
The Tycoon Inheritance

[Congratulations, host on your successful transmigration. Thank you for your patronage. You have been allocated the Tycoon Inheritance System. Do you wish to bond with the system?] "Inheritance?" Now known as Chen Kai in a parallel world to his original earth, he is given the gift to live this life as carefree as ever. "No, citizens to lead. No wars are to be fought. No politics. No demanding missions. I'm back to being a simple nobody with endless opportunities" [Host would you like to bind with the system to gain your inheritance?] "Sure. What's life without some perks? ....... ><.... Ode to the light and web novel authors who brought me such joy from their face-slapping stories, enviable rich young masters, and deserve-to-die characters. Please allow me to enter my 'just for fun' book. I need a change of pace. This book is fiction. Remember that!!! ...... -_- ..... Yes, you can say it's trash if you wanna.

Devoted_laurel · 奇幻
84 Chs


"That Bastard!"

It was a wise decision to place high quality sound proofing in the office.

Behind a desk filled with reports was a middle-aged man addressing each problem he came across with a furrowed brow as his wife cursed up a storm.

"He doesn't bend to provocation. He does things at his own pace. Why are you seeking him out? Didn't you say he's a stain on our family?" These words were said in a tired and uncaring tone.

This is Chu Yang. The placeholder father of Chen Kai. He endured a lot over the years while raising the child who was considered his first born. He didn't abandon the child but let him live under his roof until he was eighteen. Chen Kai's existence was tolerated by him. He did what he promised and was compensated for it. This was the only thing he was grateful for, towards the child.

Now that he was completely out of the house, Chu Yang didn't care what Chen Kai was doing currently.

To keep up appearances, he had to demand the child return during specific holidays and family gatherings. Now his wife wants something of the little bastard. He was content with Chen Kai's absence.

"Madam Huo is interested in him." His wife dropped six words that made him look up.

Her glittering eyes matched his shocked one. Ji XinYi was ambitious and a loyal partner to her husband. Their network within the business circle was all thanks to her and her incredible hosting abilities. Beneath her sedate beauty was a woman who had high expectations that match the greed in her heart. Behind closed doors she was the head of the family and whatever she says is right, will always be right.

"Isn't she linked with the Cui's second young master?" Chu Yang asked.

"She let him go. In her words, 'The pretty faces are becoming a bore.' Word of Chen Kai's looks and achievements reached her ears, so she invited me to afternoon tea three days ago. She wants to meet him and even promised to invest in our company and send a few clients our way. Once she ties him to her, we will be one step into high society." Ji XinYi was bursting with excitement as she went over plan to get Chen kai back in Changxing County. Her temper got the best of her when she failed to contact him from her number. It spiked when he answered her in that cold and belittling tone. She now has to think of another way.

Chu Yang slowly moved from his bent position and sat back in his chair. He rubbed his chin with his fingers during his deep contemplation. His eyes shifted to the photo of his son, Chu Han on his desk.

The kid was average at best with a little good looks. He did well in college and got an Assistant Manager job through his connections. The best thing the kid has done, was capturing the attention of a daughter from a prominent government family.

Chu Han and Chen Kai have always been at each other's throat. More like Chu Han competing with the bastard one-sidedly for years. There was no brotherly love but Chen Kai did his duty as an elder brother by showing up for his birthday parties and graduation party.

"Han'er's birthday is next weekend. Weren't you planning for the celebration at the Emerald Hotel?" Chu Yang's words were slow while he mused over it. There was a small hint in it and Ji XinYi caught it right away. A small smile lifted his lips when he saw his wife's enlightenment.

"Get him back here before the day of the party. I will talk to Han'er about doing a public promise to that girl on the night. If I invite most of the ladies in my circle, Madam Huo will definitely come when she learn of his attendance. This will also put our name on everyone's lips, when they see those two budding connections." She was giddy as she pictured their upcoming debut into high society.

They both wish to come out of mediocre living.

Who didn't?! If they have to make concessions, so be it. In the end, they will be living the life they wanted.

To their way of thinking, Chen Kai owed his life to them.


After a boisterous and welcoming lunch at the Villa, Xiao Wei accompanied his new boss to an exclusive teahouse for an impromptu meeting.

"According to the firm, this guy has ten years of experience, strict with himself and his clients, a family man and highly valued within their circle. We will both make our own deductions of him. If all is well, he will be added under our banner. You've received the specifics and the business proposal draft. This will be your first assignment."

