
The Undying Dragon

Apollyon from For Honor and Smaug from Lord of the rings are killed and reincarnated into Essos.

Ghidorah · 电视同人
7 Chs

The Tale of Two Sisters

-On the way to Yunkai-

Daenerys and her trusted council were inside a tent discussing important topics.

"What's left for discussion." Daenerys asks.

"My Queen are you sure it was the right call to send a messenger to Mantarys."

"Yes what is wrong with that. Didn't you say that this Apollyon person united the slaves and took back the city." Daenerys looks around.

"Yes but the situation as changed. You must know that not all people are like you Khaleesi." Jorah said.

"What happened." Daenerys demanded looking at Sir Barristan and Jorah.

"After 2 weeks the people named Apollyon their leader. Apollyon then declared himself Emperor of the Blackstone Empire and changed the name of Mantarys to Pyres." Barristan said.

"Blackstone empire?" Daenerys couldn't remember any empire of that name.

"Yes Apollyon created it and is capital and only land is Pyres but most empires never stay in one city." Jorah said.

"The worst part is that Apollyon seems to be crazy. Immediately after the declaring himself emperor he had the city slaughter each other to 'weed out the weak so only the strong remained'. In less than a day half the city was dead." Barristan told her.

Daenerys stared at the floor and balled up her fist.

"I thought they were like me how could someone tell their people to do that." Daenerys was enraged.

"Apparently he is in love with battle and had been named Apollyon the Warmonger. He also started an army named the Blackstone Legion that has at least 18,000 people give it take a few thousand." Jorah said.

"So after Yunkai and Meereen we will travel to Pyres." Daenerys said.

"Your grace please it's not necessary the people seem to be happy with his rule and their army is much bigger than ours." Jorah pleaded.

"He is right. There is no need to have thousands of our men killed to save a city that doesn't want to be saved." Barristan said.

"Alright." Daenerys sighed.

"Khaleesi the messenger is back." A men entered the tent.

"Let him in." The messenger entered the tent.

"How did it go." She asked

"The Emperor said that he was too busy to come and that he would meet you after you take Meereen." The messenger said.

"How did the people look when you were there."

"The seemed fine Khaleesi but there was a large amount of soldiers and shops to help them."

"He centering the empire around the army." Barristan said.

"And what about Apollyon."

"He was frightening to say the least the way his presence was demanded respect. Before I entered the court someone challenged him to a death battle for the position of Emperor. A huge man much bigger than the Emperor I was outside but I could see a little bit of the fight."

"I'm guessing the Apollyon won." Jorah said.

"Was it wasn't even close he slaughter the man with ease. I also overheard the guards talking when the revolt happened the Emperor slaughter entire groups of soldier by himself and took the palace alone."

"He's a great fighter then." Daenerys said.

"Great would be an understatement." The messenger replied.

"Do you think any of us could beat him." Jorah motion to him, Barristan, and Greyworm.

"With all due respect…No." the messenger said.

"I will meet with this Emperor after taking Meereen and there I will show him true power." Daenerys said.


Finally finishing the requests for the day Apollyon takes a stroll down her garden and spots Smaug sitting in the middle of a bunch of bones.

"Your growing big fast."

"This place is home to many large animals." Smaug snorted smoke.

"How long until I can ride you into battle."

"Hmph a year but you should be on the ground not riding me. Firstly I would handicap me with trying to fight and take care of you and secondly you wouldn't be doing anything as I can think for myself unlike other dragons. It would be more efficient for you to be on the ground."

"I know but I want to ride a dragon into battle at least once."

"Not this dragon." Smaug blows a weak stream of fire at fire.

"You will come around." Apollyon laughs and walks off.

Entering her chambers she removes her armor and gets into a nightgown as she prepares to go to sleep early when she here's a knock on the door.

"Who is it."

"Genz." Genz said.

"I just want to sleep." Apollyon opens the door to see Genz with Mariela beside him.

She was now in a beautiful red dress and all cleaned up. Apollyon could tell she was beautiful but didn't think she was this beautiful.

"Come in."

"Going to bed so early and you didn't even tell me." Genz tried to hop in the bed but Apollyon kicked him into the wall.

"Like I would ever share a bed with a dirty brute like you leave us so we can talk."

"Fine, Fine at least the girls at the pink lotus will treat me well." Genz said.

"Don't waste all the money I'm paying you on brothels or I'm taking them away." Apollyon shouts before shouting the door.

"So Mariela I couldn't help but notice you eyeing me up and down." Apollyon back her up onto the bed.

"I just didn't think our Emperor was a woman and such a beautiful one at that." Mariela said.

"Not many do know posing as a man makes me more accepted though I tend to show myself soon." Apollyon said.

"Your a Targaryen." Mariela said suddenly realizing what might happen

"And your a Lannister." Apollyon got closer to her

"Yes what are you going to do to me." Mariela asked with unyielding eyes.

"Nothing if I want revenge I would have killed you before beside you were a child at the time just as I was you had nothing to do with it." Apollyon said hovering over her on the bed

"Say was there anyone in Westeros that might have wanted to have you gone." Apollyon asked getting up and pouring them a glass of wine each.

"Hmm I'm not sure I never bothered anyone I mostly focused on studying."

"It's no exaggeration to say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen could there have been anyone jealous or thought you might have threatened their position." Apollyon said handing the glass.

"By the seven the bitch had me kidnapped." Mariela's glass shattered in her hand.

"Damn that was good wine." Apollyon said looking at it on the floor.

"I always thought it was my beauty but it was Cersei that whore but she couldn't have done it herself at that age and probably would have killed me that little sociopath no she had help." Mariela didn't care for the shards of glass in her hand or the blood.

"I heard Tywin Lannister was exceptionally powerful and valued the Lannister name he probably didn't want you killed so he had you kidnapped." Apollyon picked up the glass and threw it away before bringing out some bandages and alcohol.

Mariela started cursing the entire Lannister line and Cersei while Apollyon took out the glass and poured alcohol on her hands before tying cloth around them.

"Thank you your majesty I apologize for the display."

"Just call me Apollyon in private and it's fine in fact I enjoy your fiery personality." Apollyon waved it off.

"I have lots of work to do tomorrow with all the changes made to the empire the financial and economic books are a mess I better get back to my room and sleep."

"No stay here for tonight." Apollyon said.

"Alright." Mariela had a tint of red on her cheeks as she took of her dress revealing a nightgown and slipped into bed with Apollyon.