Cane Astro has accomplished much in his life, but loneliness plagues him. He mysteriously dies just as he meets someone who piques his interest. Reincarnated on a post-apocalyptic Earth ruled by monsters and superhumans, he discovers a new way to spend his life filled with adventure and excitement. When he discovers the origins of his new body and the reason for his death, his newfound goals will not allow him to be anything less than one of the strongest superhumans.
Cane immediately asked if it was okay to call her Roseheim. He was truly sorry about everything. He admitted that he did know what's inside him and did not mean to threaten everyone, especially her.
"I have so many secrets that I don't even understand myself, but I now know that you are a trustworthy person. I am truly sorry; I have taken your innocence forcefully," Cane apologized.
Doctor Brooke did not answer and actually ran away. Kharlile and Cane looked at each other with a wry smile.
'I'm just glad you're both alive. I got the gist of what happened, but I won't press for specifics. So, does this mean you will never be able to touch or be touched by a woman in your life? That has to be the most heart-wrenching way to torture a man. I can't even imagine myself being unable to be lovey-dovey with my future girlfriend.' Kharlile smiled as he fantasized about his ideal woman.
'Hey. I could have killed everyone in this city. My situation is much graver than you think. Do you dare daydream about your future girlfriend? How old are you anyway?', Cane berated his Foxman friend.
'Hahaha. I'm just trying to make you happy. I am now 20 years old. Because of my constitution, I may appear younger. My ancestors were, in fact, powerful superhumans. They gave birth to a defect like mine due to crossbreeding and certain conditions. Doctor Brooke's family, on the other hand, believes otherwise. They are among those who believe that sentient failures or super beasts like us should not be condemned,' Kharlile explained.
'I see. But with the long history of New Earth, there must be some powerful entities of your kind. Did they not make any attempt to persuade the major population?', Cane curiously asked.
Cane's question baffled Kharlile, but he believed that he should pioneer his own path. He was confident of getting stronger because Roseheim's father, Mr. Benheim Brooke, could help him get into one of the four great academies. It turned out that it didn't matter whether you were a superhuman or a superbeast to these institutions. On the other hand, Sentient Failures were still far from being accepted by the community. Hence, as long as one was talented and passed their tests, they would be accepted.
Cane nodded after realizing that the New Earth was bigger and much more complicated than he imagined.
'I must get into one of the four great academies to start my journey. During the incident, I realized that Gods are not to be trifled with, so my best bet would be to understand myself, and enrolling in an academy will undoubtedly help me find answers.'
But he realized that completely forgetting his past would be detrimental. He did not want to forget about the golden-haired girl or his son, even though he had already asked Liz to remind him. Even a silhouette of them would suffice. He might not have been able to control himself with the sin that was triggered with Roseheim if it hadn't been for his recollection of what happened between him and the golden-haired woman before he died.
Cane had too much on his plate, and it kept piling up: the golden-haired girl and their son, Roseheim; his origins; his parents; and his body's secrets. But, after everything he'd been through, he suddenly felt he had become a part of something even bigger than his secret. He felt it when he let himself drown in the sin of lust. The feeling was vague. He had even manifested space powers before, but when he tried again, he couldn't feel them. He appeared to be possessed, and with a wave of his hand, he felt like a god.
Cane understood the importance of taking small steps toward his goal. What happened surprised him at the time, but he knew it was more of a result of fate than a mistake on his part. He even wondered if they were fated to meet and the incident to occur.
'Brother Kharlile, we've only known each other a few days, but you've treated me like a true brother. It means a lot to me. I'm also convinced that the doctor and her family are trustworthy. But I'm a little tired. Please allow me to take a short nap. Also, please inform Roseheim that she is free to punish me. I have committed a serious offense against her. Except for death, I can accept anything. I have so much to do, I can't die yet.', he explained, his eyelids dropping like a countdown.
They had no idea Roseheim was eavesdropping via the system in her clinic. She quickly came out after Cane slept on the 'lucky' couch. Kharlile wryly smiled at her cute demeanor which was far from the usual aloof Dr. Brooke. He told her about Cane's thoughts and hoped that she would give a favorable answer.
