

Synopsis “The Tra Grade S” is a book illustrating a story of the experience of a young boy, named Divine who grew up as a cypher and mystery solver. Divine was born in a family of twelve siblings. As the eleventh born, he has a supernatural endowment, which reflects in his gifts and talents. His endowment gives him the rare ability to decipher things and events even before they occur. The rare ability of Divine works in a way of aligning letters from words to form acronyms that communicate deeper thoughts. He does this by fetching out the encrypted thoughts to reveal deep secrets. The deciphering of Divine's inspiration often paints the bigger picture of knowledge hidden from the ordinary eye and the revelation of Divine will make him the most sought after. Dive in, as I take you on a swift trip into the heart of Divine’s world of unconventional knowledge. His experiences started as a dream that never looks like a dream... DISCLAIMER: This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, happenings, locations, and occurrences either are the products of the writer’s mind's eye or used in a made-up manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or definite events is only coincidental. I have tried recreating events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. To maintain their anonymity in some instances, I have changed the names of individual and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence. discord link: Licensed by AnD entertainment. #TAG# #sci-fi#,#mystery solver#,#cipher#,#supernatural#,#faith-base#,#Anti-religion#,#system#,#mind control#,#AI and Robotic#,#Alien# This novel is ongoing....you will not regret reading this book. It will open your eyes to deep and alien knowledge of our present-day world. I solicit your supports. Your power stone votes, gifts and leave review feedback.Thanks

Pattyegah Ikwue · 科幻
170 Chs


“You do not know who is talking and do not try to figure out because you cannot, I am the Faceless”, the weird voice says, “You are under my watch and you are known by those who drive my course in various field of studies”. “I am the brain behind technological development and the sole mission of my agents is to reap humanity completely, because humanity is my cultivation. Therefore, I am allowing you to serve me and become one of the great minds to control the affairs of humanity with your unusual knowledge. When I heard this, my heart quakes, with a sharp ache as if someone ran a sharp needle into my cranium, even, when I heard, “You are under my watch”.

“Did you see the money in your account?” The weird voice asks me, and in response, I say, “Yes”. However, I intend to ask but was interrupted, and as the weird voice says, “No question, your response is to pin your ears back”. I feel like someone is trying to manipulate me, I demur and I say, “I need to know who is talking”. However, the voice in response speaks, “You cannot know me, you meet with some of my agents under the Council of the Great and I know your plans to release some information that opposes my prime mission through my agents who knows about your unusual knowledge”. For the reason of the classified information you have, my agents are contacting you and have made arrangements for you to share this rare knowledge with the Word Council of the Great. We are offering you a live assurance, by this I mean, you will lack nothing, as long as your work in alignment with our meta-construct, everything you need will be available for you, but if you do otherwise... However, you will now have access to our secret treasure and every financial institution around the world will answer to you. All you need to do is to place others with the seal of the Great one and you will have whatever you have ordered.

It is like a daydream, as my mind could not bear what I was imagining any more. I observe my faculty shutting down, as I was trying to imagine things beyond my thought grasp. I hear the strange voice talking into my mind and I could feel the sensation in my head as if someone is ripping into shreds, my mental faculty. Therefore, for that reason, “we have sent some money into your account”, the strange voice declares. What you discover in your account is untraceable, so do not ask “how?” We control all the financial institutions and we are reimbursing you off the front for the information we need from you.

I ask, “How would this be? How did you people get my contacts? Why me?” The questions in my mind keep flooding, as thoughts keep clouding and I did not even know, which question to ask anymore. However, while asking, this strange voice says, “All arrangement has being made and you do not need to know how, just check your mail by 7:00 am tomorrow, you will get the details of what next.” We control all the big techs, the entire communication networks, media and the national identity management of all nations, provided you have been captured biometrically, you cannot hide from our watch. The call just went dead, when I wanted to ask further. My heart starts racing like a power bike as if I am hiking, stuck in a mountain with no one to help me down. However, I see this imaginary like ten feet piton tending toward me. In my mind, comes a prompt like a question, “Where do I go from you here?” and I wake up in my mind and discover I was in my office. The fears in my mind begin to torment me, as the mental pictures; seem to be recurring at every interval. However, it was as if I was seeing these things.

