
Life After the End

    Two weeks have passed since the apocalypse occurred. Mankind is coping with the loss of over 80% of the population. Mythical undead creatures now roam most of Europe and Asia. All of the life forms that were touched by the fog were twisted into demon beasts, the ground is scorched and all the buildings and creations of man have been decayed and twisted.  It is as if the earth itself has become the land of the dead. Cities that were once full of life and people are now full of shadows and zombies.  

      The fog did not over the entire earth however, there are parts of the USA, Canada, Russia, Australia, Mexico, and a few other South American countries that were untouched by the fog.  In these areas although the fog itself did not touch them its presence can still be felt. Invading hordes of zombies are being held back by what is left of the militaries. The loss of the government in the US has created a lawless chaos that the military is trying to counter with Marshall law. When that seal was broken the underworld came back to earth, no longer a place of myth, the underworld is here.

     It has been two weeks since Jim promised Susan that he would find a way to save her family.  He has been reading every book he could find in the temple in hopes that one would contain a spell that would reverse death.  He has found nothing, since the books were written after magic had been sealed there are only simple spells contained within them. Small tricks like summoning flame or water, nothing as grand as resurrection.  Jim is determined not to give up though, he will bring Susan's family back if its the last thing he does.

    Susan has been adjusting to life without her family for the past two weeks, she has basically been the walking dead herself. Only coming out of her chambers to eat or use the bathroom.  One day during one of her trips to the mess hall she sees Jim still working hard on the books and decides to talk to him. "Hey Jim." Susan said as she attempted to crack a smile at Jim. Susan had not been taking care of herself very well the past two weeks, her hair was a mess and she smelled of someone who has not showered in weeks.  She had lost everything she loved and it was the end of the world, so what was the point of being pretty? She thought.

    Jim who had not been grooming himself either, not because of depression, but because of a drive to save Susan's family.  He had barely eaten, slept, or showered, he has only been reading spell books trying to save her family. He was so into his research he did not even notice her talking to him. This upset her, she finally decided to open up and communicate and she was just ignored.  She raises her voice and tries again. "I SAID HEY JIM" she yells standing right next to him. This of course snaps him out of his own little world and startles him. He jumps about a foot in the air.

     "Oh Susan, I didn't notice you there. Sorry." Jim apologized to the fuming Susan. "Are you ok do you need anything?" Jim looks Susan over seeing what a mess she was, the shirt he had given her was starting to get holes from wear, her hair was just an oily mess all to one side, and her face was still puffy from all the crying she had been doing.

      "Do I need anything? You mean besides my family?" Susan asked with tears welling up. Jim just looks at her not knowing what he could say.  He did not mean to make her upset, but now he realizes that he should have asked a different question.

    "I'm sorry Susan, I didn't mean…" Jim starts but Susan cuts him off.

    "It is ok Jim, I know you are trying." She looks at him a smiles as a single tear escapes her eyes. "Have you learned anything that could help bring them back? Or at least anything that's useful to us right now?" She asked.

    "I haven't found a spell strong enough to bring back the dead yet, I have found a few useful spells though. I know these might be personal questions but I need to know this information for the spell I am about to cast. What size clothing do you wear?" Jim responded to a now dumbfounded Susan.

    "I don't know why you would need to know that Jim, but my pants size is a two and my shirt size is small." Questionly responded Susan.

    "Your undergarments?" Asked Jim who is now blushing.

     Susan's face turns red and she sheepishly responds to him, "My bra is 32B and my panties are small."

     "Thank you Susan" Jim walks a bit so that he has a clear opening. He begins to speak in the ancient magical language and a portal begins to form.  Inside the portal you could see something was taking shape. Slowly fabrics were woven together and clothes began to form.

    Susan sees what's going on and cant help but feel joy for the first time in two weeks, she was finally going to get out of this stupid shirt. Finally the spell is completed and her new clothes fall to the ground. The shirt was a flowing silk with shoulder straps and a flowing design, the pants looked nice as well.  They were also a flowing silk design. Silk bra and panties also fell. Everything was white with golden runes on it.

    "There ya go Susan, sadly thats one of the most useful spells I have learned so far."  Jim said while smiling. "Why don't you go wash up and change, I will make myself some clothes while you are in the shower.

     "Thank you Jim" Susan says as she goes to the bathroom.  After she gets inside and closes the door she strips down, he had been wearing the same clothes so long they were almost stuck to her. "Oh wow I was super nasty." She had not realized just how dirty she was until this moment. Having never worked this shower before she was a bit confused. There were no knobs, no curtain, just a room, not even a shower head. "How does this work?" she wondered. "It is probably magic, everything down here is magical" she thought to herself. The kitchen in which she had preparing her food was magical as well. The oven was just a box you put food in and a minute later you take it out and it would be cooked. "Maybe the shower works the same way?" She said as she walked towards what appeared to be the showering area of the room. As she entered the area a portal began to form above her. When the portal finished forming water started to come out just like a shower. "Oh this is nice. The water is at a perfect temperature." She thought.  Then more portals began to form all around her. "Wait what's this? What's going on?" She started to panic. The extra portals began to shoot a stream of soapy water at her cleaning her every inch, like she was a building being pressure washed. "No not there!" Susan yelled as the beam of water was starting to reach her personal area. A shock flew through her body as pleasure struck her. Her back arched and she couldn't help but to let out a moan. "Ok I think I'm clean there, I think.. you.. can.. move on now. Ahhhh" Susan pants as she pleads with the magic to stop. Just as suddenly as the shower started it ended, leaving a panting Susan on the ground, upset although clean. She gets out before the shower attacks her again and dresses in her new clothes. As she puts them on she notices that the golden runes light up and glow. "That's weird I'll have to ask Jim about that." Saying his name reminded her that he suggested the shower, that magical assault was his fault. She was not happy.

