
The Transmigrated Knight

Ethan Grayson, began to experience a recurring dream that haunts him for many consecutive nights. In this dream, he is transported to a mystical forest shrouded in an ethereal ambiance, with two moons suspended in the night sky, casting a mesmerizing glow. Within this enigmatic forest, Ethan hears the soft yet distinct sound of footsteps, echoing through the trees. To his surprise, a group of wounded and peculiar children emerges from the darkness, and to his astonishment, some of them were humans and some of them have extraordinary features that set them apart from humans? The children's bodies are covered in bruises and scratches, revealing their vulnerability and need for protection. However, upon noticing Ethan's presence, the children become overwhelmed with fear, resulting in tears and desperate attempts to protect one another. One child, standing at the forefront, exhibits a fierce determination to safeguard the others, wielding a branch as a makeshift weapon. Drawn by his compassion and a desire to ease their distress, Ethan cautiously approaches the children, extending his arm in a gesture of solace. To his astonishment, shadows manifest from his outstretched hand, adding an eerie and unsettling element to the encounter. The origin and nature of this darkness within him remain unknown, stirring a mix of fear and fascination within him. Each night, as he awakens from the dream, he finds himself drenched in sweat, grappling with the unsettling experience...

the_cursed_one · 奇幻
2 Chs

The Dream

In the tranquil morning, as birds filled the air with their melodic chirping and the distant waterfall provided a calming backdrop, a campsite came alive with the bustling energy of an army preparing for action. Tents dotted the landscape, housing soldiers readying themselves for their next mission.

Inside one of the tents, Ethan, a soldier, slept fitfully, his body soaked in perspiration, as if caught in the clutches of a haunting nightmare. Amidst the soldier's restless slumber, a voice broke through the haze of his dreams.



"Ethan, wake up! wake up!"

The urgency in the voice echoed with a note of desperation.

Slowly, Ethan stirred, his eyelids fluttering open. He found himself drenched in a cold sweat, disoriented and momentarily disconnected from reality. It took a moment for him to register the soldier who stood before him, his expression filled with concern.

"Ethan, wake up and hurry,"

the soldier repeated, his voice tinged with urgency. Ethan's heart raced as he realized the gravity of the situation. He needed to snap out of his disoriented state and prepare for a crucial rescue mission.

Shaking off the remnants of his unsettling dream, Ethan sprang into action. His mind focused on the task at hand, he swiftly donned his gear and readied himself for the mission ahead. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, overriding the remnants of his nightmarish slumber.

With each passing moment, the urgency grew, and Ethan's determination intensified. He knew that lives were at stake, and he couldn't afford to waste a second. In this critical moment, Ethan's nightmare was left behind, replaced by a resolute determination to carry out the rescue and fulfill his duty as a soldier.

As Ethan joined his comrades outside the tent, the camp was abuzz with a sense of urgency. Orders were being relayed, equipment checked, and preparations made for the rescue mission. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the lives at stake.

Ethan's commanding officer approached him, a mix of concern and determination etched on his face. He briefed Ethan on the mission, emphasizing its importance and the need for a swift and successful operation. Lives hung in the balance, and the success of the rescue relied on the courage and expertise of every soldier.

With each passing moment, Ethan felt the weight of responsibility settle upon his shoulders. The nightmare that had plagued him moments ago seemed distant, replaced by a laser-like focus on the task at hand. He could feel the adrenaline surging through his veins, heightening his senses and sharpening his resolve.

The mission involved infiltrating a hostile territory to extract hostages held captive by an enemy faction. Time was of the essence, as the captives' lives were in imminent danger. Ethan's unit, a highly trained and specialized team, would utilize their skills to overcome obstacles, navigate treacherous terrain, and neutralize any threats encountered along the way.

As the rescue team set out, the forest enveloped them in its embrace, its ancient trees providing both cover and an eerie backdrop to their mission. The soothing sounds of birds and the gentle trickle of the waterfall offered a fleeting respite, a moment of tranquility amid the chaos of warfare.

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as they ventured deeper into enemy territory. Each step brought them closer to their objective, their collective determination unwavering. Their training kicked in, instincts honed through years of rigorous preparation guiding their every move.

They faced numerous challenges, from enemy patrols to hidden traps, but their cohesion and unwavering resolve proved invaluable. Ethan's own unique abilities as a soldier came to the forefront, using them to his advantage in moments of peril.

As they breached the compound where the hostages were held, Ethan's unit executed a meticulously planned assault. They swiftly neutralized the enemy forces, their training and expertise shining through. With precision and efficiency, they secured the captives and led them to safety, their faces filled with gratitude and relief.

The mission was a success, but the battle was not yet won. As they retreated from the enemy territory, Ethan couldn't help but reflect on the significance of their actions. They had not only saved lives but also restored hope to those who had endured unimaginable hardships.

