
The Unspoken Rules

There were Unspoken Rules of the Volleyball club in AllABoy Academy. The club, it wasn’t really a volleyball club, it was a club for something else, and it was always overflowing with newcomers. But there was an unspoken rule, to never break the rules of the volleyball club.

That_Harem_Writer3 · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 1

There were 6 Unspoken Rules of the Volleyball Club in AllABoy Academy. 6 very strict and very important rules.

The Club, well, it wasn't really a Volleyball Club. It was actually a Club for something else, something very, very, very, different, and it was always overflowing with newcomers. But there was an unspoken rule about this club.

It was to never break the rules of the Volleyball Club.

And if someone did. Well no one knows what happens. But the person doesn't ever do anything wrong, ever again.

The rules of this Club were:

Rule 1: Never Serve Without Payment.

This rule meant that no member of the volleyball club could allow someone who wasn't a member of the club or a premium member of the club to touch them without payment

Rule 2: Always use 'Play Volleyball' as the term when you want something.

For this rule 'Play Volleyball' is the code word for, have sex, it was a simpler way and a way to notify that you are a member of the volleyball club.

Rule 3: All relationships must be within the club, or your partner must pay month to be a Premium Member. If they are a Premium Member, they must take part in certain Club activities and are welcome in the Club Rooms whenever it pleases them.

Rule 4: Never be mad if your boyfriend Play's Volleyball with another Club Member or with someone who isn't their significant other.

This is apart of their job description as a member of the Volleyball Club and it's always good to learn new things. Who knows. What you learn could be very interesting.


No buts about it. No tasks should ever be left incomplete.


And, if you broke a single rule, it was an Unspoken Rule that you would get severe consequences for breaking it.


It had now been 2 weeks since AllABoy Academy had started for the First Years and it was now finally the time to sign up for a Club to check the Extra School Activity box that was mandatory at AllABoy Academy.


Not all First Years knew the Volleyball Club at AllABoy Academy was, well, technically a Sex Club, when they signed up for it. They had just assumed the Volleyball Club would be an actual Volleyball Club.

Only First Years with Family Members or Friends who have attended this school before, actually knew that the Volleyball Club was a Sex Club. Which mean quite a few First Years, had no idea.

The First Years: Hinata Shoyo, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Lev Haiba and Goshiki Tsutomu had no idea that this was the case, at first anyway.

This group of people all assumed that the Volleyball Club at AllABoy Academy was just a normal Volleyball Club.

Though, there were actually a few First Years who did know that the Volleyball Club was actually a Sex Club.

These First Years were: Kageyama Tobio, Kindaichi Yutaro, Kunimi Akira, Kogenegawa Kanji and Aone Takanebu and they were all okay with this fact. I mean, for most of them they knew about this for a long time and this was the club they had intended to join anyway.

Tobio Kageyama was the brother of one of the Club Admins, Oikawa Toru and he knew everything about the Club, he'd actually met the other Admins a few times and so had his two best friends Kindaichi and Kunimi.

The three of them signed up together, because they actually got along with the majority of the Members and in all honesty, Oikawa would murder them if they didn't and they really didn't want that. They really preferred to keep their heads and limbs.

Aone Takanebu was cousins with Ushijima Wakatoshi, another Club Admin so he signed up as well, wanting to spend more time with the cousin he was closest with and maybe get to know a few people, in a way he would struggle in otherwise.

And Kogenegawa Kanji, now for him, the Volleyball Club had been his plan anyway. Why you ask? Well, his parents were the ones who paid for the Club's funding, and he had all of the intentions of joining the Club as well, his parents were multi-millionaire Strip and BDSM Club owners do of course he'd join the Volleyball Club.

Though it was more so the fact that his parents just didn't want him in their clubs because he was annoying. So he decided he'd join the school one instead.

As for the other people who signed up, they looked through all of the Clubs, looking for the ones that they thought wouldn't be too hard to join and too hard to be apart of.

