
Still Alive

編輯: Atlas Studios

"Why don't you help me analyze it? Do you think he's still alive?" Gremlin thought that an outsider would have a more acute judgment, so he asked Hilary Stone for her opinion. He wanted to know if she thought that Brian Taylor was still alive. 'The Taylor family is on the verge of crumbling, and his favorite grandson might even die in this fight. Yet, he's never shown himself. He must be extremely cold-hearted to do that if he's still alive. However, it's impossible that he died just like that without anyone knowing. Someone must've found his body if he died. Even if nobody did, the Taylor family would definitely get some news of his death given how influential they are in the city. It's illogical that we've not found a body or even heard any news about him.'

"I think he's still alive. He's definitely not dead."

"Not dead?

Why? Why do you think he's still alive?"

"It's just my intuition."