

"Are you sure you are not hiding anything?" Ximena asked in response to Zaria's groan that seemed to be out of the blue. When the latter nodded, she did not believe her but she took her word for it nonetheless.

"I know what we both need. A night out at the club?" She suggested.

"No!" Zaria exclaimed, then immediately realized that she had overreacted. "I mean, no. I have work to do tonight and I will need to be sober for that."

"Okay." Ximena did not believe a word she was saying but she did not push it. "Then I'll bring you some decaffeinated coffee to drink while you work." She headed for the door.

"Thank you." She smiled. As soon as the door shut behind Ximena, her blood ran cold. Why would she offer her decaffeinated coffee?

When Ximena came back, she had a mug of coffee in her hand and Zaria wondered where she had gotten decaffeinated coffee out of the blue.

She set it on the table and sat on the couch next to the confused Zaria.