With characters entangled in the web of secrets, vengeance, uncertainties and mistaken identities... Rhea and Claire vowed never to love. Growing up in a household of shitty fathers, they believed all men are scum. But what happens when two men surfaced and changed their thoughts and beliefs? While so many unbelievable secrets unfold and identities revealed... Would love scale through?
"It is almost dawn, let me get you home" Eris said.
After receiving so much comfort from Eris, Rhea felt lighter and happier. All the past feelings of hurt had long gone. She looked at him, smiled and nodded. She turned around and walked towards the area she had come to the roof in the first place but Eris pulled her back.
"No, not that way" He said to her.
"Oh.." She muttered. She did not know that.
"Hold on a second" He said and walked to the side. He took out his phone and dialled a number.
"You can come now" He said as soon as the call was picked.
"Yes boss" a voice answered on the other side. With that, Eris ended the call and walked back to Rhea.
"Our ride should arrive anytime soon". He said.
Not understanding what he meant by 'our ride should arrive anytime soon', she scrunched her brows and tilted her head. Eris looked so serious and it made her wonder what kind of ride they would be taking. She definitely knew it was not going to be a car.
A while later, a loud blaring sound was heard and Rhea raised her head. Few meters away from the ground, a helicopter was in sight.The roaring of its engine was ear deafening as it got close. The blades moving in rhythm with so much vigor lifted of dust and other flimsy materials off the roof. Slowly, it landed near the couple.
"That is our ride" Eris said.
Rhea's eyes widen in awe, her jaw dropped as she gaped at the helicopter that was only a few feet away from her. It was not as if she had never seen a helicopter or rode in one before but that was only once when she went for a high school trip.
Now, she was going to ride one so easily when they could just use the elevator, it was unbelievable. If only she knew Eris was the heir to the throne in the business domain, then she would not be so surprised.
Eris tugged at her and pulled her along with him towards the helicopter when she refused to move from where she stood, it was only then that she came back to herself.
"We are really going to ride in this thing?" Rhea asked just to be sure.
"Yes, you don't want to?" he questioned and stopped on his track. The man was ready to use whatever means of transportation that pleases his woman.
"No, no... it's fine. I'd love to" She quickly responded.
Eris nodded and held her hand. Together they walked to the helicopter. He got in first and pulled her along with him. Slowly, the helicopter engine started with a roar and lifted off the ground, it soared into the sky.
Rhea peeped through the window and looked down, the city seems so small from up there. The lights in the city turned into sparkles of firefly in the midst of a beautiful forest.
"Wow.." Rhea fawned. The wind slapping across her face and swept her hair into the air. Eris could not help but watch her, his face lit up with a small smile. He wondered how little things amazed her but he was not bothered with that, she was his woman after all and should not be like others.
After riding for minutes, the helicopter landed and Eris came out, he offered his hand to Rhea who happily placed her hand in his. She looked around and realized the place was not in anyway familiar but since she was with Eris, she did not mind. Eris pulled her to the elevator exit that led to the underground garage.
Eris led her to a sleek red sport car and pulled open the door. Rhea walked in and sank into the cosy seat. Eris turned around and entered the car, he ignite the engine and drive out into the streets.
The city was still up with activities. Westside city was known for its tradition on every New year eve, different gatherings are held at all corners of the city till the morning of the New Year. It was a way of socialising and in that way, new friends are made at every new year.
Rhea had never attended any of the social events, she would always get stuck in Claire's apartment stuffing herself with ice creams and pizza, she would always read novel till the morning. On any bad new year eve, she and Claire would spend a lot to get bottles of beer and drink themselves to stupor.
She was engrossed in her thoughts and did not know when the car had stopped in her house lawn.
"Hey, you are home" Eris whispered close to her ear causing her to jolt when his warm breath fanned her skin.
"Why did you do that!" She said with folded arms feigning irritate. Eris saw her behavior and laughed. She pouted knowing his move was intensional.
"Don't do that, it makes me want to kiss you seriously" Eris said and hitched closer to her. Rhea subconsciously leaned forward, pouted her lips and blinked expectantly. Eris glanced at her for a moment before leaning back into his seat.
"You...you–" she said before that pushing the door open and dashing out. Eris who knew the reason for her sudden outburst jumped out of the car and followed after her. He caught up with her and pulled her to him.
"Where do you think you are going to?" He asked but she ignored him and looked away from him.
"Is someone mad at her man?" Eris raised a questioning brow and took a step closer to her making her take a step away from him. He took another step closer and she took another step away. This continued until her back hit the car and Eris cornered her. There was no way she could escape only if she run into his arms.
"You are a mean one" Rhea said and folded her arms. She looked away from him.
"Really now?" He smirked and her lips deep into a frown.
"Fine, I'll leave now" Eris said and turned around. He took few steps away before turning back. He grab her hand and pulled her close to him by her waist. Then dropped a peck on her lips and a light kiss on her forehead.
"Goodnight. Try not to be mad at me" He whispered as he caressed her face. She leaned in his touch and nodded.
She just stood in his arms and suddenly felt like not pulling away from him. In his arms, she had a satisfying feeling of comfort, warmth and safety. As if Eris could see through her thoughts, he engulfed her small figure in his huge body.
Rhea snuggled into his chest like a little fluffy pet seeking for comfort and warmth. Eris ran his fingers through her hair and dropped a kiss on her hair. He felt almost the same way as her, she gave him so much comfort and he can't let go even for half a second.
"You should go home" Rhea mumbled into his chest.
"Not with you still in my hands but I don't mind if you could go with me either" he responded.
Rhea slowly pulled away even though her reluctance to do so was written all over her face.
"I will see you soon. Don't miss me too much" Eris said to her, he intertwined their fingers and kissed the back of her hands before letting go. He got into his car and drove off.
Rhea watched as the car pulled into the street till it disappeared into the thin air. Why does it feel like he shouldn't part with her so soon? She asked herself.
She muttered before turning around and walked into the house.
"You are home" Rhea turned around at the sound of the familiar voice and saw her Aunt Madeline walking out of the kitchen at the same time.
"Aunt...? You are home? What of my mum?" She asked in surprise. When she entered the house, she had not expected to see anyone.
Her mother and Madeline usually visit the orphanage on every new year eve for some unknown reason, they would spend the new year's celebration with the kids. It had become a routine for the two woman and that makes it more surprising to see her Aunt Madeline at home.
"You mother had something to attend to, I stay back to prepare snacks we would bring to the orphanage later" Madeline replied.
"Alright then. I will go ahead to my room" Rhea said and headed for the stairs. She entered her room. She pulled off her dress and took a warm bath. Dressed in her pajamas, she flopped into her mattress. She remembered the earlier events and a deep blush crept to her rosy cheeks.
Eris handsome face lit up in her mind, she groaned and hid her face in her pillow. She smiled widely to herself because that day was her best day ever, it was a day she discovered a feeling she never thought she had. It was the best New year ever and she hoped to hold on to the memory of it forever.