
Chapter 17: The Last Day of Summer

*Time Skip to the end of summer.*

Today's the last day of summer which means we go back to school. I'm going to be a senior with Jake, Embry, Quil, and Seth is going to be a junior. Paul doesn't have to go back since last year was his senior year which I'm kind of sad about because we didn't get to go to dances together or anything or show off our relationship in school. I'll get over it soon enough, but speaking of Paul him and I are doing great we get into little bickers here and there but other than that we are going great. All he talks about it having pups of our own once I finish high school, I have no problem with it I can't wait to have pups of our own and to see them grow up and so on. Of course now I have to update you on the entire pack. Leah finally phased and her relationship with Emily and Sam it perfect she finally understood what happened and she doesn't blame herself anymore for the break up she still has an attitude but that's just her. Seth is still my little man but I feel like he is just getting further and further away from me and I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm giving Paul all my attention or is it something else but I'm going to talk to him about it later when we go cliff jumping for the last day of summer. Jake is recovering from this Bella bitch she just fucks with his head but he is doing a lot better now that he spends more time with us than that evil, bloodsucking vampire lover. Quil and Embry are still idiots as usual. Emily and Sam and doing amazing Emily just announced that her and Sam are having a pup and we are all so excited. She is only a couple months but we have already basically planned everything.

"Babe." I whispered looking over at Paul who was fast sleep.

"What?" Paul asked in a sleepy voice.

"We have to get up so we aren't late to the picnic." I smiled.

"I wanna stay here and sleep longer." He grumbled.

"Ok well I'm going to get up and get dressed so I can go talk to Seth." I smiled getting up from the bed.

Paul just mumbled ok and fell back asleep.

I got up and got in the shower I took Farley fast shower because I knew once Seth and I started talking it would last a while. I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around my body and hair and went to my closet. I look through my bathing suits, I finally picked a simple navy blue bikini with no designs and put that on. I then grabbed a pair of my short demon shorts and went back to the bathroom. My hair was down below my boobs now and I actually like it at this length so I just brushed it out and parted it down the middle and grabbed a beach towel. I walked out of thr bathroom and back to my bed and kissed Paul on his forehead and left, my parents were on a convention or something until next month so it was just Paul and I. I ran to the beach to find everyone at the beach except Seth.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Hey short stuff." Sam smiled.

"Where's Paul?" Jake asked.

"He didn't want to get up yet." I giggled.

Jake nodded his head.

"Where's Seth?" I asked Leah.

"He said he didn't want to come." She frowned.

"Why?" I questioned.

"He didn't say anything except I don't wanna go." She sighed.

"Well I'm going to go get him." I smiled.

Everyone nodded and continued what they were doing.

I ran to Seth's house which wasn't to far.

I knocked on the door and waited.

"Hey Candice." Mrs. Clearwater smiled.

"Hi Mrs. Clearwater, where is Seth?" I asked.

"He's in his room." She smiled.

"OK thank you." I smiled.

She opened the door so I could walk in and I walked to Seth's room.

I knocked on the door but no answer so I opened the door. Seth was asleep on his bed and I could tell he was crying from the dry water marks on his face. I wanted to cry because I wanted to know why he was crying. I lifted Seth's head and upper body carefully and slipped in his bed and I laid his head back down onto my lap. I don't know if he felt my presence but he started to cry more and he hugged onto my leg as tight as he could. I tried to comfort him by rubbing his back and saying it's ok but nothing worked. He continued to cry and hold on tight that's when he started whispering in his sleep " Candice, Bambi please don't leave me I need you please don't leave me I love you with everything I have please don't leave. I started to tear up because I knew he was dreaming of me leaving him I was the reason my poor little man was crying. I couldn't take it anymore so I started to wake him up.

"Seth." I spoke.

"Seth, little man wake up it's ok I'm here." I spoke again.

With that Seth jolted awake and looked up at me.

"Candice?" He questioned.

"Yeah little man it's me." I smiled.

Once I finished my sentence he started bowling again.

"Hey, hey don't cry I'm right here I won't ever leave you. I'm so sorry for being distance." I apologized.

"I missed you." He sniffled.

"I missed you to." I smiled and rubbed his head.

"Please don't leave me." He whimpered.

"I won't ever leave you. Just because I'm with Paul doesn't mean I'll leave you. Let me know when I'm leaving you out so I can give my attention to my number one. You'll always be my first priority." I smiled.

