
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · 其他
45 Chs

Chapter 20 First Day

The next few days passed by like a blur for Takemi. He and Angelina spent most of their time at Four Leaves, giving feedback for the CAD design that Takemi asked them to do and to establish a relationship between psions and prana.

The former was going very well and even had a rough model before the end of the day to which Takemi asked,

"Can you make it a little more durable?".

The engineers all gave each other looks of dismay when they saw the young man in front of them bend the metal model with just his bare hands. Takemi apologized to them but that didn't stop most of them from glaring at him with anger in their eyes.

Tatsuya was having some ground-breaking research done about the effects of psions on mana. He discovered some spells, had an adverse affect on the stability of the mana orb that Takemi gathered, most of the time resulting in a massive explosion, leaving behind a crater even a battleship would find hard to accomplish.

However, despite these explosions still being a random occurrence, there was one accident that changed the way both Takemi and Tatsuya looked at psions and prana forever.

The fact that they discovered it was a miracle as Takemi was talking with Angelina while creating the mana orb and created one bigger than a basketball before it got hit by one of Miyuki's Density Manipulation, who also happened to be distracted by her elder brother's praise.

The result was that the mana ball above Takemi's hand crystallized when it was introduced to the foreign psions. They tried time and time again to repeat that exact experiment however it gave no results.

"There must be a catalyst that we did not foresee. We have repeated the experiment 391 times and we have had no success. An outside variable must have affected our results".

The four agreed at Takemi's conclusion. Tatsuya wanted to to the experiment a couple (hundred) more times but was refused by Takemi.

They investigated everything that was in the room with them at the time. Their clothes, perfume, bacteria, water density, temperature but was to no avail.

Before they knew it, it was time for the start of the school year and while Takemi was starting his first year at High School, the Shiba siblings stayed at FLT, ignoring the need for school as First High only checked the test results, not the family background or previous records.

Angelina on the other hand, went back to the USNA for her final year of middle school before coming back to Japan to attend First High.

"I'm going to miss you!". Said Angelina with watery eyes.

Takemi cupped her cheek and gave her a kiss on the forehead before waving her off.

He wouldn't see the blonde haired girl for at least half a year which made for an emotional goodbye and a future emotional reunion.

"Sh*t! Musashi we have to get up!".

The first day of First High had arrived and a certain Master and Servant just woke up, the latter sleeping on top of the former. Musashi was a little bit upset since she hadn't had any alone time with Takemi since Angelina got here and last night was the first night they had sex in over a week.

"But I don't wanna! I wanna- wait! It's your first day!".

Faster than Takemi had ever seen her before, Musashi had gotten up and ran towards the bathroom, and quickly drew herself a shower. Takemi got breakfast going and the two left the house, but not before admiring Takemi's First High uniform.

"You have to do it in that. I'm serious", was all that Musashi had to say before they ran towards the Magic High School.

They didn't see many people as the highest scorer on the entrance examination had to arrive early to practice for their inauguration.

"I'll see you later okay!".

Musashi waved her Master off as he entered First High's massive auditorium. He looked at the flower emblem on his shoulder before noticing it on everyone else in the room.

'Wow they really weren't kidding about the discrimination...'.

"Ah! Takemi-san! Glad you could make it. For a second there I thought you'd have to wing your speech... that would be bad.... believe me....".

A elegant white-haired young woman stepped forward and patted Takemi on the shoulder before dragging him over to the stage. She wasn't busty like Musashi, but was thin and graceful. Despite acting a bit outlandish she had a certain grace about her that couldn't be mistaken.

"Everyone! I'd like you to meet Mikazuchi Takemi! He's the newest member of the Student Council and this years speech giver!".

All the Blooms stopped what they were doing and turned to face the white-haired woman and golden-eyed young man.

"Ah. Pleasure to meet you Mikazuchi-san. I am Tsukuba Yuuka the vice-president of the Student Council... please ignore our Presidents demeanor, she gets excited around strangers".

"Yuu-chan! Don't say that around my kouhai! He needs to form his own opinion not hear what you have to say!".

Takemi was a little surprised by his senpai's frankness. Looking around he saw a few others shake their heads before a familiar looking group of people can his way.

"Takemi-san! I hope you and Angelina invite me to your wedding!".

The moment the voice rang out another sound was heard which was the massive figure beside her slapping his head.

The red-eyed girl in question merely blinked a couple times before dripping in cold sweat.

"Ara? Was I not supposed to say anything?".

"Of course not you idiot... what am I going to do with you...".

The girl beside her slapped her on the back of the head and sighed. She had short dark blue hair and dark brown eyes. Although she appeared boyish, she definitely didn't look it.

"Mayumi-chan! You're here!".

The white haired girl ran over to the black haired one and rubbed their cheeks together. It made the surroundings lose their beauty in front of the two girls.

"Kaichou! We have to get ready with the rehearsal! We have less than an hour and we haven't even set up the P.A System, or the chairs, or the refreshments, or the flowers, or guides, or the-".

