
The Unwanted Princess

[Horror Genre Warning] [Violence, Death, and Gore warning] [ This story is not suitable for sensitive and light-hearted people ] [ Do not read if you dislike violence, death, gore, and horror ] There is a historical book about a powerless castaway princess named Inanna, living in a world where your magic defines you. In the Lilith Empire, royals born with magical abilities live in the royal castle with the Emperor and Empress. Royals born without magic are sent to live in a run-down and low maintenanced castle called the Hollow's castle, to be forgotten by the world. According to a royal decree made by the emperor, the children in the Hollow's Castle are to be executed once they turn 18 years old. But Inanna is unfortunately sentenced to death by the emperor, her own father, at 13 years old for trespassing the royal castle after she tries to save her eldest siblings from execution. The book eventually ends with Inanna's death. Ivery, who read the book is displeased by the ending. Ivery soon fell asleep after reading the book, but is suddenly awakened by a floating woman in her room. The woman tells Ivery to change princess Inanna's fate and soon after the strange encounter, Ivery was blinded by a bright flash. Once she opened her eyes, her whole world changed...literally. She was now in the body of princess Inanna, and living in the Hollows Castle. She eventually adjusts to her new life with the help of Loki, a magical snow-white talking cat that claims to be her guide, she aims to change Inanna's dreading predestined fate, until it all changes forever... For the better or for the worst? ( Cover art does not belong to me, so I'm not sure who the original artist is....but credit goes to them. )

Calistal · 历史言情
122 Chs

Chapter 109: The Poison Within


Ivery got up and pulled Luther past the crowds of people, toward the doors. The royals and nobles just gave a quick glance and ignored them, there was not a single concerned look.

Ivery quickly opened them and dragged him out of the room. Once they were away from the hundreds of eyes, including the biggest pair of eyes, Katerina, or more specifically, Xia. She wasn't able to determine if Darius was Eos. but she had a strong suspicion.


Ivery teleported them back to her room and laid him on the bed. She pressed her ear on his chest and his heartbeat was slow and irregular. She thought it was because despite him having the poison in his system that was most definitely fatal, his black magic is what's keeping him alive. But the only downside was that he wasn't getting better nor showing any signs of healing, which meant the poison had to be removed or cured....but she had no way of knowing how to do that.

Due to his body's instability, his shapeshifting ability dispersed and he regained his original appearance.

She held her hands on his abdomen, her hands then shone with a brilliant green glow that emitted from them.


He was starting to sweat and his breathing became weaker and weaker. She didn't know what to do..





His eyes opened.

"I want you to do something for me.."

"Yes, father?" He kneeled

"Kill Esther and Varon." Erdel ordered

"Your tenth concubine and my fifteenth brother?" Luther inquired

"Yes." Erdel nodded

"May I ask why?" Luther looked up at his father

"I will tell you why after they are discarded." Erdel coldly answered

"As you wish, father." Luther stood up and bowed his head before he left the throne room



"Yes, father?" Luther kneeled

"I need you to kill Baron Claus and Viscount Kelen." Erdel said casually

"As you wish, father." Luther stood up and bowed


"My dear son." Erdel widely smiled

"What is your will father?" Luther asked with dulled eyes

"Kill Duke Avans and his family, leave no one in his household alive." Erdel commanded

"As you wish father." Luther nodded and stood up

He bowed before he exited the throne room.


"Ah, Luther." Erdel grinned once he saw his son enter the throne room

"....." Luther didn't say a word

"I need you to go eradicate a small pesky country, since they dared to cheat Fresia, death is my payment to them." Erdel ordered

"Go prepare yourself, you'll be leaving out tomorrow morning." Erdel told Luther with a haughty smile

"As you wish, father.." Luther nodded and left the throne room


Luther entered his room and hundreds of screams echoed in his mind...

He looked into the mirror in front of him and angrily punched it. The mirror shattered into tiny shards of glass and scattered on the floor.

He put his hands on his aching head, he couldn't stop the constant noise in his head....

And despite hearing hundreds of wailing voices....there was one clear, distinct voice that he could hear on top of everything else...and all it said was one word.



"Luther." Erdel stood in front of Luther

Luther looked up at his father with cold lifeless eyes. Anticipating what his father would say next.

After 2 years, nothing changed...it was always the same.

𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥.

"I need you to be the executioner for five traitors." Erdel said to him

"Don't you already have people you pay to do that job?" Luther narrowed his eyes and looked disdainfully at Erdel

"There's no one who's better than you, you know that." Erdel smiled

"Yes...you've made sure of that over the years..." Luther let out a light sigh and looked down

Suddenly blood poured from his hands and flowed down next to his feet...

"Luther?" Erdel raised an eyebrow

Luther blinked and in an instant, all of the blood was gone...

Another hallucination...


A severed head belonging to a middle-aged man rolled on the floor.

"Very good my son." Erdel clapped

"On to the next." Erdel looked at a woman shaking in fear

"Please! Please don't do this! I didn't have an affair I promise you!" She screamed and cried

"Luther." Erdel said coldly

Luther unhesitantly swung his sword and her head slid off of her neck and plopped on the floor, her body collapsed, and blood gushed from her neck.

"I have more work for you to do later, go rest for now." Erdel tapped Luther's shoulder and walked off

"....." Luther looked down at the corpses and watched as their blood flowed from their bodies

He felt nothing, no remorse, no sadness...just absolutely nothing...

"What a shame..." Luther let out a light chuckle



Ivery sat on the bed and had Luther's head on her lap. She was in the process of searching for an ability she possessed to remove the poison from Luther..

"Ah.." Her eyes opened and a small golden light flickered in them

"𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣." Ivery lifted her hands and they shimmered with a golden light

Luther's body glowed and very slowly the poison in his body began to rise up and surfaced under his skin, the purple patches showing up on his skin was a good sign for Ivery.

She continued to bring up the poison in his body and then it started to float up above Luther's body and gather into a small ball.


Luther walked down the dark halls of his castle, holding a bloodied sword.

He stopped walking, he stood and stared in awe at a woman wearing a seemingly glowing long white dress that dragged as she walked down the same hallway.

His feet moved again and he walked towards the enchanting woman...wanting desperately to see her face...


"Who are you!?" He shouted at her

She stopped walking and turned around to face him..

"The light inside you." She said

He finally saw her face and felt warm inside once he saw her. Her long, beautiful, light blonde hair that reached down to her thighs looked as if it was a source of light, and her lovely ruby red eyes captivated him immeasurably.

He dropped his bloody sword and reached out to her...

"I...need..you.." Tears suddenly came running down his face


