
The Universe Inside The Ocean.

If you love someone truly you will get him definitely. [ MAIN CHARACTER INTRO]. Adina she is an 18 year's old Charming girl, the daughter of a huge businessman in florida. And she is the only child in her family. She lived with her thomas family,and recently she just changed her college. At her first day in her new college she mate a guy named "ALEX WALKER" when she just entered in her 18th year. Alex is a 18 year handsome guy, son of a poor father who had a garage.

Adina_Awan · 青春言情
19 Chs

A Secret.

Who is their can you please tell me? Adina said.

It's me jacob. Unknown Caller said.

Oh jacob, who gave you my number? Adina said.

Sorry if you didn't like that so I will not call you again, wait but I'm your childhood friend I have right to call you anytime, anywhere. Jacob said.

You have right to call me everytime, and everywhere. Why you're my father? Adina said.

Yes I'm your father. Would you like to come with me today for a dinner. Jacob said.

Today we did lunch together then why dinner. Adina said.

Yeah but I really wanna meet you and wanna say something. Jacob said.

We can talk here,what do you wanna say? Adina said.

I can't tell you now, when we meet I will tell you at that time. Jacob said.

Okay then meet you at night. Adina said.

I will be their for pick you. Jacob said.

Well as you wish. Bye. Adina said.

Today Adina is going with jacob. She is not that much excited. Adina sat on the corner of her bed and looking at the mirror.

I'm only eighteen years old why I'm suffering with the horrible things and situation. That's not the age for me. At my age other girl's are happy. So why I'm being rude.

Infront of me here is a longest path.

How I can cross it with that pain. I have e to remove his memories for forever, I have to forget what happens in the past with me.

Jacob is my childhood friend. He will definitely understand me. May be he will give me that Adina back who was actually me.

Yes he can today I'm gonna tell him everything, I hope he will understand me, he will definitely understand me.

Adina decided to go with him happily and tell him everything.


Adina is ready and waiting for Jacob.

Mom I'm going for a dinner with Jacob. Adina said.

Okay honey, have fun. Mom said.

Jacob is standing near the car when she saw Adina is coming jacob open's the car's door. And then adina sat in the car.

First time someone open's door for me, except Driver's. Adina said.

So madam what do you wanna say I'm driver? Jacob said.

No I didn't mean that. I'm just asking. Adina said.

What's the plain for today? Jacob said.

Plain for what? You just asked for the dinner. Adina said.

Oh I didn't remember that. Don't be shy tell me where do you wanna go? Jacob said.

It's upon me? Adina said.

Yes! It's upon you. Jacob said.

Then get of from the car. Adina said.

But why you are snatching my car from me? Jacob said.

Yes I'm snatching your car from you. Adina said.

Why what happened? Jacob said.

I said get of from the car. Adina said.

Jacob stopped the car and get offed. Adina sat on the driving set.

Why you're are staring me? Come on sit. Adina said.

Sure, May I? Jacob said.

"Adina laughing"

What? What happened, what so funny. hehehe. Jacob said.

Look at you, what do you think I'm a thief? Adina said.

I can give you my life sweetheart, this is only a car. Jacob said.

I don't want anyone's life, I only want's everyone's appearance. Adina said.

Yeah, madam can you please drive? Jacob said.

Oh sorry I got emotional. So now we're going for a dinner then we're going to the beach Adina said.

Beach but why? Jacob said.

Because I wanna go their and it's my order. Adina said.

Okay madam as you wish Let's go!. Jacob said.

Adina is driving Jacob's car and enjoy a rhythmic music. They reached at the restaurant and have some delicious dinner.

Now jacob is very tired and he want's to go back home. But Jacob wanna say something to her and also he can't do anything. They reached at the beach.

Adina my head is paining. Jacob said.

I have painkiller have it and sit here. Adina said.

Please can we come here tomorrow? Jacob said.

No means no, these waves of ocean can relief your pain. Feel it infront of ocean I feels like all the universe is inside in the ocean. Adina said.

How it could be possible? How could be universe inside the ocean. Jacob said and laughs.

Why you're laughing? I Know it's not possible but here is a logic behind this. Adina said.

Okay madam! Adina I don't wanna hear your logic now can we go now? Jacob said.

Why? You're forgetting something, you said you wanna talk to me about something. Adina said.

Yes! I wanna say but it is not important. I will tell you another day. Jacob said.

No sit tell me what do you wanna say. Adina said.

After insisting him finally he is agree to tell her.

Adina I'm telling you this thing, please don't angry. Jacob said.

Okay I promise, I will not be angry. Adina said.

When we was children's, I like you so much. Jacob said.