
The Undying Evil Beast

the person you loved betrayed you, your world is shattered, you forget what it was like to feel alive, only when you make others suffer can you feel it... the feeling of being alive. so, why not make everything suffer? children, elders, dogs, cats, if their suffering can allow you to live... then torture them, feel free. let their screams bring you to life

Itachi101 · 漫画同人
19 Chs

The Dungeon

walking through Nazarick, Sora collected a few items which could be of great help to him. such as scrolls that had one-time cast spells, horns that could summon goblins to fight on his behalf, and teleportation-type items that could help him run away from the dangerous moment.

"Well, I can't stay for long, Albedo and Pandora's Actor. I will return first thing tomorrow, until then I will be leaving the event of taking care of Nazarick on my behalf... I don't know if others can enter or spy on this world, so be careful," Sora said softly while looking at the two who have been following him.

Albedo and Ainz personally created NPC Pandora's Actor. Pandora's Actor was already willing to follow Sora anywhere, so Sora didn't need to do something like... make up a Story to get his loyalty. Pandora's Actor was the guardian of this treasury, and along with Albedo, they were the only two who could match Demiurge's level of intelligence,

"leave it to us lord." they both cried out as they matched Sora slowly begin to disappear from this world, and return back to the outside world.

"We are in a dangerous world, but there is a lot of fun. starting from nothing, but the chance to reach height like none other... that something fun." Sora said softly, thinking of all the fun he would be having getting EP., and with that he disappeared, reappearing outside at the spot he had left.

{ocngrulation host, you have gained 210 EP} the system said confusing Sora on what he did to gain EP did he do anything evil?

{host, you lied to your followers. acted like the person who stayed with them, and even made them choose you over their creators. news of your actions has spread all over Nazarick, moving everyone. good job on getting evil points lord,} the system said stunning Sora for a moment but he nodded as he pulled something out of his system storage,

'I will need to enter the dungeon and level up now, I guess I have no choise but to head to the village. although I can't die, I can still be defeated and locked up or something.' Sora thought as he went on to look at the book he pulled out.

It was called the Momonga Spellbook. it had every spell Momonga knew, from the game known as YGGDRASIL. In YGGDRASIL, the total number of spells available was well over 6000, with each level up earning the power to learn three new spells for a max of 300 spells. Additionally, progress after every seven levels in Magic Caster Classes allows the user to rise to a new tier, ranging from the order of 1st tier to the 10th tier.

Since Sora was only at level 1, he could only learn tier 1 spells, once he was at level 8, he could learn tier 2 spells, and so on and so on.

1st Tier (Level 1-7): The most common level of magic. Much practical magic is included in this tier. Anyone can use 1st-tier magic by training, though it takes too much time and effort for those without talent. Those capable of performing this tier can earn proper pay as a kind of special worker.

2nd Tier (Level 8-14): These are spells for those who have talent, numbering 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 10,000. It is the common goal of normal magic casters. Those who achieve this tier can earn a good income and reputation.

3rd Tier (Level 15-21): Only the brightest achieve this tier. 3rd tier magic casters are quite rare and they were considered to be most likely a platinum-rank Adventurer, being those of the new world where the anime took place. it was unknown what this rank would be within this world Sora was within.

this tier went up to tier 11, 11th Tier (Level 71-100): it is the unofficial rank of Super-Tier Magic, otherwise known as magic of the gods. By YGGDRASIL standard, it is simply called Super-Tier Magic,

there were other types of skills, such as Racial Class Skills, which are skills that only those of their race could only have. there were also Job Class Skills, Basic Undead Race Traits, and Class Abilities.

most of the abilities here were something Sora could instantly learn thanks to his ability, [I'm Already Dead], Sora went on to gain the ability,

Biological Penalties' Resistance, Critical Hit Immunity, Dark Vision, Death Immunity, Disease Immunity, Eating, Drinking, and Breathing are Unnecessary, Energy Drain Immunity Mind-affecting Immunity, Necromancy Resistance, Paralysis Immunity, Physical Penalty Resistance, Poisoning Immunity, Recover by Negative Energy, Sleep Immunity

but Sora didn't learn every ability, such as Bludgeoning Vulnerability V, Doubled Damage by Fire, Good, Light and Holy Vulnerability IV, and Good and Holy Consecrated Areas' Vulnerability II,

after learning the Basic Undead Race Traits, Sora went on to learn the Class Abilities, which were much more powerful abilities.

Instant Death Magic Enhancement, Rite of Darkness, Undead Aura, Undead Creation, Undead Control, and Undead Strengthening.

Sora then went on to learn the Racial Class Skills, but he found that he couldn't learn all of them, some of them needed him to be of a higher level,

Ability Damage I, Acid Immunity, Arcane Vision, Black Halo, Create Low Tier Undead, Dark Soul, Electric Immunity, Ice Immunity, Negative Energy Touch, Negative Protection, Negative Protection, Negative Protection, Status Damage l, Slashing Damage Resistance l, Piercing Damage Resistance l, Turn Resistance I, Undead Blessing, Unholy Protection.

and for the Job Class Skills, there was only 1 ability for Sora to get, Undead Lieutenant.

with all of this done, Sora went on to learn the undead-type abilities Aniz knew, for these spells, the system allowed him just to instantly learn them upon having the thought of learning them.

{Does the host wishes to learn [Summon Undead 1st]} the system asked to which Sora nodded slightly, with that Sora went on instantly learn all tier 1 spells, although he knew all of these abilities, they didn't use mana, instead, they used his mental energy, which was not that strong

So, Sora eat the awakening chakra pill, and once he took it, he felt his physical and spiritual energy coming together to awaken a new and much more powerful energy. this energy was powerful, far more so than any of the energy working alone on their own.