Deciding on the Volleyball Club, they signed up and went to their classes.


Hinata Shoyo had already started to make many, many friends at AllABoy Academy, being the social and excited butterfly he was, his friendly nature made it easy for him to make many friends.

He'd made friends from all different years, and he was now working his way to making friends with the boy who sat next to him in Math.

Kageyama Tobio.

But Kageyama was actually the first one to speak to him.

"Hey. Short Ginger Boke. I saw you also signed up for the Volleyball Club." He whisper-yelled to Hinata and the other looked at him before smiling.

Hinata then just nodded at Kageyama and the other decided to continue.

"Okay. Look. You seem really innocent and sweet so I'm gonna tell you a few things that will help you when you join the club. I'll write them down for you, I'd rather you didn't get killed on your first day. Though, I doubt you would, all the Admin's will think your adorable anyway." Kageyama finishes as he looks back down to his desk.

Hinata smiled happily and blushed slightly before nodding, happy to make yet another new friend while Kageyama wrote a few things down on a piece of paper before passing the note to Hinata.

The note said:

Notes to not get yourself killed on your first day at the Volleyball Club:

There are 8 Admins. They are the owners of the Volleyball Club, they thought it was better to have a variety and not just one Owner.

So here are a few tips for what you should do and what you definitely shouldn't do at the Volleyball Club.

I really hope this will help you out.

Daichi Sawamura:

Daichi is the Admin who wears a Orange Shirt and is the Orange Admin of the Volleyball Club. Here are some tips for him.

This you shouldn't ever do:

DO NOT ever say ANYTHING mean or even slightly rude about the silver haired boy he always hangs out with. The boys' name is Sugawara Koushi, and Daichi with murder you if you say anything mean about him.

After all, Sugawara is Daichi's boyfriend.

Along with this Daichi has 3 roommates, other than Sugawara, and although Daichi finds them annoying his is very close with them so feel free to become friends with them. Their names are:

Asahi Azume, Nishinoya Yuu and Tanaka Rynosuke. Feel free to become friends with them.

Things you should do and things which will probably get you into Daichi's good books:

He enjoys talking about birds so feel free to talk to him about them. He has an unusual fascination with them. Especially crows. And it's always a great way to start a conversation with him.

Kuroo Tetsurou:

Kuroo is the Admin who wears a Red Shirt and is the Red Admin of the Volleyball Club. Here are some tips about him as well.

Things you shouldn't ever do:

DO NOT say ANYTHING mean about his hair cut. Yes, we know, it looks like a Rooster has merged with a birds nest and it's sat on his head but we only think it, we DO NOT, say it to his face or to anyone for that matter because he often takes pride in it and thinks that it's pretty cool.

Things you should do and things which will probably get you into Kuroo's good books:

Talk to Kenma Kozume. If you make friends with him, Kuroo will be kind to you forever. Believe me. Kuroo is deeply in love with Kenma and has been for many years. He has also known Kenma since he was just 6 years old and Kenma was 5.

If you makes friends with him, Kuroo really will love you forever.

Oikawa Tooru:

Oikawa is the Admin who wears a Light Blue Shirt and he is known as the Light Blue Admin of the Volleyball Club. Here are some tips about him.

Things you shouldn't ever do:

DO NOT tell him he isn't good looking or that he DOES NOT have an ass. Again, we all know he's as flat as the floor but we don't tell him that and if you do well, he's my brother and he will eat you alive. Because it wouldn't be the first time he's ripped someone's head off for saying that. He really is insecure about his body so he prides himself on believing what isn't true.

Things you should do and things which will probably get you into Oikawa's good books:

He enjoys people starring at him from time to time and make sure you tell him you're friends with me, if he thinks that he'll be more lenient on you.

Also as long as you stay sweet and cute, he'll probably fall in love with you. That reminds me, he is also dating a premium member boy named Iwaizumi Hajime, if you get Iwaizumi to like you, the two would probably protect you with their lives since they are those kind of people. They are very caring towards others.