Doctor Brooke was well aware, their relationship would not be normal as a result of what had occurred. Whether he was an avatar of a sin or not, she never considered vengeance because she knew he was also forced by a higher power. It just truly puzzled her that, despite his stubbornness, she couldn't find an ounce of hatred for him. She simply told Kharlile that she and Cane would talk about it when he awoke. Suddenly, her eyes twinkled, as if she had a great idea all of a sudden.
'It already happened. If he would do anything for me, I just wish that he would give my father peace of mind and also let me study his body. His viral genes to be exact. Please tell him that.'
Kharlile looked at the guy, who was oblivious to what a beautiful woman had said to him. 'What a weird guy. He is really scary when he uses his powers, but he is actually a carefree and decent person. We better let him rest for now and take care of this place.'
Doctor Brooke nodded meekly. Everything that happened took a toll on both her and Cane. She wanted to hate the person who had forced her to give up her virginity, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. She had never experienced anything that could shake her since she was a child and activated her viral gene; she had theories and solutions for everything. Even Cane's relationship with a god did not disturb her as much as the indescribable feeling that blazed in her heart when Cane looked at her with determination.
After being "connected" with him, that indescribable feeling kept on growing in her heart. She wanted to think about something else, but the only thing that flashes again and again in her mind was how Cane tried to stop himself from hurting her. Even at the time when he was enacting his lust, she felt that Cane wanted to be as gentle as possible.
'What is going on with me? I know he's attractive and polite, but he nearly killed me. But, after everything, I just can't let him go. I am curious to learn more about him. I want to know everything about his viral genes and his connection with the God of Lust.', she thought inwardly as she held her cheeks with both of her soft hands like a sweet 16-year-old girl.
Kharlile and Doctor Brooke thoroughly cleaned the entire underground floor. Doctor Brooke simply told Linda to hide the broken heavy-duty doors on the ground and planned to have them repaired once Cane and she had a serious talk about everything.
The next day...
'Where is Roseheim?', Cane asked Kharlile, who was sleeping, curled up like a cat.
'She must be on the upper floors. She's a well-known genetic doctor, after all. Don't worry, she'll be here any moment bringing food.', the Foxman opened his eyes and replied, then went back to sleep.
It was as if she knew someone was looking for her. A gorgeous lady in a white lab coat with her hair tied up suddenly came with a plastic bag in her hand.
Cane who was staring at the ceiling, waiting, shifted his gaze to the visitor. It was his first time really observing the woman in front of him. He already knew she was lovely, but noticing the smallest details about her made his heart race faster.
Cane gulped a mouthful of saliva as he noticed her pinkish lips, rosy cheeks, well-proportioned face, dreamy brown eyes, silky violet hair, milky white skin, huge racks, hourglass figure, and the new indescribable aura she was exuding.
'What are you staring at? Wake that fox up and eat this. You and I have many things to discuss after that.', Doctor Brooke said coldly.
Cane got out of his trance and immediately did as she said. He did not dare to make her mad; he owed her too much. She sacrificed her life and body to save the lives of everyone in the city, ultimately. After eating, Kharlile left the two people to talk about something important. He said that he would be back in a few hours.
Doctor Brooke's hair immediately turned from violet to blue. She then took a deep breath and seriously looked at Cane, who was like an avid fan, stunned to see his idol.
He was frozen in thought because he was confused by her demeanor. Though he was aware that he had forced sex with her, he had the impression that she was avoiding him rather than hating him.
'You require my assistance, and you want me to keep your secret from others. I am willing to do all of that in exchange for your permission to conduct research on your body.' Doctor Brooke took a golden stone from her pocket and said, "This is the stone of promise from the Temple of Temperance. It can be used to make a promise. If we break it, we will immediately face divine tribulation. Don't worry, it definitely works."
Cane frowned at the way she talked to him. 'Do you really have to sound like you are transacting with me? Something amazing happened between us! You can't just shrug it off!'