
The Travelling Emperor

Alaric, a simple person from Earth who loved to travel, is reincarnated in Elaria, a magical world with elves, dwarves, demons, and other mythical creatures. Driven by his passion for exploration, he becomes an adventurer and sets out to see all of Elaria. One day, he discovers a mysterious stone that sets him on a path to becoming the Traveling Emperor, a leader destined to unite the diverse realms and reign over the mightiest empire ever known. ================== Weekly Chapters:7 Chapters Word Counts: 800-1000 ================== First time writing

LittlePengeru · 奇幻
8 Chs

Chapter 6-The Slave Market(2)

After a long time, I finally chose my first 40 slaves. I pressed the button and waited for a bit. Instead of Chris, a different sales clerk came in.

"Hi, sir. I am Lara. I'll be the one assisting you now. Chris sends his apologies for not attending to you due to an emergency," she said.

My Eyes of Aletheia activated automatically:

Name: Lara Salvador

Job: Sales Clerk

Race: Wolfman

Talent: Negotiation

Power: 8

Agility: 9

Mind: 13

Description: A sales clerk, born into the Salvador house as a slave. Due to her intelligence in the slave market, she was freed and earned the Salvador name. She works for them until her death.

An emergency in the business? That's quite surprising. "Can I know the details?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, sir, I can't disclose the details," Lara said, sounding slightly irritated. "Sir, have you chosen the races you need?"

"Ah, yes. I need 10 dwarves, 5 spirits, 5 elves, and the last 20 should be able to fight or have unique skills."

"Okay, sir. Got it. Let me bring them to you now."

"Wait, can I pick the slaves myself?" I asked.

"Yes, sir, but it will cost you more money," she said.

"That's fine," I replied.

Lara nodded and led me to a large open area where the slaves were kept. Rows of cages and pens lined the space, each holding a different races.

"Follow me, sir," Lara said, guiding me through the rows. We stopped first at the dwarves. They looked sturdy, their eyes filled with defiance.

"These are our best dwarves. Hard workers, skilled in mining and building," Lara said.

I used my skill to appraise them

Name: Thrain

Race: Dwarf

Skills: Mining, Smithing

Power: 18

Agility: 12

Mind: 14

Description: A skilled miner and smith, loyal and hardworking. Comes from the land of Dwarfita, an empire that was destroyed by invaders. He was captured and sold to the Salvador House.

I selected 10 dwarves, both male and female, ensuring they had skills in mining and building. I chose individuals with different backgrounds to help them form a community and build families. Next, we moved to the spirits.

"These spirits are rare and can aid in magical endeavors," Lara explained.

I appraised them.

Name: Sylva

Race: Spirit

Skills: Healing, Water Manipulation

Power: 10

Agility: 15

Mind: 20

Description: A gentle spirit skilled in healing and water manipulation. Sylva comes from the Whispering Woods, known for its serene and powerful spirits.

I kept appraising them but couldn't find the spirit I needed. All of these were focused on healing and magic.

"Lara, are these spirits capable of helping in agriculture?"

"No, sir. They are mostly damage dealers or supports that adventurers need. Are they not to your liking?"

"Yes, I need spirits that can help with agriculture."

Lara looked thoughtful for a moment. "Let me check our inventory records. We might have some Earth Spirits that could assist with agriculture, though they are rare and usually not in high demand among adventurers."

She left the room and returned a few minutes later with a different catalog. "Here, these are our Earth Spirits. They are adept at enhancing soil fertility, promoting plant growth, and even controlling weather to some extent."

I appraised them and found a few promising candidates.

Name: Terran

Race: Earth Spirit

Skills: Soil Fertilization, Plant Growth Enhancement

Power: 12

Agility: 10

Mind: 18

Description: An Earth Spirit skilled in improving soil fertility and enhancing plant growth. Terran hails from the Verdant Valleys, a region known for its bountiful harvests.

Name: Flora

Race: Earth Spirit

Skills: Weather Control, Plant Manipulation

Power: 11

Agility: 11

Mind: 19

Description: An Earth Spirit with abilities in weather control and plant manipulation. Flora comes from the Blooming Groves, an area renowned for its lush flora and temperate climate.

"These are perfect," I said, selecting five Earth Spirits. "Now, let's move on to the elves."

Lara led me to the section with elves. Tall, graceful, and agile, they were known for being skilled in archery and nature magic.

Name: Elaria

Race: Elf

Skills: Archery, Nature Magic

Power: 14

Agility: 18

Mind: 17

Description: A skilled archer and practitioner of nature magic. Elaria is from the Elven Kingdom of Aeloria, known for its lush forests and skilled hunters.

Name: Faelar

Race: Elf

Skills: Herbalism, Healing

Power: 13

Agility: 16

Mind: 19

Description: An expert in herbalism and healing. Faelar hails from the tranquil Glimmering Glade, a sanctuary for elves who specialize in healing arts.

I selected five elves, focusing on their skills in archery and healing. I wanted to balance their gender, but apparently, the elves can't reproduce. They can only be born from the World Tree. Lastly, we moved to the fighters. There were various races, from beastmen and lizardmen to orcs, demons, and devils, among others.

"Lara, I need two races. One should have close combat capabilities, and the other should specialize in ranged damage. They should both require minimal food intake," I explained.

Lara nodded. "Understood, sir. For close combat, the Ironclads would be a suitable choice. They are known for their resilience and strength, perfect for frontline battles. As for ranged damage with minimal food consumption, the Avians would be a suitable choice. They have keen eyesight and agility, perfect for archery."

"Show me the Ironclads and Avians," I instructed.

As Lara led me through the bustling market, we approached the Ironclad section. Ironclads were imposing figures, their bulky frames encased in sturdy armor. Their metallic appearance gleamed under the market's lights, and the air around them seemed to hum with strength and resilience.

On the other hand, the Avians stood gracefully, They have wings. Their features resembled those of birds of prey, with sharp eyes and sleek bodies built for flight. Each Avian exuded an aura of agility and precision, perfectly suited for ranged combat.

I appraised the candidates Lara had presented:

Name: Tharuk

Race: Ironclad

Skills: Shield Mastery, Heavy Weaponry

Power: 28

Agility:1 5

Mind: 12

Description: Tharuk is a seasoned Ironclad warrior, known for his expertise in wielding shields and heavy weaponry. Hailing from the Iron Highlands, he is a stalwart defender in the heat of battle.

Name: Lyra

Race: Avian

Skills: Precision Archery, Aerial Maneuvering

Power: 20

Agility: 22

Mind: 16

"Lara what do ironclads eat," I asked

"Ironclad is powered by sunlight, sir. As long as you let them bathe in the sun, they can move."

After careful consideration, I decided to select 12 Ironclads for close combat and 8 Avians for ranged damage. With their combined strengths, they would form a formidable force for my budding military.

"Thank you, Lara. Let's proceed with these selections," I said, confirming my choices.

"Of course, sir," Lara replied, her tone professional and efficient. "I'll finalize the paperwork and make the necessary arrangements. Please follow me back to your room while I take care of everything."

I followed her back to the room where I had initially reviewed the catalog. The room was quiet and offered a brief respite from the bustling market outside. Lara handed me a drink and a small tray of snacks as I settled into a chair.

"Feel free to relax here while I handle the details," she said with a polite smile. "It shouldn't take too long."

"Thank you, Lara," I said, appreciating the hospitality.

She nodded and left the room, closing the door softly behind her. As I waited, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. With my new slaves, I could start building the foundation of my empire.