
The Unknown Character In A Reverse Harem Otome Game

After completing a nightmare Otome game, a streamer receives a message from the developers offering him the chance to input a character into the game. Upon doing so, he falls asleep and wakes up as a baby in the world of his favorite game, *Rose Covered in Thorns*. Now five years old and the youngest member of a powerful ducal family, he must navigate the treacherous game world, amass power, and survive the unfolding storyline to ultimately become the head of his family. A/n: - The Cover Photo is made by Ai - Paused/Once Again I lost my motivation Additional Tags: OP, Kingdom-building (Other tags pending)

imnotmotivated · 奇幻
15 Chs

Chapter 8: The Fifth Male Lead

"I'm looking for a book."

The boy sitting at the counter is none other than Vincent. In the game, he was the last male lead, a character known for his wide array of information. Currently, he is just an apprentice to the current Leader of the Information Guild.

"What kind of book are you looking for?"

[Mysterious, sly, intelligent]

Those were the words used to describe him in the game.

Although he's a child, his good-looking face can't be hidden. Well, it's normal considering he is one of the male leads.

"I'm looking for a book of poetry."

"We have many types of poetry from different authors. May I ask specifically who the author is?"

A character who always had a few words but became a devoted follower of the female lead with just a few simple gestures.

"A poetry collection called 'Depravity' by the author Hyacinth."

Vincent paused, narrowed his eyes, but eventually, a smile formed.

Vincent searched through the shelves as if he had memorized where he had placed the book. He took out a blue-covered book and handed it to me.

I took the book and sat on the sofa to read. I could feel his eyes on me.

"Is there something on my face?"

I asked, looking at him. In the later game, he played a huge role, and I remember he always had a nonchalant expression. But considering he is still a young boy, he can't fully control his facial expressions.

"Are you a fan of the author?"

"No, but I had a preview of the book, though it was incomplete."

Vincent nodded, his smile evident as he sat back in his chair and continued reading his book.

The book was dull. Although it was poetry, it lacked in many aspects. But to win favor, I had to read it.

Hyacinth was Vincent's late mother. Gaining favor by reading his mother's book was how the female lead captured his attention. I'm not the female lead, but this should work eventually.

I read the book quietly, occasionally feeling his gaze on me.


After an hour, I closed the book and stood up.

"Are you leaving?"


I placed the book on the counter.

"I want to borrow this book."

Vincent handed me a pencil and paper. I wrote down my name and other details, then left the bookstore. I rolled my eyes tiredly as I entered the car.


"He perfected all the test papers?"

Emilien glanced at the papers on his table and focused his gaze on Jasper.

"Yes, Duke. If it's alright, may I add my thoughts regarding the youngest?"

Emilien nodded. Since the cafeteria incident, Emilien had begun paying closer attention to his youngest.

He watched Theodore's performance on monitors, noting how he spoke, gestured, and the daily reports from Jasper. He couldn't help but smile, seeing one of his child was finally showing some level of intellect.

"He's a genius. He finished the whole Imperial History in one month, got full scores on fifteen test papers, and has also completed the noble etiquette. These two usually take one year each before moving on to Leclair History and Imperial studies."

Emilien stayed silent, deep in thought.

"You may leave."

Jasper took one last bow and left the office.

Emilien stood up and put on his coat.

"It seems I must pay a visit to my youngest."


There was nothing praiseworthy about the book. Even first-time authors would have done better. It had many grammatical errors and lacked depth.

The main point of the book was the nobility's overall control of the empire. Although this is a modern world, the nobles here have a lot of power over the masses.

"How stupid."

It was written in a biased manner, portraying the nobles as greedy and the common people as poor.

What I find preposterous is that the author only considered the trials faced by the commoners without thinking of the bigger picture. If it weren't for the nobles, each land couldn't function, and without the imperial family, chaos would ensue.