"Yes, young master." Xiao Wei listened quietly to Chen Kai's instructions and his personal commentary. He jotted down everything of importance on his tablet and confirmed the new contacts on his phone.

This wasn't a simple assistant job in a company. Xiao Wei will be by his young boss's side until they cancel their work contract. He felt energetic in taking on this new opportunity. Who knows what Chen Kai will do in the future. On that thought, Xiao Wei decided to revamp his entire contact list and create a phone network that will benefit them both. Working by his uncle's side placed him in middle/high society circles and business relations with most. With Chen Kai now being the owner of the mysterious villa and a young shareholder of Nanhe Emperor Mall, anyone with discerning eyes will see his unlimited potential.

"After our quick meeting at the bank, we have to secure a car for you. What about devices? Are you okay with your current ones? We can buy new devices and brush it off as work supplies."

Xiao Wei wasn't bashful. He was direct just like his boss. "My phone needs to upgrade and I have to replace my laptop."

"Doable. What about living situation? You can choose a room on the other side of the Villa or we can secure one of the smaller Villas in the district for you," Chen Kai glanced at the guy, waiting to see his reaction.

This was a million dollar house being offered, along with a car. His life was set by a few words. Chen Kai became amused when Xiao Wei's indifferent gaze fluctuated. The guy relaxed his body in the seat and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Laughter filled the confines of the SUV when the sigh of defeat was heard.

"Young Master, the two million in my bank account was already a shocker. The plan to buy a car is reasonable in a Rich People Way of Thinking but a house? Please enlighten me," Xiao Wei said with light humor tinging his words.

He was getting a hang of Chen Kai's way of doing things but didn't expect him to be so - 'generous'. That seem to be a suitable word for the moment.

"Ah~ Let's do away with the young master bit. We're probably a year or two apart in age. You'll call me Brother Chen and I will call you Brother Xiao. A house is reasonable in my district - no long commute, in the heart of Nanjing and a rent free life. On top of that, you can boast at your next family gathering or class reunion."

A snort of laughter followed Chen Kai's explanation. He did point out valid points. Being an assistant to a budding Business Mogul, his movements will be unpredictable. Travelling back and forth will put a toll on his body and psyche.

"Then I shall accept these 'Work Supplies' from Brother Chen without guilt."

The two fell into an atmosphere of familiarity and began to talk amicably. Xiao Wei's car preference was discussed and his current family life. Chen Kai was open with his explanation of his family status in which Xiao Wei accepted without issues.

"Are you planning to dig up the past when you gain more power?"

Chen Kai shook his head in refusal and said nonchalantly, "My mother was my family and that is how it will be until I decide to settle down. Its been years. I'm sure my existence to them is now on yellowed pages."

"Isn't that statement setting up a flag?" Brother Xiao commented.



In a stone paved carpark, a sleek Lamborghini Urus S smoothly turned in and parked at the far end of the lot. Two young men left the confines of their ride and leisurely walked towards the teahouse. Chen Kai was admiring the traditional style establishment while Xiao Wei spoke of other traditional buildings in the area.

Entering the teahouse, the cool atmosphere chased away the heat of outside, bringing them into a state of relaxation.

The entryway was wide and sparsely decorated with Ficus and Bamboo plants in Hand-Painted pottery. The wooden floor gleamed under their feet as they made their way to the hostess who was in a tense conversation with a gentleman.

The two didn't interrupt and stayed within her sight. She gave them an apologetic smile before returning to the bothersome conversation with the man.

Chen Kai and Xiao Wei stood quietly and patiently waited. The man ahead of them had a female companion. She looked over her shoulder when the hostess smiled their way. Her eyes widened and shone like a cat seeing a new toy. The basic 'Come Hither' smile was sent to them but the two looked at her coldly while keeping their indifferent gaze on her and the gentleman.

"Sir. Once again, I will explain to you..."

The man didn't give her a chance to finish when he raised his voice. "How often do you people have important guests such as me and you're telling me you can't offer me a private room? You boast of exclusive treatment but can't even see who you're talking to. Do you even know who I am?"

Xiao Wei eyed the man closely then lost interest. From his deduction, the guy before them was rich kid trying to show off societal power to his date. The large brand names on his clothing showed how materialistic he was and wish to be envied.

"I may not recognize your family along with other guests but you have no right to disturb the peace of our establishment. You can have a floor seat assigned to you presently. In the future if you wish to patronize here, a reservation is needed for a private room," the hostess said sternly.

"Then give me one of those reserved room. Just tell them I will double their bill if they leave now." The young master refused to back down. The annoyance was now visibly seen on the woman's pale face. She was close to losing her professionalism.