I sigh deeply, fall back to my seat and zoom in through thought for some minutes. I never realize that my colleague is standing right in front of me and watching all the drama from me. Divine, are you all right? In response, I said, “I am ok”. As if I just woke up from another dream.

“I have been standing here for like three minutes; even waving at you; do mean you did not see me?” I told him, “I did, nevertheless, I was overwhelmed by something in my mind” but I lied. I never observe him at all, for the reason that my mind has travelled far. I immediately, pick my phone, step out of the office, walk to the road, pick up a bike, and start returning home. However, my head is aching, as my heart is racing, as I just cannot reconcile all the happenings,

….why me?

The weather becoming so cold; I wrap up myself like a child being wrapped in her mother’s embrace and was watching the images forming in my mind, even as I am now lost in thought again. Nothing seems to be making sense to me at all, as reality now seems like a dream, while the supposed dream is now seeming like reality. The thought of my conversation with the anonymous personality that called with the number 999 kept replaying in my subconscious mind, it is like a bug permanently living in my head and crawling down to possess my entire mind. I heard the echoing of the voice again in my heart of heart (ear); “Just check your mail by 7:00 am tomorrow” besides the time is now 11:11 pm, and I could not even take a nap, as I am now afraid of still experiencing another nightmare.

I pick up one of Dan Brown’s book title “Inferno” to read, thinking it will help. It is as if there is a strange force, tracking every one of my emotions with anything I pick up to help me put off the thought of my encounters, adds to my experience more emotions. I open the unnumbered page of the “Inferno”, turning to the next page, and read, “ALSO BY DAN BROWN, featuring Robert Langdon, The Lost Symbol, The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, Deception Point and Digital Fortress”. However, I realize I had written something on the book with pen, and this was what I wrote, “Realities hidden in letters, mostly in encrypted words, goes beyond physical sight. If you do not search and read deep, you will be lost in the world where the crowd is tending the broad path of the conventional knowledge drive, as there are more to what we have come to know about A – Z. I kept flipping the pages, until I am now where I read, “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” I flip to the next page, and next, where I saw the prologue. The first sentence I read, seem to answer my question of the identity of the caller, because, in my mind, I asked, “Who is this caller?” before I flip to the page, and the first sentence I read hits my eye, “I am the Shade”. I continue reading to know what the “Shade” means. I found the word “Arno” while reading and it caught my attention, connecting it with ANOR, which is a word I got from comparing COVID 19 with CORONA VIRUS. I went on reading because I am desperately looking for something, that I do not even know anything about, but deep down, knows when I find what I am looking for, my mind will be at peace. I read further, “I scramble, breathless…” and it sounds to me like, having difficulty breathing, hmmm! My heart was racing. Caught up in a trance and experience, as if I am in a lab watching an experiment with a man as the guinea pig, puffing and struggling to breathe in an airtight tank filled with toxic gases and the air completely polluted. With my back relax on my cushion chair, I zoom off, and found myself in a very dark tunnel, as if I was been chased. I was screaming for help, but there was no one to help me, as the darkness kept closing up on me. I did not even know that I was screaming. However, my screaming attracted my wife. She rushes to the parlour, tap me and wake me up. What is the problem? I stirred into her eye, and could not respond, because I did not know what was happening. The experience to me was inexplicable; I told her that I was just having a nightmare.

