The Dark World denizen who named himself as Delares from answering one of my questions started spitting out pieces of information he's keeping from the depths of his mind. From outside, Nysia was hearing everything he revealed.
This Delares instantly gave up when he felt his Dark Energy dispersing and his lifeforce burning from one of his toes. With the use of my increased control on energy, I let the Psyche Energy be locked in place inside one of his toes.
It's different from how I tried to calm Nysia down by injecting Psyche energy to her. Energies can be used on different purposes after all. There's Psyche Boost and Dispelling Arrow which were both made from the same energy but have different effects.
Due to the locked aggressive Psyche Energy, the dark color of its skin slowly turned into white which brought about his screams that filled the containment cell he was in.