
The War

Isabel sat sobbing at her desk, head in her hands. Only minutes prior had she been told the terrible news of her parents. Slaughtered. Both killed in the awful war. Her older siblings, had all fled, leaving Isabel in control of the castle. Her head shook violently, and she scolded herself. Crying would do no good, especially since she had a messy kingdom to rule. Straightening her appearance, Isabel shakily stood up, then exited her chambers. As she roamed the empty corridors, Isabel gazed at the tall metal door, which protected the lonely castle. She heard a low rumble, and a giant moan. The wall started shaking violently, knocking her off her dainty feet. The door shuddered, then creaked open, swinging off it's hinges. A man dressed in all black attire rode in on a noble steed, holding a roll or parchment. Isabel scurried up, leaving against the stone wall.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"It is, Sir Cancelot. I have come to collect the youngest daughter of the king and queen," he said.

"I'm not going with you," Isabel said strictly. "Now if you'll excuse me---" Before she could finish speaking however, Sir Cancelot gripped her tightly, hoisting her onto the big black horse. She tried jumping off, but Sir Canelot clutched her tightly.

"Let go of me!" she shrieked.

"Sorry, Miss, can't do that. King James needs you there quickly," the knight said.

"And why does he need me? I have a kingdom to run and a castle to operate! I will not let some man remove me from my home, then force me to his own. This is not how a lady should be treated!" Isabel complained. "Now, I order you to take me home. Now."

"Can't do that, Miss." Isabel sharply faced the other direction, and watched as they left her kingdom, which lay in ruins. Buildings burned, rubble caked on the streets, and piles of rocks were thrown everywhere. Isabel huffed loudly, hoping this stop at the king's castle would be quick.

In the distance, Isabel made out a towering castle. Big and beautiful. It had gold trimmings, stone walls, and a huge garden, full of flowers and trees.

"Here we are. The king awaits you. This way, Miss," said Sir Canelot. Leading her into the wonderful building. Upon entering, she saw a sight that could never be unseen. Standing there, wearing a golden crown, was a vampire.

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