the Wetlands," Tower said.

Sol climbed on top of Wolfy.

"If you find it, don't attack without us," Tower said.

Sol nodded without blinking still. The blood stained ground splashed about as Wolfy leapt away.

"Fuck is wrong with him. I've never seen him like that," Spike said as they started running north.

"You don't mess with a man's family," Tower said as he pushed through a bush.

"That look in his eye," Sharp said. "Spike, do not anger him," he added.

"I'm brave, not stupid."

"His sisters don't know he's an Unwanted, let alone Immortal. Don't say anything," Tower explained.

"I can't believe he has sisters," Spike remarked.

"There's a lot of things we don't know about Sol," Sharp said.

"And you know more?" Tower asked.

Sharp didn't answer as they continued to run at full power. They were quiet for another 40 minutes as they ran until Sharp found something.

"I've got a campfire with 8 people around. They look level 30, weapons slightly rusty and they're playing cards. They seem to be guarding an entrance to a cavem" Sharp said.

"There they are. They must be a big organisation," Tower said.

"Slavers always are," Spike responded.

Tower looked at him questiongly.

Spike shrugged. "His sisters have to be attractive," he said, throwing his hands up. "Not stirring the pot- just a fact."

Tower understood and he pressed his phone to his ear.

"Sol, we got them. On my location," Tower said.

The phone call ended without the Immortal replying.

"I'm scared," Spike said. "Genuinely."

"I don't blame you," Tower stated.

They waited until Sol returned to the group with Wolfy and Fluffy in tow, his face void of emotions.

"Where are they?" Sol asked.

"Ahead," Tower said as he nodded in the direction of the slavers. The giant man gulped. "Your mask."

Sol paused for a moment and Tower could feel a dense aura engulf Sol. The Immortal put on his mask and started walking forward.

"Sol-" Tower said but was halted by Sharp.

"We're his backup," the scout said.

Tower nodded and let the Immortal walk forwards.

"Alright, let Sol go in first. Spike remains at the back and supports Sharp while myself and Mute will be supporting Sol in front. We don't know what we'll find there but anyone in chains or naked doesn't attack. Simple."

"Yes, Sir," the group except Sol replied.

Sol walked slowly towards the base of a mountain, his summons were lurking in trees either side of him. As he walked closer, he saw a small illumination of light and men chattering.

"Did you hear about Johnny today? His group killed an Unwanted."

"Fuck off did he, that's bullshit that is."

"I swear on me mother,"

"They've fucked the boss lots you know, a bit of karma would do'em well."

Sol walked out onto a clear pathway where one of them spotted them.

"Speak of the devil, we got one here… And look, he's all by himself."

The eight men all laughed as they moved forwards with weapons drawn.

Sol continued walking, his footsteps were monotone.

"Easy now lads, let's not be caught off guard."

Wolfy leapt out from the trees to his side and bit the head off one. Another reacted quickly but their blade bounced off her hide.

Fluffy appeared from nowhere and sliced open two jugglers with one attack and then bit another in half with his two giant front teeth. The two dark summons ripped and tore each and everyone one of them apart. Like the guards, there was nothing but a pile of guts and a pool of blood.

Sol continued his walking pace, his teammates were not far behind, quiet in respect but also gawking at the bloodshed the Immortal caused.

As he walked further down a lit cave, it opened out into a series of large caves that interlocked with one another. There were dozens of slavers Sol immediately saw, drinking, raping helpless women or playing a casual game of cards.

"Who the fuck is that?"

"Unwanted! The Unwanted are here!"

His two summons came either side of him. "Wreak havoc," Sol said calmly and the two creatures of the dark followed his orders. The summons charged the slavers without mercy.

His team was not far behind and sprung into action. Sol was not idle and he began to kill every slaver in the most painful way possible.

It was a massacre, a massacre of pure rage. Even his teammates could sense the anger leaking out from him. It spread to them too, Sol was their family, and family look always have each other's backs.

Fluffy had backed one into a corner that Sol remembered, he was called Grey, the man was cowardly waving a torch in the bunnies face.

"Not that one," Sol said. "Break his legs."

"What?!" Grey screamed out as the bunny charged with its hardened head into his knees.

"Immortal," Tower said. "There's a blocked off cave- steel door blocking it."

"That's no problem."

Spike was about to smash the head in of another one Sol remembered, his name was Charlie.

"Not that one," Sol ordered and Spike stopped on a dime.

"You want me to break his legs?" Spike asked casually.

Sol nodded and Spike slammed his metal guitar into the man's shins.

"Wolfy!" Sol yelled. "Bring that door down!"

Sol pointed to the steel door at the back of the large cave. Wolfy howled then snarled as she prepared a charge to the steel door. The door caved in but didn't fall.

"Again!" Sol shouted as she charged head first again.

"You're gonna hurt her," Tower said.

Sol didn't even look his way.

Blood was pooling out on Wolfy's head but she had to follow Sol's order, she had no choice. She rammed it again and the door gave way.

Wolfy backed away and Sol moved forward as the dust settled.

His heart skipped a beat, his sisters were huddled in the corner with other women, wearing only rags.

"Don't come any closer," Phillip yelled as he grabbed a random woman. He pressed a knife against her throat.

"Do you think I care about her?" Sol asked the man.

Phillip panicked and pushed the women aside and lunged at Sol. He side stepped it and punched the man's elbow so hard his arm snapped in two. Phillip fell onto the floor in pain and begged for his life.

Sol turned his head and looked at his two sisters.

"Leave," Sol said to Tower.

Tower nodded and left.

He brought out two large blankets and wrapped them around his sisters. He didn't care about the other women around, family only mattered.

"Stay here," Sol said, he didn't care if they knew about him anymore.

Summer and June looked scared, their whole world had just been turned upside down. They couldn't believe it, their brother was standing right in front of them- alive, with marks covering his whole body and a giant tattoo on his back.

He turned around and walked over to Phillip. He grabbed the man's long blonde hair and dragged him out of the room.

"Please, I'll do anything, just let me-" Phillip paused as he saw the absolute carnage. "You killed… Everyone."

Fluffy was dragging Grey by a bent-in knee and Spike had already dragged over Charlie by two arms. Mute dropped down from a heightened platform and dumped a man who appeared to be the boss.

"Filthy fucking Unwanted! Always sticking your noses in things!"

"You got a problem with him?" Tower asked.

Sol shook his head.

"Alright," Tower said as he raised his giant club in the air and turned the boss's head into paste.

Spike grimaced but didn't say anything.

"Immortal," Sharp said. "I've located a sectioned off area for you."

Sol nodded his appreciation and the three men were dragged into the specific area of the cave.


Author: Guys, we're currently ranked 500th without any promotion from web novel which is really, REALLY good. Leave them stones and watch the story blow up!