We somehow managed to calm down Joshua though he kept cursing colourful words with flared nostrils. I could understand his annoyance because by now, I had also begun to feel the same.
It was not the first time the pieces of evidence of any attack on me had been wiped out, but after all these experiences, I had gotten quite familiar with Gabriel's ways. And this was not his way of handling things at all. I can bet on it!
It also couldn't be Cameron because he would have set the whole place on fire or pointed his gun at our heads to keep our mouths shut. That was his way... always extreme!
But this was a deliberately planned and carefully articulated act. It took a calm and savvy brain to come up with such perfection.
Then that left only one person.
Would the devil do this for me? Just to keep my name off the record?
I glanced at the cabin, and my mind began calculating the dollars he would have to pay if he decided to take those laborious efforts.