
The Three MuskeBRUZZAS In My Hero Academia

At the climax of the Shinjuku Showdown, Itadori Yuji unleashed his Domain Expansion upon the rejuvenated Ryomen Sukuna. Just then... A sudden... inexplicable twist of fate occurred. There was no warning. Only, a bright flash of light before Yuji's eyes. Blinking, Yuji found himself on an empty field in the countryside of Japan. Thoroughly confused and bewildered, rage overtook him as he searched for his nemesis. Only to freeze at a bizarre sight. It seems Yuji was not alone in the sudden transportation. Aoi Todo, injured as he was, and a perfectly healthy and Alive Choso lay before him. It was only later, that the Three Brothers discovered that they were transported to an Alien World under the guise of Japan. How will the Jujutsu Sorcerors adjust to a foreign world and superpowered society? Where flying around and destroying buildings are commonplace? A world of heroes and villains. Where do these men fit in? Exactly? Creative Directors: SplingoSplongo Honored_Writer SugmaSplongoKenjussyWorshipper Local Midnight Guest Viyka

BurgerNoTomatoes · 漫画同人
9 Chs

4: Interrogation

I'm occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam


-Story Start-

The sound of panic reverberated the streets, as the scene was focused on a skyline view of an odd van driving in an incredibly unsafe and dangerous rush.

The news reporter exclaimed on the street, a microphone in her hand, "This just in! A bold robbery of a local bank by a group of masked Villians, Heroes are currently en route to intercept them!"

A split screen featuring a man in the news station, mumbling with a frown, "Is there any idea regarding their identities? Organized crime in broad daylight is a death sentence in All Might's range."

The woman on the scene shook her head, as she gestured to the blown-up bank that was lit aflame, the fire department doing their best to turn it off with fire hydrants and water-related Quirks.

"All Might's been less and less active over the last few years. Though there has been no pattern for his appearance, we can only speculate they are trying their luck." She mirrored the frown of her distant colleague.

"A news helicopter is pursuing them at this very moment, thank you for your report, Jen." The man in the news station nodded.

"And thank you Satoshi, let us hope a Hero delivers them to justice..." She nodded in seriousness.

Unfortunately, her intern cameraman forgot to turn off the camera, as she screeched, "WHERE'S MY MAKEUP TEAM?! I LOOK DOWNRIGHT DISGU-"

She was cut off, "Apologies regarding our colleague, but we are happy to report that the van has been intercepted..." The man reported, "Jen, rush over to the scene now." The man whispered firmly.

The bird's eye view fixated on the van screeching to a halt, as a gigantic 20-meter-tall costumed woman stood before it.

Before it could reverse its direction, a large hand latched onto the roof of the van, the gigantic lady having taken it out as easily as opening a can of soda.

Arching an eyebrow at a pained screech emanating from the van, she shook her head and proceeded with her work.

The inside of the van revealed the masked men and their plunder, who engaged her in battle with a loose and rather amateurish usage of their quirks.

...From there, a battle of a giant against a few petty criminals ensued.

The winner... Was obvious.


"The charming and seductive giantess does it again! Having made quite the large and explosive entrance earlier this year, this Hero Rookie is rising through the ranks at lightning speed. Mt.Lady! Any words regarding the apprehension of these despicable Villains?" Jen, alongside other news reporters, rushed to the now normal-sized giantess - Named Mt.Lady.

Beyond the circle of reporters, lay a street in utter ruin from the ensuing battle between her and the apprehended and unconscious criminals.

The criminals were either dragged into an ambulance to take care of any immediate injury caused to them - The van was actually a man transformed, so he was in a precarious situation.

Flashing a practiced and charming smile, Mt.Lady leaned into the camera, "Well~ I'm just doing my best." She happily waved to the camera, emphasizing her features and ignoring the grime on her hero uniform.

Another reporter, albeit much less of a fan of the giantess managed to push through, asking Mt.Lady a rather obvious question, "Mt.Lady. Each of your acts of heroism cost millions of yen in damages. What do you have to say about that? Talking with your agency has proved to be a fruitless endeavor."

His eyes narrowed as he pressed on, "Are you taking steps to mitigate damage in your heroism? Are you getting preferential treatment from the Hero Public Safety Commission?" He bombarded the rookie heroine with quite the allegations

All very valid points and inquiries forced a blank look at Mt.Lady's formerly joyous expression.

In truth, there was only one correct answer:

Collecting herself, she smiled professionally, giving a pose, "Hehe~ Buy my merch~!" She winked shamelessly.


The television screen flickered off, leaving the room in a heavy silence.

Yuji, holder of the remote, and Choso exchanged glances, the chaotic energy of the outside seemingly alien world slowly seeping away, replaced by the tense quiet of their own thoughts.

Currently, they were in a much calmer and relieved state of mind, the sterile scent alongside the soft and rhythmic beeping of Aoi's heart monitor served as a peaceful reminder of the good news.

Aoi's surgery was a success and he's been taken back to the room they'd brought him to prior to it.