Bokuto Koutarou:

Bokuto is the Admin who wears a Light Grey Shirt and is the Light Grey Admin of the Volleyball Club. Once again here are a few tips on this Admin.

Things you shouldn't ever do:

DO NOT tell him he isn't smart. He hates being told he isn't smart and only his boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji is allowed to do that for him to not break down. He knows he isn't smart but he tries so hard in all his subjects so don't put him down for it because he's such a sweet person.

Things you should do and things which will probably get you into Bokuto's good books:

You should act as if he is your teacher. He becomes even nicer if you do that. And, if you really want to get into his good books, get to know Akaashi, he's usually hanging around with Bokuto and reading a book, if you become friends with him Bokuto will probably also love you forever.

Are you seeing any sort of link yet little guy. If an Admin has a significant other, become friends with them to get into their good books. A way to an Admin's heart is through their significant other.

Ushijima Wakatoshi:

He is the Admin who wears a Lilac Purple Shirt and is the Purple Admin of the Volleyball Club. He's some tips for him as well.

Things you shouldn't ever do:

DO NOT him directly in the eyes. Or try to get him to talk, their family will talk to you when they are ready to talk to you. That's how they work.

Things you should do and things which will probably get you into Ushijima's good books:

You should probably call him sir, and nod at him. That's usually how conversations and greeting go with him, by using a nod.

He also has a significant other. His name is Tendou Satori. Feel free to become friends with him as well.

The Miya Twins:

Atsumu Miya:

He is the Admin who wears a Golden Shirt and is the Golden Fox Admin of the Volleyball Club. Here are some tips on the Miya Twins.

Things you shouldn't ever do to Atsumu:

DO NOT tell him he looks just like his brother. He hates it, even if he is twins with him. He will complain to you and say that they look very very different and claim that he's the better and more good looking twin. If it gets down to this just nod and don't say anything.

Things you should do and things which will probably get you into Atsumu's good books:

You should tell him that he's admirable. He likes to know that people can admire him and that people look up to him.

If you're looking to sweeten the deal, if you get the Admin Sakusa to like you, he is Atsumu's significant other so yeah, he will end up loving you too.

Osamu Miya:

He is the Admin who wears a Silver Shirt and is the Silver Fox Admin of the Volleyball Club.

Things you shouldn't ever do to Osamu:

DO NOT complain to him about his cooking. EVER! He cooks lunch for the entire club, and he just won't feed you for a week if you do and his cooking is that good that I'm sure you wouldn't ever want to miss out.

Things you should do and things which will probably get you into Osamu's good books:

You should talk to him about cooking shows and funnily enough, ice cream. He really enjoys both of them. His significant others are Suna and Kita. As usual, become friends with them and you'll be in Osamu's good books.


Sakusa Kyoomi:

He is the Admin who wears a Yellow Shirt and is the Yellow Admin of the Volleyball Club. Here are some important tips for him.

Things you shouldn't ever do:

DO NOT go near him without covering your mouth or wearing a mask. He's a germaphobe and hates anything that could give him germs. He is very weary and unless he approaches you first without a mask or you covering your face, do not approach him otherwise.

Things you should do and things which will probably get you into Sakusa's good books:

You should tell him you shower 5 times a day and use deodorant every hour. (And you're gonna have to start doing that as well. Otherwise he just will stop trusting you).

I hope all of this information will help you out a lot. And good luck in the Club.


Hinata read it over, trying to take in as much of of the information it carried in as possible before taking a deep breathe and smiling cutely at Kageyama.

"Thanks!" He said happily before putting the paper in his pocket and paying attention to the teacher who was now standing at the front of the class with her arms crossed.

'Ugh. Lower level physics.' Hinata and Kageyama both thought at the exact same time and they both rolled their eyes.

This would be a long afternoon.


A few hours later the school day was finally over and the first years had to go to the Volleyball, Main Gym, or also know as, The Large Club Room.

