
The Truth Comes Out

     Meanwhile inside the underworld gate life in the underworld had changed.  The underworld had long been ruled by the god Osis, who himself was a god of death.  Everywhere Osis went death followed him. If he walked upon a bed of flowers they would wither and die for hundreds of yards around him. Everywhere Osis went the life there was extinguished, thus was the existence of a god of death.  This of course had caused the other gods to kick Osis out of the realm of the gods and into the underworld. The underworld wasn't such a bad place for him, since everything was dead already his presence did not cause destruction. He reigned over the underworld for countless eons deep from inside of it.  He had a great palace built so that he may live in comfort, even in the underworld.

      The events of the surface had gone completely unnoticed by Osis so far. However, all of that was about to change. Osis was feeling rather melancholy as he does from time to time and decided that would be good to take a trip to the edge of the underworld.  To look at the door that kept him imprisoned and to ponder about how beautiful it all must be on the other side. He had not stepped foot on the world since he almost wiped it out. During the Permian extinction which wiped out 99.5% of all life on earth. It was after that event that he became trapped in the underworld.  The underworld's sky was grey and the whole place was void of color. Oh how Osis longed to see the bright colors of the mortal world again.

      "What do I see . Oh, what could it be? Is it open for me? Will I be Free?" Osis said as he approached the gate.  He could see the doors were flung open and that there was a steady flow of underworld minions exiting the gate. "Oh it's true! I will see the sky blue! Oh the colors for me it's great! I cannot believe at last I will see the world and my curiously shall sate."  As he got closer and closer to the gate he saw the blue sky and it kept his attention. "Sky so open big and bright! Oh how I have missed that sun's light!" Finally he reached the gate and stood in front of it. "Do I dare cross the line. The other gods might force a fine. Do I dare incur their wrath. Just so I avoid my undead staff."

       He crossed the gate into the world, once again Osis was on Earth.  "Oh, dear me where is the life? Was it all wiped out by some sort of strife? I thought I would see a world of life and wonder.  But all I see is a world torn asunder." In sadness Osis decided that he was going to investigate the mortal realm. After all there should be no danger if everything is already dead.  "At least the sun still shines through! I shall travel this world in hope of a clue."

       Back in Chicago Jim and company were preparing to leave.  They had rested all night and were about to depart to Kansas City. The T.V. Was on in the background and the news could be heard.  "So you are putting forth your name to be the next president?" The news anchor asked. The person on the screen was a well known public figure. He had once been an actor but later became governor.  Now his ambitions were set on taking the Presidency. "So Mr. Tuffdigger, what makes you believe you would be the best choice for president?"

      Mr. Tuffdigger responds. "I believe that our people need a strong and dependable leader. Someone who is not afraid of the undead and will fight to reclaim our lands what were lost to the fog." He pauses for a moment. "We need a president who does not build walls, but tears them down. A President who does not cower in fear, but inflicts fear upon his enemies. We need someone like me, who will get the job done, and do it right.  Please call me Ronald, Mr Tuffdigger was my father."

      "Damn it Jim." Susan proclaimed.


      "What Susan?" Jim asked.


      "Your going to kill my favorite actor! That's what!" She yelled.

      "Oh shit Ronald Tuffdigger is running for president eh." Jim replied.


       "Ya and your overpowered victory power is probably going to get him killed." She sighed.  "Not that I guess there will be any more movies, with the whole end of the world going on. But still I like that guy!"

       Astros injected himself into their conversation. "Speaking of movies fairy girl, you and Jim promised to tell me what those are. So what are they and while your at it explain that T.V."

       "In a nut shell, a device takes pictures in one location and sends them to another." Jim replied. "So you can see what's happening when your far away. That's what a TV is. Now for movies thats where you take pictures and save them so you can watch them later.  You can also add a bunch of special effects like explosions!"

     "Interesting. Show me one later." Astros said.