Yuji and Choso refused to leave his side until he awoke, they were left to contemplate and mull the situation as well as the next steps on their lonesome.

Though, they technically couldn't leave even if they wanted to, because of what happened earlier:

"I apologize for reigning on your parade. But I will need to get Hashimoto-san and our Local Hero to ask you some harmless questions. It's just procedure." Doctor Tenma smiled sadly beside the sleeping Aoi.

"I hope it is not too much to ask of you to wait here while they get here?" The doctor questioned.

Yuji nodded firmly, "You saved my brother's life. Of course, I'd wait." He exchanged a resolute look with Choso.

"As long as it takes. We will not abandon our sibling." Choso echoed Yuji's thought process.

This brought them to the current situation:

Following that very enlightening television screening.

Choso voiced out their similar thoughts, "Quirks. Heroes. Villians. What an odd society... So many individuals with unique abilities even in a populated city."

Yuji mumbled thoughtfully, stroking his chin amid his blank look, "You know... This reminds me of one of those Isekai Manga."

Curious to learn more about his brother, as well as the situation, Choso questioned with a raised eyebrow, "You've seen something like this before?"

Frowning, Yuji scratched his head, humming, "Hmm, not exactly... I meant our situation. Usually being transported to another world, means another world... Medieval Fantasy typa stuff. Not a... Alternate Reality?" He fiddled with the term awkwardly.

And that was just the thing, wasn't it?

Alternate Reality, another world.

It all meant the same.

They were here and not there.

Ignoring the miraculous revival of Choso, they'd involuntarily abandoned THEIR Japan to Ryomen Sukuna's whims.

The only possible win condition was Yuta in Gojo's body.

And what an infuriating, blasphemous, and disrespectful plan that was - Yuji thought with a frown.

He'd have never agreed to such a thing, yet, it was what brought them so close to victory when all seemed lost, so he can't help but have mixed feelings.

Nevertheless, Yuji was conflicted.

He had come to realize, that his purpose, his conception of being a cog, wasn't entirely right.

On the one hand, he MUST return to THEIR Japan and rid the world of the Calamitous King Of Curses - Adhering to his misconception of a role:

The Cog That Eliminates Curses.

That's not even mentioning whether it was even possible to find a way back, or if it was, could he even find it within a lifetime?

Assuming he did, would he even be strong enough to take care of Ryomen Sukuna alone, would he risk his brothers' life again for it?

Could he even forgive himself for failing to end Ryomen Sukuna's life?

On the other... He could stay here with his brothers.

Going with his new philosophy - To live as a Human who does not have a set role, a set and rigid purpose.

Sweat trickled down Yuji's expression as his mind was storming with conflicting thoughts, desires, and feelings - His frustration evident.

Choso noted this, as he gave a calming and reassuring pat on Yuji's shoulder, "Speak your mind. Little Brother."

The calming gesture seemed to have an effect, as Yuji's eyes widened for a moment.

Exhaling a deep breath, Yuji smiled in gratitude, "Yeah..."

"Choso, what should I do?" Yuji was truly troubled.

Yuji knew.

He truly knew.

That if he is firm in his belief of going back to Japan to try and eliminate Ryomen Sukuna.

Aoi and Choso would follow through without hesitation to his alleged death wish of a mission.

His mind swirled with conflicting duties.

The call to return and eliminate Ryomen Sukuna versus whatever life he might carve out in this Alien Japan with his brothers.

The weight of these choices pressed down on him, making his chest tighten with uncertainty.

Choso met Yuji's almost pleading gaze, he gave a sigh as he saw through Yuji's plea:

Smiling lightly, "I care not where or what I do. As long as I can live alongside my brothers. That's all that matters. Whatever you decide to do, I will support it."

"Even if you died...? Again?" Yuji's features twisted in a grimace.

Choso snorted, "Even if I died again." He nodded, but his gaze grew distant, the memory of the agonizing death lingering in his mind impassively.

Despite the prospect of enduring a similar agony once again, he pressed on, "I've already lost my life once, Yuji. Another death means little if it means protecting you and Aoi."

"Aoi would agree," Choso confirmed, gesturing to the sleeping Aoi.

Yuji sighed, scratching his head in frustration, touched once more by his Big Brother's commitment and love, "Ahh, I know that..."

Shaking his head, Yuji admitted, "I don't really know what we should be doing here after Todo's fine... But I, don't think rushing to try a way back home would be smart."

Itadori Yuji will not be a cog.

Choso nodded, "There's no guarantee we ever could. I believe it is safer to assume we're here for a long time, at the very least."

"On that note, we should not mention our alternate reality origins to anyone," Choso confirmed.

"Trouble right? But we sorta blew our cover with lacking common sense, that Quirk power thing, and All Might dude seem to be blatant public knowledge."

Choso rubbed his chin, his eyes narrowing, "We'll state the otherwise truth. However, if they give us too much trouble..." His muscles tensed at the possible threat to his brothers.

Yuji chuckled nervously, "Let's not go for any violent options so quickly..."