    "Susan you done in there?" Asked Jim who was now at the door. The door suddenly flew open with Susan standing there in her new clothes. Still blushing from her shower experience. She looks up at the giant of a man in front of her.

    "Jim can you bend over for a second?" Susan asked.

    "Ok sure Susan." Jim bends down towards her. As soon as he is close enough, a loud SLAP can be heard as Susan slaps him across the face. She then storms back to her chambers and slams the door.  "What was that about?" Wondered Jim. "Did she not like her new clothes? Maybe I was off in the casting and they are too tight. They didn't look too tight though. Maybe I should just ask her after she cools down.  Jim starts to take his shower and thinks about what he needs to do. "I could do that spell I guess." He was referring to spell he had discovered earlier that day. The spell has the ability to transport a being from one side of the sealed gate to the other.  Essentially freeing one of the mythical inhabitants of the sealed realm. "I'll need to ask Susan if she thinks it is a good idea, to set a god loose on this world." Jim continued to think while he showered.

     Meanwhile Susan was calming down from her first magical shower experience.  "Maybe it's not his fault. Maybe I overreacted a little bit. I should probably apologize to him." She thought to herself.  Susan got up and decided she was going to talk to Jim, mainly about the glowing runes on her clothes, but also she might apologize, she hadn't decided on that second part yet. As she enters the main chamber she sees Jim now wearing flowing white like she is, expect his runes are glowing a red color instead of her light yellow.  "Jim why are the runes on our clothes glowing?" Susan asked.

     "Oh that, those are runes of protection. They respond to your magical attributes. Whatever your strongest connection to magic is that is the color they will glow.  Each magic has its only color, but sometimes people can have multiple attributes causing the colors to be a bit weird. As you can see you have a light yellow glow, that means you have the attribute of light magic.  My color is of a golden royal red, because I have multiple attributes. As the guardian of the realm of the gods I have both of the attributes that were sealed in the god realm, as well as fire I think. Honestly I don't know what the red is all about."

    "So wait I could use magic?" Asked Susan.

    "Of course! Especially since you are light element and this close to the source of the light magic. Do you want to try a spell?" Replied Jim.

    "Ok, lets try some magic!" Susan was starting to get excited that she could use magic too.

    "Alright so we will try one of the easiest light spells. Close your eyes and clear your mind.  Hold out your hands in front of you, now picture a pitch black room. Put yourself inside that room, now picture yourself holding a ball of light.  Really focus that ball into your hands. Think of it as your goal." Explained Jim.

    As Susan was picturing the light in her mind, in the real world magic was beginning to swirl around her. Waves of light were shooting off her body and her hair began to rise. "Ok Susan, open your eyes and bring the ball back with you!" Jim exclaimed because he had never seen a magical reaction quite as strong as this one.  As she opened her eyes they were of pure light and a massive ball of light energy formed in her hands. "Ok Susan now raise your hands and push the ball into the air." She began to raise her arms and did as Jim instructed. The orb of light ascended to the center of the room and just hung there. "Great work Susan! You just did magic! You used the spell light source! I must say thats the first time I have ever seen anyone do it on their first try, nor have I seen an orb quite that large! Magic must really love you Susan!" Jim just could not hide his excitement.

     Susan looks up at her spell and she is in awe. She cannot believe that she actually used magic, it felt amazing.  While she was casting the spell she felt as if she could feel everything around her, like everything was a part of herself.  "I did it?" She seems surprised that she pulled it off.

     "That's just amazing Susan I am still in shock about it." Replied Jim. I think that spell I was thinking about might be fine to use now.

    "What spell Jim?" Asked Susan.

    "Oh just a spell that could pluck a god from their side of the gate and bring them here." Answered Jim. "You see the gods are an ancient race, basically immortal. So it's very plausible we get one who might know a spell to help your family."

     Susan seems happy but also worried, "But why would the god help us?  I mean you said they are very self centered and only care about their own pleasure, so why would it help?"

    "Oh thats because of you." Smiled Jim. "You see I have never heard of anyone that has a reaction to magic like you do, I think the god will be very interested in you, so they might find it fun to help us.  Plus outside of their realm, they will not have much magic and two versus one is always a safe bet!"

    "Ok lets do it. I want to see my kids again, any risk is worth it." Replied Susan.  Jim then began walking to the gate and started to cast his spell. The room shook and started noises were heard from the gate. The runes on the gate began to light up and a portal started forming in the middle of the door.  When the portal finished forming a beam of light shot out onto the ground. Then the portal closed, leaving only the beam of light. As the beam faded a figure could clearly be seen. They had done it, they had summoned a god.