
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · 其他
45 Chs

Chapter 19 Tests

".... and thus I became a pseudo Divine Spirit. Any questions?".

Although the room only had three inhabitants, it was so quiet that it's as if silence itself had echoed and resounded throughout it. Tatsuya and Angelina were stunned, shocked, baffled at Takemi's description.

"Just so I'm getting this right... you come from another world...".


"One where the mythology is- was real...".


"And Magecraft....".


"And Dragons....".

"Dragon Phantasmal Species, yes".

Tatsuya actually rested his head on his hand and adjusted himself as if he was thinking or processing the information Takemi gave him.

He had just told him that he originally was from the Type-Moon universe as a result of dying and being sent here and given another chance at life. His abilities stemmed from his old world and that he could leave after he fulfilled certain conditions. He didn't tell Tatsuya about the [System] nor about Zelretch.

It would be much easier on them both.

"And the reason you can use our "Magic" is because of [Though Acceleration] and [Memory Partition]. Two Magecrafts from your old world?".

"Yes. So the reason why you can't use them is because you don't possess Magic Circuits. Something that a Magus is born with, not a Magician.... it's like our own version of a Magic Calculation Area. Although they both do it in completely different ways it allows us to use Magic or Magecraft".

Although Takemi was a little apprehensive of telling anyone, Tatsuya was bound by Magecraft and thus wasn't in any position to bargain with Takemi.

"Since you can't uphold your end of the bargain, why should I help you?", said Tatsuya, the look in his eyes getting colder by the moment.

Takemi didn't waver and replied, "Because I want to attempt something. Something that can bridge our two System's of Magic together.

I want to create a spell that utilizes both prana and psions. These two worlds are extraordinarily different, yet every time I active my Eyes I see them both intertwined, connected, harmonized.

Mana, the life force of the Earth and psions, the non-physical particle that powers Magic. Why is it that these two things allow humans to commit miracles? Why is it that we can bend nature to our will, make the earth crumble beneath our feet, create water out of thin air?

I believe that I will reach the ROOT if I follow this path. These words may just be words to you Tatsuya, but "True Magic" is my goal! The knowledge of everything that is and ever will be. Creating something out of nothing. Dimension travelling. Immortality. Time Travel! I even want to make the world remember the "Fourth", something that has been lost for millennia!

But I can't do it alone. My knowledge and grasp on psions and pushions is limited to manipulating them to use Magic. Your knowledge of mana and od is everything that I've told you, nothing more, nothing less. Apart, we may obtain that knowledge, but it would take decades even centuries

It's an entirely knew way of using Magic... and entirely new way of looking at the world. That's why you should help me Tatsuya. I have no desire to rule the world nor one to end it. I just want to know... is that so hard to imagine?".

Tatsuya eyed the young man in front of him carefully. He believed he wasn't lying, he would've given a tell. A twitch, increase in heartbeat, a stutter. But there was nothing like that. Nothing in the slightest.

'A completely new Magic huh...'.

Although Tatsuya had most of his feelings destroyed when he underwent the procedure to have a Artificial Magic Processor a strange feeling swelled up inside of him.

'Something that I can be proud of...'.

He knew that his abilities as a Magician were sub-par in most circumstances. The speed at which he processed spells were slower even than third-rate Magicians. His combat abilities were through the roof yet possessed no "real skill".

Yes, he was an Irregular.

'This is a chance.... to do something without the Yotsuba....without them'.

He didn't feel much for his Aunt and father. His Aunt was someone that although he was unafraid of, had to be constantly wry of and his father... well, for all intensive purposes he was just a sperm donor. The rest of his "family" treated him as anything but the word. It was a cold and harsh world and even though his identity as Ooguro Ryuuya was only known to a select few in the Yotsuba Family, if any word of it got out, they wouldn't just target him, they would target Miyuki.

'This Magic could be a way to do just that... it won't be a Magic for killing it would be one to...'.

He remembered Miyuki who was just out the door and smiled slightly.

'Yes. If this new Magic can help me protect her then-'.

"I accept your proposal".

Takemi nearly leaped out of his chair when he heard him say yes.

Smiling he said, "Well the, Tatsuya. You are aware that this will have no relation to FLT or my CAD?".

"Yes I am aware".

Takemi extended his hand towards Tatsuya who looked at it and shook it firmly.

"I promise you that I will not let you down Takemi-san".

"Neither will I Tatsuya".

After Miyuki was brought back into the room and told of the plan she raised an eyebrow and looked at Angelina.

"Can you tell me what happened in here?".