Although my view might seem dictatorial, Hyacinth completely disregarded the fact that the economy runs due to the power of nobles. The book criticized the nobles without considering the panic that would arise among the people.

I sighed and placed the book on the table.

No wonder it faced so much criticism.

Well, this was only for the sake of appearances.

"Young master."

I looked at Marie, my eyes shifting to the man beside her. I flinched, stood up, and bowed my head, using the noble etiquette I had learned.

"Good evening, Patriarch."

Emilien dismissed Marie and sat on the sofa across from me. He crossed his legs and stared at me from top to bottom.

"I've heard from your teacher that you perfected the fifteen tests regarding Imperial History."

"I have, Father."

Emilien stared at his child and gestured for him to sit.

"Are you perhaps thinking of graduating early?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Father."

Emilien smiled at the nonchalant reply.

"A mere pup is baring its fangs."

Emilien chuckled, tapping his finger on the sofa.

"Why do you want to graduate early?"

"I want to be admitted to the Military Academy after my graduation."

"Military? Not the Tower Institute?"

The Military Academy, like the Tower Institute and Royal Academy, does not have a noble quota, so anyone can enter. But what makes it different is that the Military Academy requires willpower and persistent training, such as lifting heavy crates and practicing swordsmanship, which is too grueling for many nobles.

Thus, only 10 percent of nobles enroll in the Military Academy, while the remaining 90 percent either go to the Tower Institute or Royal Academy.

"I want to follow the family's tradition."

Although the Leclair's follow the tradition of spending four years in the Military Academy and four years in the Tower Institute, most children spend eight years in the Tower Institute instead of entering the Military Academy.

I need to build my strength, so I will adhere to tradition.

Emilien had a smile on his face, placing his hand on his chin as he thought thoughtfully.

"Normally, each child takes two years."

Emilien paused, looking at his son, then placed his hand on his knee.

"I'll decide if you can graduate early. But tell me, son, what do you want to achieve with this early admission?"

My smile slowly faded. I would have said I wanted to gather as much strength as possible, but I need a strong foundation and backing. For that, I want something else—

"I want to become the patriarch. For that to come true, I need to hurry and get a head start."

Exactly. This family was created because of me, and I must take responsibility. I will not allow this household to fall to rock bottom because of my foolish older siblings.

Emilien's smile widened. He was internally laughing at his youngest's bold words. If it were any of his other children, he would have already scolded them for their brashness. But the youngest was different.

'That ambition in his eyes, it resembles mine.'

Emilien stood up, tidying his coat. He was pleased with his youngest's words.

"Well then, I'll decide if you are worthy for the early graduation."

Emilien left the room.

I bowed my head once more as he took the car and left the house. 


'I want to become the patriarch.'

"Seems like someone has finally showcased some wits."

Emilien chuckled as he looked at the horizon, remembering his youngest's proclamation. The boy reminded him of his past.

"Master, it seems you are in a good mood."

Hans, the old butler, asked as he drove the car.

"The youngest seems to be ambitious. He covets a position that requires overcoming many obstacles."

Hans softly sighed.

"I remember someone like that as well. A boy who boldly declared to the former patriarch that he would be the next head."

Emilien smiled as he looked out of the window. He's gazed wandered at the huge buildings and streets bustling with people.

Eventually, he arrived at his mansion. Emilien entered and was greeted by numerous servants. He lived alone in the spacious mansion.

"Master, Ms. Veverlyn came to visit. She's waiting for you in the guest room."

Emilien frowned, handed over his coat, and loosened his tie as he proceeded to the guest room. The servants opened the door, and a woman with long blonde hair stood up to greet him.

"Husband, good evening!"

She bowed slightly. Emilien gestured for her to sit. Emilien sat down and sipped his tea, watching the woman, who was looking down and not daring to meet his eyes.


Veverlyn continued to look away.

"Philip was caught with a suitcase filled with Lucid Dream."

She trembled while holding both her hands.