

編輯: Atlas Studios

Seeing that it was Hilary Stone who was calling, Finn Taylor picked up the call.

"Finn Taylor, you're finally picking up my call. I guess you should already know what's going on. I have Linda James. What are you going to do?"

"Hilary Stone, are you stupid? What does that have to do with me? Do I even have a relationship with Linda James?"

"What do you mean? Isn't Linda James your mother-in-law? Are you going to sit back and watch while I kill her?"

"Mother-in-law? I'm single; I don't have a girlfriend or a wife. What mother-in-law are you talking about?"

"Right, right. I won't argue with you over this. Even if she's no longer your mother-in-law, she was once your mother-in-law. Are you really going to do nothing about this?"