
164|At peace? A surprise.

"... But I never found her. I did not know if she lived, if she was dead, if I have a child out there, I did not know if she was probably still waiting for me, I don't know if she had married somebody better than me... Emma..."

Sir Bernardez called the woman's name with so much love and longing. His eyes glimmered with bitterness and anger His fingers tightened around the handle of his walking stick while his other hand clenched on his trouser. He looked really pained. 

Rhea could not bear to see the pain in the eyes of her benefactor. She gently held the man's hand in hers and circled her fingers around his palm. 

"Do not blame yourself anymore" Rhea could not help but say. Her fingers around the man's tightened a little bit. All she wanted was to transfer warmth to the man.