
The Duties of a Lord


This job of mine is the best.

I may only be a subordinate to the free diplomatic city of Eaglevein, but life is good.

The true powers reside there.

Meanwhile, we, the surrounding cities are all smaller ones.

Our tasks are mostly to help with taking care of all the paperwork.

For instance, we help merchants apply for trade permits.

We would also cooperate with the tamer guild to determine the able and lawful tamers.

We need to reduce the hassle our superiors deal with.

That is our sole goal and duty really.

It is both a very important job and a thankless one.

Long ago, I would carefully analyze every report and try to show initiative.

I would try to improve the situation and think of new ideas to improve the overall system.

That was when I was young and naïve.

I thought that I would be able to use the fact that no sect is admitted here to have free reign.

Well, there is the shrine of the diplomatic god as in every of their affiliated city.