
The three faces of Beauty

If the memories you have of me are sad ones, then erase me like an untold story if the memories we shared are of bliss, then write my name in the book of existence. Never be late to do anything in life if you are to be late don't do it, do not promise what you have no power to do and achieve the dream I couldn't. The three faces of Beauty is a story of a young girl who relocated to a new place with her parents and met three different girls like her and thought lessons of three different phases.

Aabimisha · 历史言情
7 Chs

Chapter Five

It's been weeks since we got to this new place and weeks since my blissful friendship with my new friend Beauty. Summer school is ending, school will begin in full. Beauty will be going back to school too. This means we won't see each other till the next holiday.

The school I did the summer coaching is the same school I will be attending but it's not my kind of school. I have made enough enquiries to know they have zero activities apart from books and play. No theatre groups, no music lessons or science projects, no morning news, P.E. or anything it is frustrating.

My previous school seem to be less popular than this one but they have recreational activities but my fate has been decided so I have no choice. I am meeting with Beauty again today, she seems too pleased with my writings. She said I have a talent for words and that makes me want to write for her more.

Writing makes me happy but it is a hobby, not something I wish to venture into much. Beauty has other ideas though, she said my writeups are dark and beautiful, she likes dark and beautiful but loves bright and shiny more. But, I love the dark more, I grew up in the dark even if everything seems bright it was still dark.

So, I wrote what isn't dark or I hope isn't dark for her. Now I am sitting at our favourite place on the cliff wishing that the piece I am holding brightens her mood. The birds are here today dancing in the stream. This is beautiful I thought as a blissful sigh escaped my lips.

This makes a picture I heard behind me making me shriek. I looked up at the ever-smiling Beauty's face, you look creepy I said with a straight face making her laugh. I thought I wouldn't get to laugh and there you are, she said jestingly.

What's with the pose she asked, nothing was waiting for you, what's got your mood up? I knew Beauty well enough now to know that the smile she wore on her face wasn't genuine. Nothing I haven't seen or heard before, she sat beside me with a smile. Akins is at it again. He is hell-bent on making you one of his minions and thought putting pressure on me will make it work.

Akins was the street bully, a burly boy with a sore attitude. He believes every new blood in the street should be with him, especially the ladies. I don't like but I never really liked anyone which is why the friendship with Beauty baffles and worries me.

I want you to take a look at this, she said bringing out two forms one with her name on it and the other which is empty. She passed me an empty form. Fill it she said in a tone that said don't bullshit me and I felt like a six-year-old again.

Puzzled I took the form from her and read through Learn your way through arts? You want me to enrol because I asked with my brows raised. Because it is good for you she said happily. Why should I join this ridiculous training? I asked again already feeling angry. Because you have a talent for it, she said testily.

And what gives you the right to choose what I do with my talents, I said in a menacing cold voice. one thing was all I asked from you do not meddle in my affairs nor tell me what to do. My talent my life you've got no right deciding on it for me, I said in a very quiet and angry voice making her flinch.

I am sorry she said hurriedly I didn't mean to upset you, I just thought, she stuttered a bit and wiped the tears that threatened to fall. Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. Beauty crying is not something that sits well with me, I am sorry I repeated holding her hand gently.

It's okay she wiped her tears and pushed the form back to me please don't say no she pleaded. I wasn't deciding for you, I wanted to go for it and wished you would join me. Feeling exasperated, I snatched the form from her and wrote my name on it, will you stop crying now I asked. Yes, she brimmed at me that's when I knew I got hoodwinked and that too by my friend.