
Gremlin's Dead

編輯: Atlas Studios

"Dad, you're not giving me any face. You're making me feel like an idiot who doesn't know anything about societal rules."

"Do you really know them? If you did, you wouldn't have told your mom what Finn told you, and your mom never would've had the chance to tell Melanie Taylor anything."

"Why are you dragging me into this too? What does this have to do with me? Besides, you seem different today, Francis. Are you hiding something from me? I can't help but feel like you've suddenly gotten smarter overnight. Do you mean you've been putting on an act for decades?" Linda James was annoyed that her husband had picked her out. 'Francis seems to have smartened up today. Wasn't he a fool who listened to whatever I said in the past? Why does he feel like a stranger today?'

"Mom, Dad is actually…"