Angelina shook her head, "Sorry, I can't. But we will be seeing a lot more of each other Miyuki-san".

"Likewise Angelina-san".

The two girls hit it off and talked amongst themselves in the corner while Tatsuya brought Takemi over to a private work space in the Third Division. It had several bookcases and a desk with a large table filled with a plethora of CAD parts organized to a T.

"I'll let them deal with the construction of your CAD and I'll deal with the software and tuning. Now... hit that with some prana".

Tatsuya pointed to a large box of solid titanium alloy in the corner of the room. It has a few dents in it but no major holes, cracks or pieces falling off.

Takemi just felt the mana in the atmosphere and gathered it into a small ball on the tip of his finger. Tatsuya saw the glowing white ball and then watched as Takemi flicked it towards the box, causing it to create a small explosion and push the titanium several inches back.

When the smoke cleared the box had a large indent on the face that was hit causing Tatsuya to frown.

"I didn't detect any changes in heat, water concentration, air resistance, electrical current nor any form of known energy in the room. No psion or pushion emitted either... what did you feel?".

Takemi turned and said, "Nothing. I just gathered the mana in the air at the tip of my finger. My sensitivity towards it has increased since I ingested the Dragon Heart".

"This mana... you said that it is the life force of the world? Have there been instances were it has run out?".

"I'm not entirely sure, however the mana in the air can decrease significantly but I don't think it will ever run out so long as the planet is alive".

Tatsuya nodded and started to walk towards a massive enclosed room with a giant door that locks using iron rods instead of locks.

"This is a specially designed room that can be used to test a multitude of spells. We can adjust the temperature, the humidity, the wind resistance and even the actual room itself".

Takemi nodded and asked, "Did you want me to see if mana level changes when you adjust the environment?".

"Yes. There will be a variety of simulations so be care and stand in the glowing circle when the environments change".

Tatsuya left the room, leaving Takemi off to his own devices. He waited several minutes before a glowing red circle appeared in the center of the room and Angelina's voice rang out over the speaker.

"Um, is this on- Oh! Okay well, Takemi please stand in the center of the circle, the first environment will be changing in a moment...".

Several seconds later, the entire room filled with sand and the heat inside increased dramatically. Takemi didn't feel much of a change in anything, even with his clothes on, he barely sweated more than he normally does.

"No, nothing feels any different try the next one!".

He waited a few moments before the scene around him completely shifted and the entire room filled, almost to the brim with water. It wasn't normal water either it was sea water.

Takemi swam up to the glass panel and shook his head much to Miyuki and Angelina's disappointment.

A few hours passed like this and Takemi was exposed to almost every environment known to man including a simulation of the atmosphere on Mars and the Moon. Both which Takemi withstood, although the latter for only a few minutes before running out of air.

From oxygen rich environments to oxygen poor environments to lava to the bottom of the ocean, Takemi withstood it all, and felt no change in the amount of mana in the air whatsoever.

"This is going to be more difficult than I thought", said Tatsuya

The four of them were currently sitting down in the FLT cafeteria eating lunch while under the gazes of many other employees. Most of them knew Tatsuya and Miyuki and had seen the siblings here quite often over the past few years but had never eaten lunch with anybody but those from the Third Division.

But now, an equally beautiful young woman and handsome young man had appeared and were eating alongside the two. One or two engineers who knew of Tatsuya's status instantly left to inform Shiba Tatsurou of this development.

"I knew this was going to be hard but...".

As it turns out, the simulated environments all had the same amount of prana in the air as each other. Both Tatsuya and Takemi thought it was because it was a "fake" environment and that it didn't it didn't change as a result.

"I'll go for a swim soon and take a look at the bottom of the ocean. I'm not sure if it will be the same down there but I hope it won't".

Tatsuya nodded.

"I want to try seeing if you can contain mana in a containment and test what happens when you try certain spells on it".

Takemi also nodded.

"No way really! He really did that!".

"I'm not joking, Takemi really said that".

"Well, there was one time where...".

On the other hand, the two fourteen year old girls were busy chatting away with smiles and giggles evident while chucking glances at the two boys beside them.

"And he really proposed like that!".

"Really! It was so cool and I thought me heart skipped a beat!".

"I wish onii-sama would do that for me....".

Miyuki had a longing expression on her face while Angelina just patted her shoulder and gave her a thumbs up.

"I support you!".

'I want you to go after other boys and make sure that no other girls fall for Takemi', thought Angelina with a smile.

The boys in question only glanced at the girls beside and gave each other a look

'You too huh....'.