     "Sure Astros, after we get to Kansas and register for the presidency we will go to the movie theater and watch whatever you want." Jim said. "It is your first movie after all."

      Jim summons his flying godly chariot and they take off into the sky.  This of course was seen by on lookers, and they made more videos for the internet.

      "Did you see that?" One on looker asked.

      "You mean the glowing carriage pulled by winged horses that flew away?" A person replied.

      "Ya that!" The original person responded.

      "Nope must have missed it." The other onlooker said with a grin.

     During the flight to Kansas City, Susan and Astros had another conversation. "Astros?" Susan asked.

     "What is it fairy girl?" Astros replied.

     "Back when you did the ritual to determine what kind of god Jim was, was it necessary to have you both naked?" Susan asked.

    Astros grinned. "Of course it was. For me. I wanted to so it was very necessary." Just then Astros paused and his face went blank. "Fairy girl, this is bad."

    Susan was alarmed by Astros' sudden change in demeanor. "What's wrong Astros? What is bad?" She asked.

    "I feel another god, in the mortal realm.  Jim and I are not the only ones anymore." Astros said to Susan.

   "Oh god! Which one is it?" She asked.

   "Judging by this aura I feel, it has to be him, the only god banished to the underworld.  The god of death Osis." Astros replied with a worried expression.

    "Why was he banished? And I thought the humans made the gates to trap the mythical creatures." Susan asked.

    "What did one of Jim's books tell you that?" Astros snickered. "Silly mortals taking credit for things they had no part in.  We gods made the gates, in response to Osis."

    "What?! But the war?!" Susan asked.

     "Again with your bad information, the only war was between the gods and the mythical races.  The fairies especially were unwilling to be locked up!" Astros responded. "We gods made the gates because we did not want another event to occur like it did with Osis. He wiped out almost all life."

     "Holy shit!" Susan exclaimed. "How did he do it?"

     "He is a god of death, he does it just by existing." Astros continued.  "His personality does not help at all either. He rhymes with everything he says, and he is so damn depressing! He is literally one of the few gods I did not try to bang."

      "Wow, back to the gates. You said the gods made them?" Susan asked.

      "Yes we put up the gate to the underworld first and set it up so that the souls of the dead would travel freely through it." Astros explained. "Before we did that souls of the dead kind of just lingered where they died."

      "And the dwarf and fairy gates?" Susan asked.

      "Life was almost extinguished, well non magical life anyway, so we decided it would be best if we locked away the magical life so that mortal life could thrive." Astros responded.

     "So you locked up the fairies and the dwarves to protect mortal life." Susan asked.

    "That's correct." Astros said. "However we did not lock all of them up and over the millions of years since the event they helped bring mortal life back from the brink.  When you humans finally showed up millions of years later, it was a group effort between all of the magical races. All we had before you were beasts really."

    "Wow! So humans were made by the gods!" Susan was shocked!

    "Well ya, didn't you wonder why you lot looked exactly like gods?" Astros asked.

    "Actually never seen a god until I met you and then I never thought about it."

    "Sigh, anyways after we created humanity that's when you have your prehistory." Astros continued. "That's probably where you got your information from. During this time the fairies that were out, the dwarves, the gods, and humans lived peacefully in a world full of magic."

      "But magic was sealed behind the gates and you said they.." Susan started but Astros cut her off.

      "Magic was not sealed until we sealed it." Astros responded. "That is what the war was about.  We gods were bored and wanted to see how far our new creation would go without our interference.  So we sealed the rest of the dwarves and fairies, with the earth's magic into the gates. We then sealed ourselves inside of a gate with the rest of earth's magic."

      "So the gods have been responsible for everything in the past?" Susan asked.

      "Yes, fairy girl who did you think did it?" Astros asked.

      "But who made the gods?" Susan asked.

     "We have just always have been." Astros replied.

Just then the carriage lands they have finally arrived in Kansas.