"I will from now on. But I don't want to ruin you and Paul's relationship." He sighed.

"Paul and I are imprints and he will understand that when you need me you need me and if he has a problem with you coming first then he just has to deal with it that's a Paul problem not a Candice ans Seth problem." I smiled.

"I love you." He looked at me with tears falling from his eyes.

"I love you to." I wiped that remainder of tear from his cheeks.

"Now go get ready so we can have the best last day of summer." I smiled.

"Ok." He smiled and got up from his bed and went to his dresser.

I got up and left his room so he could get dressed and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Mr. Clearwater." I smiled.

"Hey Candice and please just call me Harry." He smiled.

"Alright then Harry." I giggled.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"I've been good, what about you?" I asked.

"Alright lots and lots of fishing with Charlie." He smiled.

"At least you have something fun to do." I smiled.

"How's the pack, Leah and Seth don't talk about it much." He asked.

"Everyone's good, Emily and Sam are expecting a pup, Quil, Embry and Paul are doing good to, and Jake is still getting better from his heartbreak over that piece of crap Bella and I know that's your bestfriends daughter but she is a piece of work." I explained.

"No offence I don't care for her either and she is one piece of work medaling with all those Vampires." He laughed.

"You got that right." I laughed.

Just then Seth walked into the kitchen.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yup." I smiled.

"Bye dad I'll see you later." He smiled and hugged Harry.

"Have fun and don't get into trouble.? Harry smiled.

"Don't worry Harry I got him under control." I smiled and we walked out the door and to the beach.

On our walk Seth and I caught up on everything and we finally arrived to the beach.

"You got him to actually come?" Leah asked.

"Yeah it wasn't that hard." I laughed.

"Hey babe." Paul smiled and hugged me.

"Hey bubba." I smiled and kissed him.

"Everyone is cliff jumping if you wanna join them." Emily smiled.

"Sounds good, you guys ready?" I asked.

"Always." Seth smiled.

"I'm not the biggest fan of jumping of cliffs like idiots." Leah grumbled.

"Oh come one I'll jump with you." I held out my hand and smiled.

"Fine only if you jump with me." She smiled and took my hand.

"Got it." I smiled.

We all walked up to the cliff.

"There you guys are." Embry shouted.

"Yup the life of the parties here." I laughed.

"Whatever." Quil laughed.

"Who's first?" Jake asked.

"Leah and I." I announced.

"Why do we have to go first?" She pouted.

"So we can show these boys how its done." I smirked.

Leah smiled and took my hand and we walked to the edge of the cliff. We took off our shorts which left us in our bathing suits and we took each others hand and stood at the edge of the cliff.

"You ready?" I smiled.

"Yup." Leah smiled back.

We stepped back and jumped the wind in our hair and the wind pressing against our bodies was amazing and of course that amazing rush. After a couple seconds of falling we hit the water and we swam up for air.

"Come on scardie cats your turn." I yelled up to the boys.

I heard them all laugh and they all ran back and jumped at the same time they came down with a huge splash and created a huge wave.

I felt someone come up from behind me and grabbed my waist under the water.

"Really Paul." I laughed.

"What?" He questioned kissing my neck.

"Get off me." I laughed.

Paul wouldn't let go so I wiggled and got out of his grip and headed for the shore.

"Wait for me Bambi." Seth yelled.

I smiled and waited for him. Seth and I were the first to reach the shore and then everyone else made it.

"You guys hungry?" Emily smiled.

"Always." Jake laughed.

We all laughed and got our plates and sat on blankets and chairs. We all had about 4 plates each and talked amongst our selves and just had a great time. We did some more cliff diving and then that's when the thing we all least expected happened. Jake accidently bumped into Leah and she fell. Jake reached out his hand and helped her up when they locked eyes and they imprinted in each other. Emily noticed it first, she pointed it out and we all lost it. We were so happy for them Jake and Leah were the perfect match and we all loved it even Seth he was happy for his sister to find love again and I was especially happy for Jake because he could finally get over that Bella bitch.

Even though Leah is Paul's age it wasn't that bad because it was basically what Paul and I had but just the opposite gender. They laughed and the rest of the night talked like there was no tomorrow. everyone handled it well but I knew once word got out to Bella she would try and say something to Jake. But the rest of the night was perfect everyone said their goodbyes and headed home. Of course Paul came home with me and we showered and watched a little bit of tv before we went to bed because I had school in the morning. Lets just hope everything goes well tomorrow.