
Chapter 3 - Cluster Event Announcement

Hey Miley, "What happened to Susan, is she okay?

Adam asked from behind in a whisper. Miley, who was waiting for Susan in the corridor, flinched and about to slap him when he defended himself.

"Oh! So it's you Mr. Admirer of our goddess huh? What do you want to know?"

Miley was irritated so she became sarcastic with him.

"Hey Miley, don't slander like that I was just asking because I saw her in the parking lot and she wasn't looking good."

Adam's cheeks and ears became tomato red over Miley's remarks but somehow he tried to explain.

Someone tapped over his shoulder, he turned only to face and it surplused his embarrassment a bit more… He stammered, "You… ummm well…" and bid his farewell.

Adam likes Susan and Miley knows this so she laughed like a crazy seeing him scurrying away. Susan got suspicious and sized up Miley with a questioning gaze, so she stopped laughing and just handled the situation because she didn't want Suzy to frown about it.

"Do you know that our next class is Games?" She emphasized over games because she just likes that free period. Today, it wasn't her turn to perform so she was kind of free.

They headed towards their locker room, took out the assessments for completion and kept the rest inside the locker and sat for a while.

Somebody could be heard running towards their way… They were shocked seeing the Vice President of the class barging in girls' room.

"Erin, you okay? What happened?" Susan asked with concern because she knew that without urgency Erin would never rush to them.

"Hey Suzy, don't be lousy, head to the Head Mistress chamber right now, Mrs. Myers is looking for you."

Erin spoke everything in one breath, Miley offered him her water bottle and he sat down to drink.

"Miley I'm heading towards the chamber, please manage things for me here," saying this she exited the room and rushed towards the Head Mistress Office.

While she was running she didn't take notice of her shoe lace and stumbled in the corridor. She didn't expect herself to get bumped into a muscular body like a wall and get rescued like that.

"I am sorry if I hurt you, sir…" before she could complete her sentence her gaze fell upon the man…

She flinched and jerked out of his arms… "You… Umm… Thank You... I'm going..." without completing her sentence she ran away to save herself from further embarrassment.

He smiled, nodded and headed towards his chamber.

She knocked and checked herself in front of the door before entering.

Inside the room Mrs. Myers was sitting in the chair and all the class representatives were standing in their order.

It was a sudden meeting and everyone was answering whatever she was querying about.

Soon it was Susan's turn as the Sports representative of the school to give the name of the champions for the three day cluster tournaments.

Mrs. Myers asked, "Who's good at swimming in your class?"

She answered, "Belle and Salalah."

The class representative looked at her with a jaw dropping expression. She was shocked that why couldn't she represent herself as a candidate?!

Mrs. Myers smiled and excused the others except Susan and her class representative.

She asked in her authoritative tone, "Why haven't you represented yourself?"

"Because I want everyone to have a chance, represent our school at different levels with different talents, occupying everyone else's chance will do me no good and as a leader I have to be responsible and accountable for others' understanding as well for a fair competency."

Her reply not only surprised both of them but it also made clear that she's a girl of conscience.

Mrs. Myers admired her and excused her. She was aware that both Belle and Salalah were going to make trouble for her if she was the one to break the news to them.

They have been nitpicking since the day she had become School's Sport Representative.

Meanwhile Susan was walking absentmindedly when Mike from Grade 12 D tapped on her shoulder from behind and asked jokingly, "Were you scolded by Mrs. Myers for the bad reputation of your class?

She jerked but then composed herself because it was her school mate and smiled evilly before replying, "What do you think?"

They stood there and whispered something while exchanging jokes.

She then bid him farewell to meet later.

Miley was waiting for her to get the assessment done before the recess. So she came out of the room to find out what was taking her so long to come.

Seeing Mike and Suzy chatting, her excitement died. With a dull face she turned to return back when Susan caught up with her footsteps and hugged her from behind…

She was in low spirits and Suzy knows just by seeing her sullen shoulders with a small pace of walking.

"Meow meow what's wrong? You don't like me talking to your Mike, huh?" She teased her only to see her tomato red cheeks.

"Shhh… what are you saying Suzy how can I be jealous of you.. it's just…" she tried to hide her sulking but it wasn't a successful attempt.

"Oh really! I thought meow meow got jealous," saying this a cheerful laughter could be heard from afar.

Outside the room Brian was seeing eavesdropping at their conversation with a wry smile, shook his head in despair and left.

During the recess someone called them to the pavilion as it was time for all of the friends from different sections, grades to meet, cheer and exchange the whole day's affairs with each other.

Susan had already told Mike that she'll come with Miley and they'll discuss the event management as they were in charge of listing and organizing.

Though the event management discussion was just an excuse she just wanted to develop an opportunity for Miley to advance a bit because she had been liking Mike for a long time.

She loves Miley as her sister and whatever best possible in her reach she would be doing it for her best friend.

Miley on the other hand had been her constant support since they got admitted to school no matter what happened she stuck with Susan just like a glue sticking with the paper.

"Woah! Look who has come today? Been a long time, where was this duo?"

Charla commented with a happy face.

"Oh! My darling Charla, we missed you, how's my baby Ginger doing?"

Miley replied with a smile while hugging her.

Brian, Adams, Mike, Ethan were all sitting on the last step of the pavilion laughing at something.

The encounter was brief but full of laughter, cheerfulness and innocence. There was nobody to judge them nor stop them from being themselves. The recess has always been the best time in every student's life because they have no responsibilities to burden themselves nor worry about anything, just sharing the magic of happiness with a meal, consoling their sad buddies or encouraging an affair to jokingly instigating fights or after school business… The life we all want, not only want but dying for it to get it back.

However, the bitter truth is not everything goes as we plan them because we have our own atrocities with the growing need and adjustment of time.

The same thing happened with the group of high school friends too.

With passing time they got separated, burdened with responsibilities and facing challenges in their own way each day.

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