
Slimes Are Amazing!

Comes an astounded and excited voice. And a barrage of words. All about slimes. I do stop it in time before it becomes overwhelming.

[Wait! Who the hell are you?!]

In front of us stands a robed individual with a golden mask. Clothes are dark and seem to be travel weary. Wearing a hood too.

The neutral-sounding voice makes it hard to determine the gender. Whoever this is has a small build, however. That person was apparently eating here and rose up in surprise hearing our conversation.

"Pardon me for my indiscretion. I couldn't help but overhear you guys. Can I see the slime up close?"

We look at each other.

"S-sure I guess."

I feel like we are all thinking the same. What makes a slime so interesting? And interested this random person truly seems!