Kageyama grabbed Hinata's arm and walked over to his two friends Kunimi and Kindaichi who were standing by the door, talking to one another as they waited for Kageyama, while Kageyama dragged Hinata over to them as well.

"We've gonna make sure this one stays in line. He's an innocent one." Kageyama says and the other two chuckle but nod while smiling.

They then all walk to the Volleyball Main Gym while talking and laughing, Kunimi and Kindaichi starting to get to Hinata as they had such a good friendship and Hinata wanted to be friends with them as well.

When they all arrive at the Gym Doors, they all stood still and Hinata tilted his head in confusion.

"Why aren't we going inside the gym?" Hinata asks and Kindaichi sighs.

"Because there is a knock for Teammates and a knock for Family of Admins." Kunimi replies as Kageyama knocks 5 times, in a quite unusual beat.

Just then the doors fly wide open.

"TOBIO-CHAN!" Oikawa yells and grabs his brother before giving him a large kiss.

"I knew you'd join our Club. Kuroo! You owe me £10! I told you they'd join us!" He said, and held his hand out as Kuroo just rolled his eyes and walked over, slapping a £10 note into Oikawa's hand before going to sit back down in his area.

Oikawa then looked past Kageyama and first sees Kunimi and Kindaichi.

"Ah! Hello Kun and Kin-chan! Welcome to your new Club." Oikawa says and the two boys walk in, giving Oikawa a kiss on each cheek before making their way to Oikawa's couch area and sitting down with Kageyama who was already sat there with his phone out.

"Ooo. And who's this little cutie?!" Oikawa asks excitedly as he looks a Hinata up and down before giggling.

This fact peaked the other Admin's interests and they all looked at the door, starring at Hinata, a few of them smirking with evil twinkles in their eyes.

"I-I'm Hinata Shoyo! I'm Kageyama's new friend!" Hinata squeaks and Oikawa giggles before pulling Hinata in and kissing his cheek.

"You're so cute. Such an adorable Chibi-Chan." Oikawa says and Hinata blushes before Oikawa points to the area that Kageyama, Kindaichi and Kunimi were sat in.

Hinata nods and walks over to them. He could feel all of the Admin's eyes on him as he walked over, planting himself next to Kindaichi.

After sitting down on the couch, there is another unusual knock at the door.

It was the same amount of knocks that Kageyama had done but it was in a slightly different beat the the one that Kageyama had done.

Just then the Admin wearing a Purple Shirt stood up and opened the door. Hinata remembered that the Admin's name was Ushijima Wakatoshi.

As the door opened two boys walked into the room and the doors shut behind them.

The taller and larger of the two nodded at the Admin in the Purple Shirt and the Admin just nodded back at him.

The Admin in the Purple Shirt then turned to face the smaller boy who slowly nodded at him before speaking. "I am Aone's friend Sir, Goshiki." The Admin in the Purple Shirt then nodded back at him and the three of them went to another section of the Gym where they all sat down.

The next knock there was, was 4 knocks on the door, at a normal speed.

"And this one is my friend!" The Admin in the Red Shirt said jumping up and going to the door. Hinata had remembered his name was Kuroo Tetsurou, and as he looked over to his area he saw a boy who he assumed must be Kuroo's best friend, Kenma Kozume, who was playing on his Switch.

"TSUKI-BRO! Ooo. And is this Yamaguchi?" Kuroo asks him and Tsukishima rolls his eyes but nods at the Admin.

"Kuroo. You owe me for joining. Now pay up." Tsukishima said and Kuroo sighed again, Oikawa laughing in the background as Kuroo gave both Tsukishima and Yamaguchi £10 each.

The two of them then went and sat in Kuroo's side of the Gym, sitting themselves on the couch where Kenma was sat.

There was then another knock on the door, 3 times, but in an unusual order and Kuroo burst out into laugher.

"Jesus Kenma! You keep saying you don't make friends but here you go making them." And Kenma rolls his eyes but stands up and opens the door.