At this moment, Xiao Wei stepped forward, "Excuse me. Pardon my interruption but can we validate our reservation. We have pressing matters to handle."

Chen Kai's lips twitched when he heard Xiao Wei stress on the word reservation and the little young master's face turned red. The woman on his arms was enraptured by Xiao Wei since he was now near her.

"My apologies, sir for keeping you waiting. May I have the name you reserved the private room under?" the hostess asked politely. Her question was noticeably expanded as she followed Xiao Wei subtle teasing of the little young master. It was clear to her who had a better mindset even though they had more wealth than others.

"Chen. Three persons. The third party shall arrive within ten minutes."

"Hey! I'll give you $10,000 Yuan to give me your private room!" The demand was clear and left no room for negotiations. This was the epitome of arrogance. The woman on his arm tightened her hold on him and stood proudly when her date took out this attitude of his. She had the look of someone waiting for a good show.

Unfortunately, Xiao Wei had no time to give them that show. He frowned at the man then returned his attention to the hostess.

The woman stepped away from the podium and gave an elegant bow of welcome to them both.

"Welcome, young masters! Allow me to call for you an attendant."

"Thank you." Xiao Wei turned to Chen Kai and respectfully made way for him. "Young Master, please."

All of this was done, ignoring the couple at the side. The man was cursing them for being rude to them and the woman extracted herself from such an embarrassing situation.

A young lady approached them dressed in a lovely blue cheongsam and led them to their private room.

The light airy feeling broaden as they walked through the first floor of the teahouse. Slender glass double doors and crafted windows brought in natural light that made the polished floors and furniture gleam brighter. A few water color paintings were hung on the walls, each one was beautiful and eye catching, leaving one to think deeper about the images.

Arriving on the second floor, they arrived at their private room. The muted colors of grey, blue and white, contrasting with the light colored woodwork made their little privacy relaxed and welcoming. Antiques lined the walls in crafted shelves and a Traditional Tea Set was already set up for them.

After being introduced to the teas and delicacies they had, Xiao Wei skillfully selected from the menu and gave the woman a time when to deliver them.

"Efficient," Chen Kai complimented.

"Well-practiced," he retorted with a grin.

The two got along perfectly. Chen Kai found himself talking about random things and joking freely. Its been a while since he did this. There was no lingering pressure for him to calculate his words or his guest's word; nor did he have to think if someone was hiding to kill him. He can be carefree.

Few minutes later, the attendant politely asked for entry and escorted the third guest for their meeting.

Both young men rose to their feet and gave a respectful bow in greeting to the man opposite them.

"Hello, Mr. Luo Chao. I am Xiao Wei and this is Young Master Chen Kai. Thank you for meeting us."

The lawyer was momentarily shocked upon seeing these two young men. He was notified by his superior that this client was special and considered a VIP in their firm. He didn't expect them to be kids who was still clueless about society. He swallowed his contempt and returned their greetings.

Chen Kai sat first, then the lawyer. Xiao Wei said a few words to the attendant then took his seat on his boss's left side.

"Since we have a tight schedule this afternoon, I will be direct." Gone was the amicable smile and carefree demeanor. Chen Kai was now a well-versed Elite who knew what he wanted.

Luo Chao saw this and couldn't help but look at the one called, Xiao Wei. He now wore an expressionless look with cold eyes as he looked at him.

What a change!

"My needs are simple. Work contracts for the staff of the Sleeping Dragon Villa, rental agreements for a few real estate I have in the School District, and consultation as I prepare my next move. Your firm assured me that you're the best. Things may be small now but as time goes by it will be worth your time coming here."

A smile bloomed on the young man's face. His dark eyes were piercing right through him as he spoke. His confidence in becoming bigger in the future wasn't weak. What made him so confident? Luo Chao knew he had no right to refuse. This was a client his firm wanted to keep. From the name of the villa, he understood why.

It isn't wise to judge one by their outward appearance.

If the higher-ups had a good feeling about this kid, who was he to decline them?

"I will do my best to serve you, Young Master Chen!"

The two shook hands upon that verbal agreement before going through the necessary paperwork.

The three chatted until their tea order arrived.

There was a unique peace as they watched the attendant skillfully brew and serve their tea. She was attentive in serving them which was highly appreciated. Xiao Wei and Chen Kai took that chance to become better acquainted with Luo Chao.

Their talk shifted to types of cases he led and the fields he's proficient in and also had contacts.

A thought formed.

"Brother Luo, what are the grounds for libel?"