
ch30-Tutorial (25) Wolf King

'Now then, time to finish this tutorial and get some real rest.'

Now that he had destroyed the assassins guild Oliver started preparing for his final task.

Killing the Wolf King.

The Wolf King, although strong wasn't something Oliver couldn't handle at this moment, the only problem was that at this moment the location of the Wolf King was unknown, even on the highest floors of the tower.

The only thing he could do was wait, so that is exactly what Oliver did.

He went back to his room to get some rest, and go over his plans, and tweak them with all the information and power he had gotten.

He hadn't planned on spending this many AP at the moment, originally he even planned on asking for help to deal with the assassins guild. But due to his quick growth he found it more than worth it to waste some AP to gain some convenience and speed.

Even the Wolf king was something he hadn't planned on confronting alone, as he planned on the noble houses helping him in taking it down. But now that he could minimize the casualties, he could surly get a higher score.

Of course Oliver was hoping for a 5 star evaluation, but in truth he knew that that was probably a little far fetched. Still, anything that could get his score up was more than welcome.


And so the remaining time of the tutorial floor slowly ticked by, Oliver spend most of his time resting and planning. He didn't see any value in trying to discover things in the tutorial.

After all he already had the combined information of trillions if not quadrillions of tutorial runs. He wasn't so delusional to think that he could find anything all of those challengers couldn't, even if he was a lot stronger.

Walking out of the room he was renting Oliver made his way towards the busy streets of the inner city. Unlike the normal progression of the tutorial, where only the kingdoms army was mobilized, it was clear that a war was coming, and everyone was ready.

Oliver didn't pay the armies of the noble houses much mind as he mad his way towards the outer city, which had been largely deserted. Some houses still had residents, but even those were packing up to seek shelter in the inner city, which had been opened to everyone due to the war.

The outer most parts of the outer city were already destroyed as the wolf army that rapidly expanded had pushed the guards back.

These might look scary but Oliver knew that these wolfs were nothing but scouts in the grander army, even he couldn't prevent the outer city from being destroyed.

But as the noble houses were involved Oliver didn't doubt that they would pinch in to help restore, all be it to preserve their reputation.

Oliver himself had even, after leaving his room donated all of his money that was left over to the war restoration fund the kingdom had set up, since he wouldn't be needing it after this.

Making his way through the forest Oliver made sure to leap on top of the treetops, dodging the scout wolves while he made his way towards the Wolf King.

From the information Oliver had it was rather clear that the Wolf King appeared within the floor boundaries a few days ago, setting up an outpost within a well hidden cave.

Normally this cave would have all sorts of defensive measures, once that even Oliver, if he were under the pressure of the Wolf King attacking him couldn't break. But now that the supplier of such defences was cut off, that was another story.

It took a good 7 hours before Oliver arrived at the inconspicuous cave. Even knowing its exact location Oliver had to look really good to notice its entrance.

Calming himself Oliver decisively moved in as he threw 1 mana magic missiles towards all 50 or so guarding wolves.




Oliver still had some mana potions that he had saved up for this exact fight, so he could be a little freer with his mana use, still 1 mana magic missiles was more than enough for these pups.

All wolves got instantly killed, and all wolves within the cave obviously got notified of Olivers visit. That didn't matter to Oliver though as he sprinted in the cave. Dishing out magic missiles like he was giving away candy on Halloween.

By the time he came to a rather open area of the cave, the Wolf Kings layer, he had already killed nearly 1000 wolves, he even started using magic missiles with less than 1 mana halfway through.

Looking at the gigantic wolf, standing on his back legs at about 3 meters tall, and holding a sword Oliver knew he had his guy.

The Wolf King had also clearly noticed Oliver as a gghh sound started rating from his mouth.

Oliver, not standing on ceremonies instantly cast 150 magic missiles now that he still had some time before the little show of the Wolf King was over, and made them spin around his body.

Seeing Oliver cast so many missiles the Wolf King barked as he rushed over, lift his claw, and formed a phantom claw around it purely made out of magic.

'That's going to hurt if it hits me.'

Oliver, knowing he wasn't a match for the wolfs speed threw one of his magic missiles in the eyes of the Wolf King, who got repelled backwards as it wined in pain.

Not letting this chance go Oliver slipped by the wolf king, and continued throwing magic missiles at his back. Dealing more than 4000 damage in under 5 seconds.

The wolf king, clearly not amused turned around with fury on his face, now looking much bloodier than before.

10 more magic missiles started instantly flying towards his face. Now knowing better the wolf king covered his eyes. But the second he did so, those same magic missiles curved around his body, hitting him at nearly every vital spot he had.

'Still just a stupid beast, guess I overestimated it.'

Oliver didn't wait for the wolf king to play any more tricks as he emptied all his mana, which at this point had already fully regenerated thanks to a potion, on 100 magic missiles that he send strait towards the wolf king at break neck speed.

He couldn't cast more like before, as his regeneration effect from his best potion had long since worn out, but this was more than enough.




After the explosions settled only one thing could be seen amongst the pile of rubble.

The Wolf King, the mightiest beast in the tutorial floor, dead, beaten beyond recognition.