"Lev. Kuroo's area is over there." And Lev hops in and plants himself of the couch.

"We have one more to arrive right?" Atsumu asks, and Osamu nods. "And he doesn't know anyone according to our sources." Osamu replies.

The door then knocks 3 times, like anyone would on a normal door and the boy then pushes it open.

"This is, the 'Volleyball Club' right? Please don't tell me I walked into the wrong Club? " He says, and Atsumu quirks his eyebrow at him.

"I thought you didn't know anyone?" Osamu asks the first and Kogenegawa just shrugs.

"I don't. My parents are just rich. They're the ones who pay for the Volleyball Club Funds. Dad said he'll pay you extra to have me. He hates me in their Club." Kogenegawa says, leaning against the wall and picking at his nails.

"Ah. You're THAT Kogenegawa. Got it. Well welcome to the Volleyball Club. We're supposed to explain what the Club is and shit like that, but Bokuto will do that." Daichi says and Bokuto jumps forward excitedly.

"So. This is the Volleyball Club. We have many extra Classrooms and our Private Bathrooms have couches and the spare Classrooms have beds. The Gyms are used for more open stuff and for group things."

He then continued. "Do you want to Play Volleyball is what you ask if you're feeling needy and they'll ask you the same thing but make sure they pay you first. If they don't, well, Oikawa comes up with those Punishments."

A few people tilted their head and Oikawa rolls his eyes. "You always explain this too formal. Right. Play Volleyball is the code for sex. They must pay you unless you're the one asking. All tasks you must complete or else. Now, new babies. You have two weeks. Loose your Virginities if you haven't already. If you lie or fail, you will face a Severe Punishment. Got it? Good." Everyone gulps at Oikawa and nervously looks away. Not wanting to back chat him since he already seemed quite scary.

Sakusa then speaks up. "Now. We need to write up your Positions in bed. So, tell us now so that, Kita can write it up."

The First Years then start saying their positions in bed:

"Kageyama Tobio?" Suna calls out.

"I'm A Switch, from what Oikawa taught me anyway. But I think I'm maybe a Switch with a Lenient Bottom Side?" He says and Kita nods as he writes it down.

"Kindaichi Kentarou?"

"I'm also a Switch with a Lenient Bottom Side."

"Kunimi Akira?"

"I'm a Top. I know, I don't look like one but believe me, Oikawa couldn't walk for 3 days." He said and Oikawa squirmed and blushed, hiding his face in his hands as the other Admin's just chuckled at him.

"Aone Tanabunka?"

Aone simple points to Ushijima and Kita rolls his eyes before writing down 'A Top'.

"Kogenegawa Kenji?"

"I'm a Fully fledged Bottom. I only ever want to Take It. Never Give It."

"Tsukishima Kei?"

"I'm a Switch." He said smirking and Kuroo just glared at him making Tsukishima roll his eyes and sigh. "Fine! I'm a fucking Bottom!"

"Yamaguchi Tadashi?"

"Im a Top. I may not look like it but, heh. That tends to be the point." He giggles and Oikawa laughs too. "He is my kind of first year."

"Lev Haiba?"

"I'm a Switch. But I'm more lenient to Topping."

"Goshiki Tsumato?"

"I'm a switch but I'm lenient to Bottom."

"And Hinata Shoyo? Ah. Fresh right?" Kita asks and Hinata nods before answering. "Bottom I-I think. From what I've heard, Butt compliments mean your a Bottom right?" Hinata asks blushing red and turning away.

"You get Arse compliments?! Hold on, stand up." Oikawa says to Hinata and he blushes but does as he's told, getting the protocol and facing the couch.

"Shit. Yup." The Miya twins say in unison. "You're definitely a Bottom."

"Damn. Wasn't expecting to get a First Year with meat." Kuroo says as Hinata then sits back down.

"Okay. As I was saying. Virginities. You've got 2 weeks to loose them. And you may want to get started ASAP." Oikawa says, and with that, a few people leave the gym.