'alright, send me to a dungeon... and are the NPC able to join me.' Sora said calmly he needed to get a huge

{the creation of a dungeon needs an EP host, and no, the host is unable to bring them out of the space host, please level up the space.} the system said, making hands twitch for some time, wanting to kill someone. this system told him all of the good things but left out the bad stuff, how hateful.

'how much?' Sora said with a chilling voice, which the system didn't seem to notice as it went on to answer as if it heard nothing.

{there are grades to the dungeon, the higher the rank of the dungeon, the more powerful the monsters within but the higher the entrance fee. From 1 star to 12 stars, the prince of each dungeon is 100 times greater than the last. so the host would need 100 EP to just enter the 1-star dungeon.} the system said making Sora sigh as he went on to buy the 1-star dungeon,

'the entrance fee? does this mean that you're not really creating the dungeon?' Sora asked calmly,

{thats right host, these entrances are like tickets to worlds that are already there. such as the slime dungeon, zombie dungeon, and so on. Similar to those games, you will get XP from killing lifeforms, and at the same time, you have a chance of getting drops.} the system said as a portal appeared behind Sora, the portal was a dirty copper color, which Sora step into once the system told him to.

Sora's world turned upside down, and he lost all sense of direction, unable to tell up from down, or left to right. if he was a normal human, he would have felt sick, but he was like an undead,

Sora's opened his eyes and found himself laying on a grass field, Sora blinked slightly while looking at the sky. the air within this world was... unique.

{random (1-star) dungeon (number- 2823093): Slime Dungeon} a notification popped up in front of him. Sora sat up and saw slimes coming out of the forest, the slimes seemed to be aimless, just wondering around, but upon sensing Sora, they began rushing towards him.

"... Summon Undead 1st," Sora said as he held his palm out, a magic circle appeared before Sora, and slowly from the magic circle, an undead house cat appeared before Sora, making Sora speechless for some time.

although the zombie-type house cat looked weak, it was buffed thanks to Undead Strengthening, as for how much, Sora didn't know.

pointing forward, the cat rushed forward and began to attack the slimes. the body of the slime shook as a tentacle reached out to hit the cat at high speed, the cat jumped to the side under Sora's control. if it was not under Sora's control, this zombie cat would have run into the attack,

the cat's claws landed on the clime, disinforming the slime only for it to reform, the same launched a counterattack, hitting the cat and sending it backward, but it landed on its feet. the car rushed backward, and after a long-fought battle, the slime was killed, but the cat was also killed.

'they are both about equally strengthen.' Sora thought as he looked at the notification,

{Killed a blue slime... you have gained 1XP and 10EP}

Sora looked at this for some time before looking at the slimes which were coming toward him, he needed a total of 10 XP, so he just needed to kill 8 more slimes.

Sora wanted to draw out his chakra, but he had no control over it, the only reason he could use the spell was that the system give him the knowledge to use chakra in that way. but in other normal ways like using chakra to strengthen himself, Sora did not know a such thing.

Sora stepped forward, and tried his best to dodge the slime tentacle shooting toward him, with a step, he kicked the slime, sending the slime shooting backward like a rocket, but he quickly noticed from the corner of his eyes a tentacle was shooting toward him

quickly moving, he grabbed the tentacle and pulled the slime towards him, there was a limit to how far these slimes could stretch themselves, seemly 2 or so meters. slime flew towards him and Sora went on to punch it hard, but that was not enough to kill it,

Sora took a step backward seeing he was being surrounded, holding his hand out, his charka flew out, and Sora used Magic Arrow. his charak formed into an arrow in front of him and shot towards a slime, stabbing it and sending it sliding backward, before it disappeared, with hat Sora killed it and gained 1XP along with 10 EP

Sora frowned slightly seeing he was being surrounded, hesitating he went on to use Summon Undead 1st and went on to summon as much undead as his chakra pool could allow. but to his shock, Sora found he had an endless amount of chakra,

He was undead, his spirit was always high, and his physical energy was endless, so of course he had an endless amount. being undying to such a degree, he of course had endless energy to draw upon, the only thing was the quitting and power of his energy.

{host you have an endless amount of chakra, note that [Undying] gives you this, along with having the undead abilities you have learned. note that, the quality and strength of your chakra would depend on how fast you can recover from injuries. right now, if someone crushes your heart, you would need months to recover. if your head is destroyed, you would need months to recover and years for your memories to recover.} the system said to which Sora nodded slightly as he looked at the 10 undead animals before him,

they all rushed forward and began slaughtering the slimes, in no time, Sora leveled up to level 2, at which point a notification popped in front of Sora.

{congratulation host for leveling up to level 2, the host has gained 5 stat points.} the system said as a screen popped in front of Sora,

{HP: [Undying]

MP: endless






Available Stat points: 5

Sora looked at his stat for some time before he went on to put his stat into Mag. ATK, he put all of them into that stat, and once he did Sora felt that his chakra growing stronger. holding out his hands, Sora felt as if the undead he could now summon were much stronger than the other ones,

'well let's spend things up...' Sora said as he held out a hand, and with a flash, the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown appeared in his hands.

The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown takes on traits similar to that of the Greek God Hermes' caduceus. It is entwined by seven serpents and in each of the squirming serpents' mouths holds a jewel of a different color. Its grip has a transparent quality like crystal and emits a bluish-white light. When touched, it spews a dark red aura. Sometimes, the faces of humans in agony would appear and crumble away and dance on its surface. Such of an effect from the staff is so vivid that it felt as though one could hear their voices of pain.

"Summon Fire Elemental," Sora called out while raising the staff to the sky,