The memories of that strange figure that appeared to me in a dream as the faceless one now came recurring in my mind like fizz, materializing from the dusk of the never-ending ditch. I summon the courage to face my greatest fear; knowing that if I do not, I will remain tormented until everything will start driving me groundlessly crazy. Immediately I made this resolve, all the imageries in my mind, varnishes and I could now think straight. Looking at the time on my wall clock, 12: 12 am hits my eyes. I have been seeing a pattern of recurring time recent like this, flashing my eyes and it became a huge concern to me. With my mind fixed on 7:00 am, anticipating the email, to know exactly next…

The audible sound of the cock crowing calls my attention that it is daybreak and birds, chirping relentlessly, woke me up, while I open my eyes and pick up my phone from the side of my bed to check the time, I saw 6:06 am. The thought of the anticipating email came flooding my heart and I was trying to figure out what the contents of the email will be. I heard a knock on my door, and head straight to verify the identity of the person knocking on my door at this odd moment when most people will still be sleeping. Who is that? I pryingly ask, and a voice responded, “It is me”. Please, “can I know who you are?” It is Moses, the electrician, you ask me to see you by 6:00 am that you have a little electrical fixing job for me to do. I open the door and he enters. I ask him to check back later in the day and explain to him that I need to have some quiet time now.

I pick up my phone again and Look at the time, it is now 6: 55 am, just five more minutes to receiving the email, and I cannot just wait, so I held my phone with my eyes glued to the screen.

7:00 am prompt, I heard a beeping sound on my phone, picks up and realize it is an email notification. I click to open the email and saw, “MESSAGE FROM THE ENLIGHTENED MINDS” and the contents hold, “You are invited chosen to become one of the enlightened minds and a position is reserved for you in the conference that will hold tomorrow. All arrangement have is put in place for your smooth flight and the conference will be held in the United Kingdom. Do not wars, after ale, begin in the minds of men? This is a Conference for the Establishment of an Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the United Kingdom and you have expected to take a very special topic “Proving the model A – Z” and “Revealing the knowledge of the code COVID 19”. A chopper will pick you up by 7:00 pm, to the airport, where a private jet will fly from JOS to the venue of the conference. You do not need to bother to know the location of the venue.

After reading the message, I did not know what to tell my wife, because she is not even aware of all that has been happening to me recently. I called her to the parlour after she had woken up and told her I need to discuss something with her. She sat down, very curious to hear what I want to discuss with her. When I broke the news that I will be travelling abroad for a conference, she just told me, I must have been joking. I opened the email, read it out to her, and handed my phone to her, so she could read for herself. All she could do was cry! I took out time to talk her into believing that all will be well with me, all she could say came like a question, “I need you to know that you have two daughters and they need you” “I know baby, all will be fine” I responded in strict confidence.

Hey! Baby, everything will be fine, I assure you that I will come back, safe and sound. While I was still trying to convince her, tears start dripping from her eyes, I could not hold back my emotions, as we both were shading tears. I held her close to my embrace, kissed her on her cheek, and reassured her that all will be fine. It was indeed a moment of emotions. She whispers some words of prayer, while in my embrace, “God will go with you and preserve you from the hands of the evil one. No weapon formed against you will prosper in Jesus name” and we both responded in one accord “Amen”! My wife is the religious type, I am not, however, a passionate truth seeker and pro-God

I have so much in mind because this opportunity to me is like a dream come through because I have always had this vision of sharing with the world my revelation knowledge, that is very unconventional from the norm of the system, but here I am, standing face to face with my dream stirring at me.

I was so anxious; anticipating what will happen when I come face to face with what now has become my greatest nightmare, looking up to 7:00 am when I will be picked up and it is now 6: 55 pm. However, everywhere was becoming very dark, I step out of the room, went to the backyard, and watching from an extensive distance as far as my eyes can see beyond the height of the mountains, was a helicopter, looking like a tiny bird hovering toward my direction, but I could spot it. Could this be the helicopter assigned to pick me up? In anticipation, with my eyes fix watching the figure, until it drew closer and closer. I can now see the chopper very visible and close, like 10 miles away from my point of view.