Back at the camp, cheers erupted as Ethan and his unit returned triumphant. Their courage and selflessness were celebrated, a testament to the indomitable spirit that defined them as soldiers.

When the successful rescue mission came to an end and the night once again blanketed the forest, and as the soldiers settled into their tents, exhaustion from the rescue mission weighing heavily upon them, Ethan, too, sought solace in slumber. The sounds of nature filled the air, with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant murmur of the forest's inhabitants. The night was tranquil, yet within the depths of Ethan's dreams, a familiar and haunting realm awaited.

Once again, Ethan found himself drawn into the embrace of the recurring dream that had woven itself into the fabric of his consciousness. He is transported back to the mystical forest. The forest, illuminated by the ethereal glow of the two moons, greeted him with an enchanting beauty that defied description. The air was imbued with a sense of magic, carrying whispers of secrets and untold wonders.

Within this enigmatic forest, Ethan hears the soft yet distinct sound of footsteps, echoing through the trees. To his surprise, a group of wounded and peculiar children emerges from the darkness, and to his astonishment, some of them were humans and some of them have extraordinary features that set them apart from humans? The children's bodies are covered in bruises and scratches, revealing their vulnerability and need for protection.

However, upon noticing Ethan's presence, the children become overwhelmed with fear, resulting in tears and desperate attempts to protect one another. One child, standing at the forefront, exhibits a fierce determination to safeguard the others, wielding a branch as a makeshift weapon.

Drawn by his compassion and a desire to ease their distress, Ethan cautiously approaches the children, extending his arm in a gesture of solace. To his astonishment, shadows manifest from his outstretched hand, adding an eerie and unsettling element to the encounter. The origin and nature of this darkness within him remain unknown, stirring a mix of fear and fascination within him. And then he awakens from the dream, he finds himself drenched in sweat, grappling with the unsettling experience.

It was still midnight so to calm himself and his mind he decided to walk near the camp. After sometime as Ethan walked along the path leading from the waterfall to the edge of the forest, a sense of tranquility washed over him. The sound of rushing water and the soft whisper of leaves provided a calming backdrop to his thoughts. He sought solace in the embrace of nature, hoping to clear his mind from the enigmatic dreams that had consumed his nights.

Yet, as he neared the forest, a peculiar familiarity washed over him. The scenery before him seemed to echo the mystical allure of his recurring dream. The soft moonlight cascaded through the canopy, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the surroundings. It was as if the dream had come to life before his very eyes.

His heart raced with anticipation as he cautiously approached the glowing presence within the darkened forest. There, amidst the shadowy depths, a radiant blue and black light emanated from a portal—a sight that defied his understanding of reality. Doubts swirled within him, and he questioned the nature of his existence. Was this a mere extension of his dreams, or had he stumbled upon an extraordinary revelation?

Compelled by curiosity, Ethan extended his hand and cautiously touched the shimmering surface of the portal. To his amazement, a surge of energy coursed through him, as if the portal itself was alive, responding to his touch. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced before—tingling with a blend of excitement and trepidation.

The portal beckoned him, its beauty and allure captivating his senses. The intricate patterns and swirling colors seemed to hold untold secrets and limitless possibilities. The he hears someone's voice calling for him.


Startled, Ethan snapped out of his trance and turned towards the sound of his comrade's voice. The familiar face of his fellow soldier emerged from the darkness, concern etched across his features.

"Ethan, what are you doing?"

"Why are you here?".

He glanced back, only to find an empty expanse of darkness, devoid of any trace of the radiant portal he had just witnessed. Confusion and disbelief clouded his mind as he tried to comprehend what had just transpired.

"I... I don't know,"

Ethan stammered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

"I saw something."

"A portal,"

"A portal?"

his comrade asked with a dazed and confused voice.

"A portal, glowing with light. It was right here."

Ethan replied back and he gestured to the empty space, his hand trembling slightly.

"But now... it's gone."

His comrade studied him intently, concern evident in his eyes.

"Ethan, you've been through a lot. The missions, the rescue... Perhaps it was just a trick of the mind, a result of exhaustion and stress."

Ethan nodded, trying to rationalize the experience, yet unable to shake the vividness of the portal from his memory. He knew he had seen it, felt its presence, and heard the beckoning whispers from beyond. It had felt so real, so tangible. Was it possible that it had all been a figment of his imagination? Maybe it was really a mere hallucination.

With a sigh, Ethan turned back to his comrade, determination shining in his eyes.

"You're right, it must have been my mind playing tricks on me. We have missions to focus on. Let's return to camp and prepare for what lies ahead."

As they walked back to the camp, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that he had brushed against a world beyond comprehension.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

the_cursed_onecreators' thoughts