The white haired girl crossed her arms and shouted, "Stop!.... I'll leave it all in your capable hands Yuu-chan!".

Yuuka shook her head and muttered something about "spoiled princesses" and "lazy presidents" before ordering a nearby student to start setting up chairs.

Takemi tried to slip away during the madness but was caught by the collar and pulled back into the fray.

"So, Takemi-san! How are you!".


"I hear that you're getting married, is that correct?".


The Student Council President licked her lips before saying, "Who is it too?".

Takemi didn't want to say but Mayumi spoke up, "It's Angelina-chan! Angelina Kudou Shields!".

Both the short haired girl and the massive man raised an eyebrow when they heard the name "Kudou". The massive man in particular.

Takemi shot a glare at Mayumi who just poked her tongue out at him.

The President on the other hand, "Oh? Is that so?... Ah! Where's my manners, my name is Charlotte Yuukihira! I'm a third year and your student council president!.... you have pretty eyes Takemi-san.... are they special?".

The aforementioned narrowed his eyes, "Maybe. Maybe not".

"Oh I love the tall, dark and mysterious types! Your fiancée better be careful otherwise...

She brought her head down and whispered into Takemi's ear.

"I'll steal you away from her....".

She gave Takemi a wink and a smile before running off to terrorize other students. Wherever she went she caused blushed, splutters and speechless boys and girls everywhere.

The massive man gave the white-haired woman a glance before turning back to look at Takemi. He extended his hand and said, "The name's Juumonji Katsuto. I hope you're as impressive as they say, Mikazuchi-san".

Takemi took and said, "I hope to impress, Juumonji-san".

The massive man gave a smile before walking off and leaving Takemi with Mayumi and-.

"I'm Watanabe Mari. I'm in the Public Morals Committee so you better watch yourself. As long as you don't start fights or pick on the Course 2 students we'll get along fine".

Takemi nodded and then turned his gaze towards Mayumi.

"You really know just what to say, don't you Saegusa-san?".

The girl had a tinge of red on her cheeks, obviously a little shameful from accidentally telling everyone that Takemi has a fiancée.

"I'm sorry Takemi-san! I just get a little carried away when I'm excited...". She said as she poked her index fingers together. It was so cute that Takemi forgave and waved it off.

"It's fine. I wasn't hiding it anyway. Anyway.... what am I supposed to say during this inauguration?".

Mari and Mayumi went wide-eyed and the former said, "You didn't prepare a speech".

"Yeah, I've had quite a lot of business to take care of these last few days and haven't had-".

Mari just walked away shaking her head leaving Mayumi and Takemi alone.

"Um... good luck Takemi-san! I hope that you don't make too much of a fool of yourself!".

A twitch mark appeared on Takemi's forehead before he sat down on an empty seat and contemplated what he should say.

'Hmm. Maybe an inspirational speech? Or a motivational one?... Bakugo speech?... No that wouldn't work... Martin Luther King?.... no. What about a.... no too racist, even if I changed all the wording.... how about! Yes, it's so obvious! That could work! Now if I can just remember....'.

Everyone ignored the golden eyed young man in the corner of the room. Mayumi had already blabbed to everyone that he hadn't prepared a speech and looked over at him in sympathy.

Before they knew it, the entire auditorium had been filled. The Course 1 Students in the front and the Course 2 in the back. To quote certain young man, "the one's most aware of the discrimination are the ones being discriminated against...".

Takemi just sat there the entire time repeating the same set of words over and over again, using [Memory Partition] to strengthen the words in his head.

"...Next up, a speech from a freshman.

Freshman: Mikazuchi Takemi...".

When Takemi heard his name being called he walked to the top of the stage with an aloof expression. His golden eyes were visible to the entire crowd and drew the attention of nearly all the girls in the room and most of the boys.

He gave a short bow before sweeping the audience with his stern gaze,

"Do you believe in Fate?".

They believed Takemi would continue however he gave a longer pause then expected before continuing.

"Every time I look up and see the blue sky is in the distance. It feels so close. It feels so close to me, yet I can't grasp it even if I extend my hands. Even so ... Even if I can't reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If I can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If I set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for".

"These words were passed down to me by someone that I both love and hate and hold very dear to me. I am sharing them with everyone today and wish for you to do that same. That Fate, despite everything it will do to hinder you, will not stop you from achieving your goal....

As a student of the First National Magic University Affiliated High School and representative of all freshman this year, I welcome you and rejoice! For your wish has been granted".

As the crowd stood up and clapped for Takemi the only thing that was going through his mind was,

'Now... lets begin'.

Another chapter!

This is just a small drop because well... its Christmas! And how could I let my readers be without presents on Christmas!

Anyway, please comment and review

Your Faithful Author, MrMoist.

P.S. Can you tell me who I quoted and how many?

MrMoistcreators' thoughts