He offered, "If anything, according to the Doctor's orders, Aoi just needs to rest. I can grab him and run out of here if it comes to it. Maybe knock 'em out, they don't seem that tough..."

'Though that could have been avoided if I could heal others with Reverse Cursed Technique.' Yuji pondered in frustration, clenching his fist and fiddling with the memory of Sukuna using his body to heal Fushiguro.

The memory had helped with outputting the Reverse Cursed Technique on himself since his body remembered wielding and subjecting itself to it... But not using it on others.

Regardless, Yuji would like to avoid such a rude resolution against those who saved his brother's life.

The two brothers are grateful to the Doctor and Hashimoto, that is a fact that can not be denied.


A violent snowstorm had begun outside, and all the townspeople hid in their warm abodes.

Whilst some, mirrored the intensity of the outside storm in their talks:

"So you're saying you were fighting a Villain in Shinjuku and found yourself here?" A man donning an odd green costume, alongside some odd sharp green blades attached to his forearms questioned the two brothers.

Beside him, stood Doctor Tenma, acting as a pacifying figure.

Perhaps, leveraging the gratitude of the brothers, to vouch for the Local Hero.

"Yes... Leafblade-san, that's correct." Yuji nodded firmly.

His eyes narrowed through his thick lenses, Leafblade stroked his chin as he tried to discern whether Yuji was lying.

He had specifically picked Yuji as the one to answer his questions, much to the dismay of Choso.

The reason being, that he was a kid and it'd be harder for him to fake a lie - It's a matter of experience.

A tense silence permeated the room, as Aoi's rhythmic breathing and the beeping of his heart monitor served as the only noise amid the crowd.

Nevertheless, Leafblade sighed, "Who'd let a fifteen-year-old kid fight anyone? Judging from what Doc here told me, you looked absolutely battered before you healed yourself with that regeneration quirk of yours."

He added, pointedly at Yuji and Choso, "I mean, getting teleported is one thing. I personally haven't encountered a situation like that, but it's not impossible."

His gaze turned sharp, specifically at the adult of the situation, Choso, who hadn't flinched at the sharpness, "However, two things bother me at this moment."

Raising a finger, he mumbled, "I haven't heard of any ongoing conflict in Shinjuku after calling my fellow hero school graduates. Although they happen all the time, I can easily shelve that to an underground conflict. People die all the time under Heroes' noses. Fights between criminals, to be exact." He insinuated.

Lifting the second finger, he presented the most suspicious information, "Your cluelessness, is what bothers me most. Not knowing what a quirk is? When you're from Shinjuku? Nothing screams suspicious more than that."

The room's temperature dropped significantly, and Yuji's eyes met with Choso's for a split second.

The demand was to be patient.

Doctor Tenma's gentle smile slowly morphed into an anxious frown.

"And I, cannot, in good conscience keep you two in this town without any monitoring whatsoever, even if one of you is a kid... I'll take you two into my custody until I can call the Police to take you into questi-"

As Leafblade was about to declare them under his custody and under police investigation, the door to the clinic room slid open with great force.

A man with horns with an expression of pure panic and terror called for the Hero, "Leafblade-san! A group of kids weren't at the headcount! Around four of them! Hashimoto-san is currently out searching for them as we speak-"

Leafblade's fists clenched, his face twisted in a snarl, "Shit."

He turned to Choso and Yuji, "Stay here, I'll be back in a-"

He was met with the smug, leaning figure of Choso, the smug smirk on his face was filled with glee.

The figure of Yuji was suddenly absent without any of them managing to notice him.

Leafblade's visage twitched, "W-Where's the ki-"

Choso shrugged knowingly, his grin only widening.

Leafblade immediately scanned the room and noticed an open window.

The powerful cold wind of the snowstorm seeped into the room at an alarming rate as the seconds trickled by.

His escape route was obvious.

A tense moment passed by, as Leafblade calmed himself, "I'll be back with the kid soon." He stated with a stern yet strained voice.

He turned and briskly exited the clinic room alongside the horned man in great haste.

Leaving Doctor Tenma alone with Choso, who closed the window so Aoi wouldn't be cold in his unconscious state.

Doctor Tenma managed to piece together Yuji's altruistic intentions, questioning Choso, "Are you not worried about a young man like him running head first into a snowstorm?"

Choso snorted, stating with proud certainty, "I'd be more worried about the snowstorm itself if my Little Brother is heading for it."

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

I'll admit, it's a bit cliche for something like this to happen.

But I hinted at the snowstorm! LOL!

So I didn't completely pull this outa my ass :P

Anywho, hope the chapter's been to your enjoyment.

This part of the fic is a little slow, as there are things that need to be addressed.

Also I fukin lied.

Aoi's waking up in 2 chapters.

After he wakes up we'll be having a nice nice time skipo.

Cya'll later!

I'll also appreciate any and all constructive criticism and feedback regarding the characters that appear in this fic (Especially my representation of the Bruzzahs.)

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P A T R E 0 N to show some nice and kind support.

Here's the link:
