
6 fate


Artoria Pov

There was a time in Britain when it was in dire need of a savior, an heir to the throne, a mighty King who would save the Kingdom from the Saxons, their King who was the incarnation of the White Dragon.

My father Uther Pendragon on Merlin's suggestion decided to marry Igraine, my mother, and using Magecraft called conceptual Fertilization he impregnated her with the concept of a Red dragon who protects the Birtain, it resulted in the birth of me, Artoria Pendragon Contrary to his expectations I was born a girl rather than a boy he wished for.

I still remember his disappointed look whenever he saw me, My father didn't care much about me, and neither did my mother who didn't love my father, My sister Morgan hated me due to the fact father declared her an adopted daughter despite the fact she was her true blood. Even if my father didn't want a girl to be his heir, he had no options.

At the tender age of five, he gave me Merlin to raise me who didn't care for the fact whether I was a boy or a girl, he believed that my gender didn't matter and I was capable of being the savior, the Heir to the throne. He entrusted me to Sir Ector, my adoptive father, my ideal of the Knight Hood.

He told his son Kay, someone whom I grew to consider a brother to me, to treat me as a boy rather than a girl which he did, Ector raised me for 10 years until I drew the Caliburn from the stone. I still remember that day when everyone has gone depressed not believing in the properchy of Merlin.

I stood in front of it ready to draw it, Merlin behind me warned me that the moment I drew the sword I won't be a human any longer, only despair would wait for me, I saw two scenes in front of me, a girl who was living her life happily like a normal girl and another holding a sword covered in blood.

I knew what kind of future was waiting for me, I was never destined to get a good end if I were to choose this thorny path, yet I couldn't stop myself, I was born for this, my father before his death finally chose me as his heir rather than Morgan before heading to his final battle with the Incarnation of White dragon, Vortigren.

The news of his death had long reached us, Britain was in dire need of a new King, so despite everything I held the sword and drew it out of the sword, I wanted my people to be happy, everyone to live happily away from despair and bloodshed, and I was ready to sacrifice my all for it.

My reason for this was that "Only a saviour can save a ruined country headed for death", Even If I were never told about it, this was my drive the reason that became one of my causes of demise.

Finally taking over the Kingdom I founded the Knights of the Round Table with me, Merlin, and Kay being the founding members, Time started passing, and more and more members joined the Round Table, and praises flowered on me, everyone considered me a perfect King.

They didn't care whether all my enemies were killed or how many civilians died in the process, As long as I ruled them, and prospered them, I was their King or so I thought. For people who feared the invasion I was their savior, their King.

I followed my Oath that the King is not a human and that cannot protect people with human emotions, It wouldn't be wrong to say I had taken more lives than any Knight to exist whether it was my enemies or the villages I abandoned or people I punished. Even if it pained me to abandon all those villages, I still did it because I knew that sacrifices were needed for the Kingdom that I envisioned once.

Full of Happy people, no poverty, and no one dying because of food shortage, I followed that dream, taking all burdens, and all sins on me, I knew if I didn't make sacrifices then my Kingdom would end in despair, I made sacrifices one by one, strengthening the Kingdom and absolutely squashing the enemy forces.

The relationship between me and my sister Morgan had become worse after my father chose me as his heir rather than her, often times I thought she was more worthy to be King than me but I dispelled the thought once I thought she would be incapable of giving her all to protect people considering her personality.

She was declared as my Step-sister despite the fact she was my true sibling, it created hatred in her because of that, oftentimes she would trouble me. Her way of doing things was against my code of Honor and Chivalry and before I knew it, I already started hating her.

That dispelled the final thoughts of her being worthy of the King of Britain in me, I continued ruling taking matters seriously, when my Knights were celebrating after a victory I had a grim look on my face planning to cope with the current situation of my Kingdom, it was to that extent that after becoming a King I had rarely smile.

To me my smile was rooted in the smiles of others whom I wished to protect, others' happiness was my happiness, soon time came when the kingdom wanted a new successor to the throne, having no choice I had to marry Guinevere, who I found idolized me a lot but was devasted after finding out my true gender.

My true gender was at this time only known to Ector, Kay, Merlin, and her, even if many people had suspicions about it, the fact that I had stopped growing because of my immortality, no one questioned my small body and feminine face, I had covered my body in steel for most of my life to hide this truth.

For Guinevere I always felt guilty, she had to sacrifice herself for the Kingdom, I only wished that I shall be to sacrifice myself not others, so when I found out about her affair with Launcelot someone whom I considered my Best friend, I was happy that she had found her happiness and ignored what would have been considered treason.

Even so, the matter or heir was troubling, Finally, Merlin came up with a solution which was to turn me into a pseudo-male temporarily and impregnate hesitation. I had none, for my Kingdom I was willing to do everything but the plan was spoiled by Morgan who enchanted me and took my sperms, after that, I had extreme anger towards her, and in the end, I decided to let the matter of the heir side for now, I was immortal anyway so it wasn't a big deal to wait till a new suitable heir to the throne arrives.

As time passed, the praises turned into condemnations, people started hating me for my actions, and my Knights started saying that I did not understand human emotions, I knew it was true, maybe I never understood them, but I still continued on my path, many of my knights started leaving the Round Table due to this.

It didn't matter to me, as long as Britain was safe, the hatred of people started increasing with small rebellions and uprisings and I took strict actions against them, Soon I defeated Vortigren and Britain experienced a small time of peace.

Soon more and more hate started coming from the masses they didn't want me as a King, the Nobles or the Ministers who earlier used to praise me for my Kingship too changed and started rebelling, I suppressed them by taking strict action stopping them eventually, unfortunately, a new problem raised.

Launcelot's affair with Guinevere was revealed and in the end, he was committed of treason, though he managed to get away with her it resulted in his clash with the remaining Knights in which he killed a few of them, to make matters worse, I wasn't present at the time repelling an assault along Britain's border.

When I got to know the news, I wasn't angry, I understood Guinevere's sacrifice so I wrote a letter to them and gave them my blessings, after that, another bad thing happened as my Avalon was stolen making me vulnerable. I returned to Britain only to see the army that once I led, the people whom once I led, some of my Knights who swore their fealty to me were against me.

It was the biggest rebellion till now, headed by Mordred my daughter, a fact which was revealed to me just before I headed to repel the assault, I was in a hurry and once she revealed it, I understood whose child she was, I didn't hate her for that but she wasn't fit to be king so I denied her.

I have thought of sorting our relationship after I finished repelling the assault Alas the next time we met as enemies, the war raged as I killed my own people, and finally her. In the end, I was standing above a pile of the bodies of my own soldiers mortally injured.

This wasn't the ending I desired, my ending should have been Britain prospering or dying in peace with my end being ostracized by people, I was ready to be hated by them and then die, but why? Why do other people have to die?! I was a failure as a King!

I was in despair, my heart screaming for help to change this, in the end, I heard the voice of the world which gave me a choice to undo everything by participating in the Holy Grail War as a Living servant till I won it and then serve as a Heroic Spirit, without thinking anything else I accepted the offer.

I wanted to undo the tragedy somehow, finally, my consciousness was summoned in the far future, my Master was Kritisugu Emiya and after knowing his goals, I was ready to give my all to make my wish and his noble goal true, soon to find what kind of heinous person he was, his way violated an Honorable fight and seeing Lancer's agony while dying made me ashamed that he was the person who summoned me.

Soon I had another fight, with a person who easily defeated me, his words that said no one cared if I was their king hurt me like a Knife! I wanted to deny it! Even if I was a failure! I was a King! Soon another blow hit me as the Berserker revealed himself to be Launcelot, I was shocked seeing his state.

His twisted face screamed agony when he looked at me and said, "Y-You we-weren't a King", his words hit me as all the memories of the past I recalled,' He isn't a true King! ', these words started echoing in my mind, all those people who said I wasn't fit to be a king, their expressions, their anger, I remember everything.

He went on telling me how my people just used me, then I realized it was the truth, I have just been used all along, from my birth till now, I was just being used, even if that was the only purpose of my life it hurt being discarded, I didn't know what to think anymore, I- I just wanted to be recognized, I just wanted to help people.

I did my best for them why?! I sacrificed my everything for them then why?! Why?! WHY?!WHYY?!WHYYYY?! WHYYYYYYY?!!!!

What was the purpose of my life? Why I am even doing this? Why I am even living at this point? I looked at the man with despair, my only desire to die, but remembering how I even gave up her salvation for the people who never understood made my heart hurt more.

In the midst of darkness like a ray of light I felt a peck on her lips, the small but momentary feeling was enough for me to regain my sanity, I looked at the man in shock and asked, "Wha- What are you?", before I could speak any further he kissed me.

My heart was feeling warmth like never before, it was beating rapidly as his tongue invaded my mouth, I couldn't explain but I felt refreshed, I wanted it more, I closed my eyes enjoying this feeling. Soon he broke the kiss and then told me how he desired me.

I felt happy! He wanted me! Someone wanted me! Even if I was worthless, someone saw worth in my useless self! Why my heart is racing like this?! I don't know but all I want is to serve! The only meaning of my life has been to serve others!

He took me in his arms, and my body shivered to feel his intimate touch, his face looked so handsome that I was enchanted by it, I wanted to be just like this, and when he called my name, the final straw broke, I don't care about the people who betrayed me anymore! I don't care about the country that never understood me despite my doing my best for them.

For the person who desired me, I will give my all, my lips moved and I replied, "If you want I will be your sword, I will kill and destroy every obstacle in your path, I will be your knight only for you, I will be your Queen, please lead me, my King", my body started changing.

I knew what I had just done, I gave up all my morals, all my drive just to follow a person that I just met a while ago, yet I was content, I never felt free before but now I felt light, I knelt before him and pledged my fealty to which he rewarded with me a pat!

How warm his hands are! Yes, this was my purpose! My will! It was always to serve someone but this time is different! I will be doing this out of my own will! No more betrayals, no more pain, no more suffering, I will give me all to serve my Lord!

Soon a few days passed and I found out the Lord loved me as a woman as well, I can't take it!! This bliss is too much for my heart to handle, even if we made love his touch was full of care for me! I don't deserve it, I don't deserve him.

I am fine with just being beside him, yet my heart wants more,  I just want to be in his embrace forever, how sinful of me! I even ended up asking to stay in his embrace for longer! What's wrong with me?! I am his Knight! His servant! I have no right to demand something!

Still, he didn't care and obliged my request, He-He really loves me as a woman,  I snuggled in his chest not wanting to separate from him, he caressed my hair slowly and said," Hey Saber?", I replied with a 'Un', then he turned and hugged me and said," I know how much you have suffered and I don't want you to suffer anymore, so if you have any problem you can ask me.

I am here for you, I will help you and you can lean on me if you ever need help, After all, I can't let my cute Artoria be sad right?".

He-He called me cute!!! and his words, Bliss were so much for me to handle that I passed out.  A few days have passed since. Several things happened one being that Bitch Medea soiling my Honor of Knight! How dare that stupid woman touch me?!! Only the Lord has the authority to do something like that!!

I would have ripped this Pyshco Bitch into pieces if not for her being Lord's Mistress, hmph!



Neo Pov

After having a quickie with Elsa and cleaning ourselves, we went into the dining room and sat on the chair, eating my food I said," Today I will be making Barthomeloi mine", The others stopped, and Artoria asked me seriously," My Lord do you need my assistance?", I almost coughed out the food hearing her, while Medea said," Idiot?! What help you can provide him?! Have a threesome with her and him?".

Artoria blushed hearing that and then said," I didn't mean that way! It's just if my Lord wants me to do something I am ready to do it!", Her conviction was firm, Elsa chuckled hearing her and I gulped down the food and said," No need for any kind of help, I just wanted you guys to know about it".

Elsa smiled and said," Master, no need to worry after all I don't care how many women you have", I felt butterflies in my stomach hearing that, Artoria nodded and said," As your mere knight I don't have any opinions", although hearing that makes me relieved but her dedication to serving me is really over the top, although fine I need to solve her inferiority complex.

Medea pouted and crossed her arms she said," It is fine, having a harem for a strong man was common during my time also not like she can compare to my position, hmph!", Artoria looked at her weirdly then continued eating food ignoring her, Elsa teased her," You are jealous right?".

"Indeed I am but I need to control it", she replied, I said," Thanks for that Medea", she blushed and then nervously said," I didn't mean anything bad Dear! It's just I am indeed a tiny bit jealous but I will make sure to control this feeling for your sake", her voice turned low, I moved and hugged her surprising her, then caressing her Elf like ears I said," Don't worry I will drown you in my love that this feeling won't come again"

She snuggled on my chest and then looking at me cutely she said,"❤~Dear~❤", she blushed aggressively feeling my hands moving and fondling her butt, Artoria meanwhile coughed and shouted, "Lady Elsa please give me a few more foods of the plate!", Medea froze and then turning towards her she angrily asked," How you dare ruin the mood with my Dear Neo!!".

Artoria gave her a plain look and said while sipping the soup," I don't know what you mean", A vein appeared on Medea's face as she said creepily," Haha then I will dress you in hundreds of cute dresses that I have in store Saber", Artoria's face turned serious, she stood up gulping down all the soup and then said," Like I will let you touch my body!!".

I felt my headache seeing the scene and then asked," You know I am here right?", They froze as their faces became pale, and looking at me they nervously shrieked, Medea came and hugged me and said," I am sorry Dear! I didn't mean to give you a headache", Artoria knelt and looking ashamed she said," Punish me, My Lord, for my bad behavior".

I sighed and said," It's fine, but I don't want you all fighting each other okay?", They nodded rapidly like chickens pecking rice, After that, I talked with Elsa a bit and teleported away.


3rd Pov

As Neo teleported away, Artoria stood up with a guilty face," My Lord had to say that twice and I failed to follow his previous request, how unsightly of me", she said and then looking at Medea she bowed down and said," I apologize for my earlier rudeness, I shouldn't have done that to Lord's Mistress while being his mere servant".

Medea didn't know how to reply to that, but from her earlier interactions with Artoria she knew the girl in front of her was simply obsessed and loved Neo dearly but she also had an inferiority complex, Medea felt guilty and said," What are you doing? Didn't dear already say you are his queen as well?! Let's stop this meaningless fight it doesn't fit with our character".

"Fine", replies Artoria then looking at her she says," Just keep your filthy hands away from me", Medea's smile froze and Elsa felt a headache seeing this.


Neo Pov

Not knowing the storm that is continuing, I happily entered my room to find Waver, he stood up and greeted me," Hello, Director Sir", he said a bit awkwardly not able to find words I chuckled seeing him and replied," Just Neo is fine, you are my friend after all?", he nodded happily, it seems I have stolen Melvin's self-proclaimed best friend, haha, but Waver is a respectable guy, he is loyal and I can leave all the work on him when I travel to other worlds or go for a vacation.

I am also going to pay him for this in the future by increasing his talent, though for now, I would like for him to do what he is doing, I sat on my chair and made myself comfortable and then asked him," So, Why are you here?", he replied me," Actually, It's,*Sigh* I want a favor from you".

I nodded unbothered and then asked," What favor do you want?", he replied," I heard what happened to Lord Kayneth, and I feel guilty", I understood where it was going, if I am not wrong this was the plot of Lord El Melloi-II, the story of what happens to Waver after the Fourth Holy grail War, but he is supposed to become the professor after three years of traveling around the world.

Knowing that the story is derailed, I didn't care about it much and replied," No need to feel guilty about his death, Holy Grail War is supposed to be a deadly battle after all", he shook his head and clenched his fists he said," If I hadn't stolen Iskandar's relic then maybe he hadn't died, his death is my fault", I sighed, even if the events played out differently he is still the same Waver Velvet.

"I thought you didn't like him?", I asked causing him to reply," I don't like him as a person but as Magus, he is the person who taught me and several other students I respect him and know because of his death then El-mellow classroom will suffer greatly if it gets closed then several students like me who don't have anywhere to go will suffer greatly!".

I nodded and said," I see where are you going, but it's better if you get straight on the point instead of dragging this too long", he clenched his fists hearing that and replied," I want to take over the El-Melloi classroom!", hearing that I started laughing, "Hahaha, consider me impressed you managed to make me laugh", I said, it was hilarious to hear from his current self, I mean his future self might be a badass lecturer, teacher, explorer, and Detective but current him is nothing but a wimp.

He blushed heavily in embarrassment, it seemed to him that I was making fun of him, "I guess you can laugh at me, a 3rd-Rate Magus like me barely being able to perform Magecraft talking about taking over a Classroom which provides Elite course, while having no to little money, oh man I am so pathetic", he said.

Damn, did he just go into self-loath mode? Sorry, Waver I need trusted help so even if you want I won't let your spirit break and thus with a smile I said," Not at all! You have me impressed with your will, though your objective is somewhat foolish if you want to become the El-Melloi Classroom's teacher, then just say it, you will become the teacher of that so-called Elite course, and never forget your friend is the Director of Mage Association".

His eyes twinkled as he looked at me, he quickly stood from his chair and gave me a deep bow," Thank you Neo! I will never forget this favor", I stood and moved near him, I patted his shoulder," Anyway before you go on to become the teacher of the El-Melloi classroom you will need some practical experience so how about traveling around the world for some practical experience?".

He replied," Well after Rider told me to travel the world instead of holing myself in a room and studying all day I too had plans to travel but after the previous talk with you I decided to delay it but now that you say it again, I guess I will be traveling for some time", I quickly created 10,000 Pounds bundle of Notes and threw at him, he precisely caught it and looking at it he gasped," Wait, 10,000 Pound!".

I replied," Before you say I don't want it, keep it, this amount of money is nothing to me and I would not want you to get stuck somewhere in your trip due to having no money, as the future assistant of the Director of Mages Association it would be an extremely shameful thing", hearing my words he decisively kept the money in his pocket and said," Thanks for everything, Now I should go and prepare for my journey, I would like to start my journey quickly".

I quickly came in front of him surprising him, as to him it looked like teleportation and I said," Do you remember the thesis you presented to Kayneth before the Holy Grail War", he asked me confused," Yes, the conjecture that Magical Power can be increased by talent, I know it was stupid but why are you asking me it?".

I placed my hand on his shoulder and the next moment, he in shock looked at his body as several new Magical Circuits appeared in his body, by now he was completely shocked as he knew the meaning of what I did," Neo-, Yo-You", he stuttered not being able to speak his words properly.

I smirked and said," Remember I am a true Magician right? To me, it's a small matter to increase someone's Magical Circuits, and while I haven't increased your Affinity for elements I guess you can figure something out right? Go and show me that you are capable of being my assistant and your conviction is not some empty words".

He calmed himself down and replied," I will! I will prove myself to you", An invisible fire of conviction burned inside him while I nodded,' The stronger you are, the more capable you will be for me to dump all the work on you ', I thought silently, while he looked at me gratefully unaware of his bleak future and thus thanking me for a last time he left. Anyway, it's time for a Waifu hunt.


30 Minutes later,

Barthomeloi entered my room, gave me a bow respectfully, and asked," Lord Director is there anything I can help you with?", I smiled at her and standing up from the chair, I walked towards her silently, standing in front of her I grabbed her chin by surprised and then moved forward to kiss, she blushed slightly before closing her eyes.


I didn't hold back and using the kissing skills I gained till now I attacked her with my tongue invading her mouth and tasting her sweet saliva, with the pleasure multiplied severalfold from me using Heaven's Feel to transfer a small portion of the pleasure she is getting directly to her soul she melted in my embrace and started kissing me more aggressively and she wrapped her hands around me.


The erotic sound of our passionate kisses filled the room, I started fondling her ass enjoying the softness from the fabric, and I must say she does have a good body, my cock was already hard threatening to break from the pants, her hazy eyes looked directly at my eyes with lust as she left the hold of her hand from my back and her hand moved over my pants as she started caressing the bulge in my pant.

We broke our kiss, and several thin linings of saliva formed between our mouths as we separated our tongues breaking once we reached some distance, she looked at me and said,"~Neo let me handle your cock~", she started breathing heavily once she finished saying that while inhaling my scent perversely I slapped her ass making them jiggle and causing her to yelp.

"Master, call me Master", I ordered her domineeringly, she nodded her head quickly like a chicken pecking rice, then grabbing her hand which had stopped caressing my bulge I moved them to caress and then said," Now it's time for you to put your mouth into good use", her body trembled as she replied flushed, "Ye-Yes", I slapped her ass again causing her to yelp.

"Didn't I say just right now? Call me Master", I said and she said," Yes Master!", I quickly used my magic to make us naked, and our clothes vanished she took notice of it and looked at me with, heat, she knelt before me and took a good lock at my cock soaring proudly, she gulped and continued looking it daze, seeing this I said," Barthomeloi why are you still?", my stern voice broke her daze.

She quickly replied," I apologize, Master, I will begin now", she then quickly took out her small tongue and gave a lick on the tip of my cock, closing my eyes I enjoyed the feeling of her soft tongue licking my cock, she coated my cock with her saliva and then began the blowjob, she took a small portion of my cock in her mouth and started moving her mouth to-and-fro.


I could hear the erotic sound of her sucking my cock, it just made me feel lustier and increased my mental pleasure remembering currently the strongest Mage of the era is giving me a blowjob, I put my hand on her head and opened my eyes I looked at her, seeing me looking at her with her lust filled eyes she started moving faster taking more of my girth in her mouth trying her best to give me the best blowjob.


She did her best and succeeded in taking half of my cock inside her mouth by now, I grunted in pleasure as I felt my cock invading her small mouth, her blowjob wasn't perfect and even sloppy with her teeth occasionally hitting my cock, but my endurance was high enough to ignore any pain from that, thus I fully enjoyed this.


She continued with the blowjob passionately, I rubbed her head with my hand praising and encouraging her to continue doing that and enjoyed the feeling wholly grunting or moaning slightly, soon my cock started throbbing and I grabbed her head with force surprising her, her eyes turned towards me and I smirked and said, "Take your reward".

I pushed my whole cock inside her mouth gagging her, then I continued mouth-f*cking her while tears rolled from the corner of her eyes, soon I thrust my cock inside her throat and held her head in place," Take this!", said so I released all my seeds accumulated till now inside her mouth, she started gulping down trying to take all but failed as some leaked from her mouth.

I left the hold of her head letting her head back off, she started coughing as soon as she took my cock out of her mouth and then gave me a look, something I know, a look of a woman who wants to be banged,"❤~Master, take my virginity~❤". I rubbed her head as she moved her head enjoying my head pat and then did something surprising as she took my fingers in her mouth and started sucking and licking them.

I smirked seeing this and said," Oh my, now that I see there is a puddle of your vaginal liquids below you, how shameless you are!", she became surprised and looked below her vagina leaking liquids like crazy, she blushed in shame, and I said," You need to be punished for this right?", she trembled and said, "I-Mas-Ye", she struggled to speak, I sternly said," You need to be punished!!".

She trembled and then looking at me while breathing heavily she said,"~Yes!! Master punish me!! Claim my dirty pussy as yours!! Make me moan like a b*tch under your strong body!!~", damn, her reply even took me by a surprise, though only slightly, as the next moment with a smirk on my face, I took her in my arms in a princess carry, and then quickly moved to the bedroom and throwing her on the bed I said," Get ready to become my woman".

She looked at me in anticipation, quickly spreading her leg to show me her clean shaved pussy, I looked at her forbidden place closed by two pink folds, and moving towards her, I positioned my cock at her and finally with a bit of affection, I said," You can call me Neo, for now", one thing I especially cared was the first time of my women, I wanted them to be more intimate and special.

"~Master, I want to call you Master~", she said while looking at me hazily, well I guess it works too, and thus without speaking any further I pushed my cock inside her vagina, my cock met a small resistance which is her hymen before tearing it directly and hitting the cervix strongly,"❤~Ahhhhhhh!!~❤Masterrrr~❤", she moaned loudly, but not from the pain of her hymen tearing, but from the increased pleasure which overshadowed the pain.

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

"❤~Ahhh!~❤Soo goood~❤Masterrrr~❤"

I started thrusting my cock inside her womb, enjoying the pleasure I got from my cock wrapped by her tight vaginal wall as if trying to squeeze every drop of my cum and begging for me to impregnate her, I put my hands on her bountiful chest, which were quite perky and soft, thus with this, I started mating with her.

*Palp* *Palp* *Palp* *Palp*

"❤~F*ck me~❤Moreeee~❤Ahhhhh!~❤Mashterrr~❤"

I moved towards her breast and gave them hickeys, sucking off her nipples and then bitting them, along with my cock that was thrusting inside her vagina crazily shaping her womb into mine shape, I started giving bite marks on her neck marking her as mine, she just moaned helplessly unable to do anything due to her mind getting clouded from the intense pleasure.

*Palp* *Palp* *Palp* *Palp*


I enjoyed the look on her face as she moaned under me, it felt me with satisfaction, I started moving my hips faster giving her stronger and faster thrusts, her vagina has already begun taking my shape, I moved and grabbed her one leg moving them in N position and continued banging her, I could feel my cock hitting different spots due to slight change in position and the pleasure of her soft vaginal walls clenching around my cock made me moan in pleasure.

*Palp* *Palp* *Palp* *Palp*


I started moving faster as I felt my cock throbbing, moving near her neck I kissed there and then started thrusting rapidly, my cock pierced through her womb and started reaching even deeper, she moaned louder due to this, and the bed swayed heavily due to our passionate love-making, I pushed my whole cock inside her womb and then holding her leg I said," I am coming!".

I released my hot semen directly inside her womb filling it to the brim just with the sheer amount as it made her belly bulge slightly,"❤~Su Hutttt!~❤", she said in gibberish loudly, her tongue came out as she made an ahegao with tears slightly dripping from her eyes, I moaned finished releasing all my semen and then slowly took out my cock outside from her pussy.

Her body twitched as she got an electric shock, I looked at her pussy to see a mixture of the huge amount of my semen and her love juices coming out of her pussy, with a slight tint of red which was her blood, I decided to let her regain her mind before continuing, hehe, this is just the beginning.


3rd Pov,

Meanwhile, back at Neo's residence, Medea gasped in shock looking at the food Artoria prepared, and commented wholeheartedly," I am impressed, you somehow managed to make an E+ rank poison from common ingredients with none of them even being slightly poisonous", Artoria's eyebrows twitched as she heard that while looking at the poisonous looking food she made.

Even though she knew it was anything but good, Elsa tried her best to control her laugh as she found this situation too amusing, Artoria seeing this she looked down ashamed while clenching her fists," How? How?! Can it be so difficult to cook food!", she shouted, while Elsa was unable to hold her laughter any longer and started Elsa laughing loudly as Medea too joined her laughing at poor Artoria who started to doubt life.

It started with both Medea and Saber taking cooking classes from Elsa, who knew every dish Neo liked, They wanted him to please after the embarrassing display of their food previously, while Medea slowly improved in her cooking skills, Saber's cooking just worsened and today she performed a miracle by making an E+ poison with common ingredients.

Saber trembled ashamed looking disheartened, seeing Elsa and Medea stop laughing knowing they had taken it too far," Don't worry Artoria, you don't need to cook, I will too!", Saber looked at them seriously and said resolutely," I won't give up! No matter how many days! Months or Years take! I will learn cooking!!".

Medea and Elsa looked at her awkwardly while thinking in their mind,' Why does she look like she is preparing for a bloody battle? ', finally Elsa coughed gaining both of their attention, and said," Now before we progress any further let's find out the reason why are you so bad at cooking", Medea nodded and said," That's smart Elsa! If we can somehow know the reason behind Artoria's inability to cook we might be able to teach her how to cook things that aren't poisonous".

Artoria hearing that just nodded ignoring some of their sarcastic remarks," I did manage to make some passable food previously after following my Chef's recipe", hearing that Medea's ears perked and she asked," Your chef?", She nodded and said," Yes, I followed the recipe that my Royal Chefs used to make food in my previous life".

Elsa frowned and asked," Artoria, although I don't want to sound rude that food is a nowhere good tasting, it is even quite bad Still how did you manage to eat every day, and did anyone else comment about that, or the food during your time tasted like that?".

Artoria became silent and pondered for a bit and then said," About that..."

*Artoria's Flashback*

One could see several people wearing knightly clothes sitting around a table, they were none other than Artoria and her Knights of Round Table, everyone looked at the food a bit reluctantly which didn't miss Artoria's eyes, she took a sip of the soup and thought,' It's fine, though a bit blander than normally it does have all nutrients that Merlin told me about, is it not good? '.

To confirm her suspicions she suddenly asked," Tell me why haven't you all started, Is the food not good?", The knights trembled hearing that, and then putting up the most sincere smile they could on their faces they started eating it quickly, Bedivere said," It was just we were surprised by how good it smelled My King! Right everyone?".

Everyone nodded rapidly and said," Yes!", Gawain suddenly gulped down all the soup down his throat, tears dripping from his eyes as he said loudly," This is so delicious!", Everyone agreed with him and started eating food happily, Artoria turned towards the only person still having half of her face covered in metal and asked," Sir Morded how is the food for you?".

Mordred who hadn't said anything till now said with a slightly cheerful voice," My King! Food is tasty as always and your bright presence has just made it tastier!!", Artoria just gave a small nod not knowing the ugly expression of Morded under her Helmet, she continued eating the food and suddenly in the middle Gareth puked down all the food freezing everyone.

Once Gareth finished puking, seeing the mess she caused looked at King Arthur(Artoria) and said," Sorry My King! I just have a bad stomach today, and food is too delicious for my stomach to take it!", Artoria looked suspiciously and seeing that quickly Bedivere and Gawain gulped down another bowl of soup and then putting their hands on each other's shoulder they said," It's so delicious! I can't stop crying from sheer happiness!"," This food is so delicious", tears dripped from their eyes like a dam has opened as they moved to-and-fro chanting happily.

Others too laughed and ate food happily while singing and praising their king, aka Artoria who just nodded satisfied seeing her Knights too happy today from eating delicious food, and thought,' It must be me who was wrong, I guess this food is delicious ', she continued eating silently and by the time she had finished eating her food, five of her knights had fainted.

Bedivere, Gawain, and Tristan happily explained that they fainted from eating such delicious food, Artoria just gave a small nod on the matter as her knights frequently fainted after eating good food for some reason, thus it wasn't a surprising matter though it was for the first time that five of her knights fainted at once.

*Flashback Over*

Artoria finished recounting the most cheerful day of her knights related to the food they ate, Medea and Elsa looked at her as if they were looking at some dumb person, she puffed her cheeks and angrily asked," Why are you both looking at me like that?!!". Medea and Elsa started laughing unable to stop their laughter, just now hearing Artoria's story they were questioning themselves if this girl had mental problems or not.

Artoria summoned Excalibur in her hand and pointing it at them angrily asked," Tell me! Why are you laughing at me?!!", Medea and Elsa seeing that Artoria might erupt like a volcano stopped laughing and looked Nevrously at the Excalibur she was holding, Medea gave a look at Elsa who just sighed helplessly seeing her look and came forward.

Artoria loosened the grip on her Sword seeing Elsa had come forward, due to the fact she had a better relationship with her than Medea and the fact she was the first woman of her Master/Lord/Dear and she knew her Master cared and loved her a lot, finally, Elsa started explaining to her how her knights always lied about food as to not make her feel bad.

Finally understanding the main reason behind their laugh she clenched her fists!, "How dare they! Because of them I had to continue eating bad food while I missed tasting the delicious food!!", she said angrily cursing at her knights while the other two girls looked at Baffled.'She got some screw loose after becoming an Alter ', Medea thought in her mind.

Artoria then again looked at the E+Rank Poison she concot*ahem* made by mistake, and then with fire in her eyes she looked at Elsa gaining her attention, and said," Lady Elsa please teach me how to cook food! I know I am very bad at cooking but please! For mine and master's stomach's sake, I need to learn!", Elsa seeing Artoria being such fired up sweated a bit nervously and replied, "It- I will teach you! Don't worry! I have been teaching you till now right?! I will make you good cook!".

Artoria glanced at Elsa like she was looking at an Angel and said genuinely grateful," Thank you Lady Elsa!", Then she closed her eyes imagining the scene of her serving her self-made food to Neo.

*Artoria Imagination*

"I can't believe it! You made such delicious food! It is even more impressive than what Elsa cooks", Neo praised her causing her to blush and reply," It's not that much My Lord, I have been trying to be a good Queen and Knight, I hope you like my humble treat".

Neo nodded and then he started eating, Finally, Artoria looked at the food and started eating it, by the end, she had finished tens of plates of food and sat satisfied," The food I made is so delicious", she narcissistically praised herself. Out of surprise, Neo took her in their arms and then said," My dear Artoria, you made me such delicious food and worked so hard for it, that's why I will reward you! We will have a personal vacation for a few weeks, just you and me enjoying the World's cuisine in the day and..."

"And?", Artoria asked with a heavy blush despite knowing where it was going, "And we will make love all night", he finished his words making Artoria breathe heavily," I love you, Neo!", she said and kissed him passionately, then they started making love passionately and next day went on world tour leaving Medea and Elsa alone.

*Artoria's Imagination*

"Hehe My Lord, I am really not that worthy", said Artoria as she giggled happily while Medea and Elsa looked at her concerned,' Elsa she is getting crazier day by day we should report it to Dear ', said Medea using Mental Link Magecraft to Elsa who replied,' If we would report it now when she hadn't done anything she might accuse of us bullying her and let's not worry dear anymore he hates us fighting '.

'Fine, but we need to somehow make her... What to say Normal? ', said Medea unsure of which word to use, they looked into each other's eyes and nodded.

While Artoria who was dreaming of making food tastier than Elsa did another miracle by the end of the day.

"It's a D Rank Poison", said Medea as her eyebrows twitched, Elsa looked at it speechlessly, even Poison Alchemist Mages take years to master an E- Rank poison while Artoria made a D rank one so easily, Artoria meanwhile fell on the floor her four arms and started doubting life," No my world tour", she said sorrowfully.



Neo Pov

I caressed the back of Barthomeloi as she snuggled on my chest, after spending passionate lovemaking with her she has become much closer and much more docile. I looked at her body and smirked, her neck, breasts, and even her back were covered with the hickeys I gave her.

Her ass was red from the spanking I gave her with my handprints on it, normally being too rough for a woman who doesn't like treated roughly would dislike my actions, but with Third True Magic I don't have to worry about such a thing and top on that I discovered she likes being treated roughed which just made it better.

I caressed her hair and said," Barthomeloi, it's time I leave", She looked at me and asked sadly," Can't you stay with me a bit longer, Master?", I shook my head and said," Nope, and why you are worried about that? I will be coming tomorrow as well, and then I will introduce you to my wives".

"Your wives? Those incarnated Heroic Spirits?", she asked me, I replied," Yup, Now I have gotta go", I broke from her embrace and quickly wore my clothes, then rubbing her ass lightly I said," Before I go though, let me heal you", I used Magic to heal the pain of her swollen pussy and ass.

She moaned lightly,"~Ahhh~", Once I had done healing her I quickly teleported back to my Mansion. As soon as I reached I found a disheartened Artoria, I frowned and asked," What happened with her?", Medea and Elsa seeing me quickly hugged me and inhaled my scent perversely making me sigh.

Artoria jumped on me and hugged me like a koala She rubbed her cheeks against mine," My Lord, you are back!", She looked at me pitifully and continued,"*Sniff* Cooking *Sniff* is so hard!", I looked at her confused, seeing her sad I forwarded my left hand and she quickly put her head below it and started rubbing against it.

I smiled seeing her acting all cute, and Medea and Elsa were doing their things as well, on my left Medea had my shoulders grabbed while on the right Elsa had my right hand between her huge chest as she rubbed her head against my arm, I felt satisfied at my wives acting all cute and wanting my attention.

But then again, I couldn't stay in this position for hours, so I said," Elsa, Medea, Artoria, can you all let me go now?", They nodded and reluctantly left me and stopped their perverse actions, finally getting my body freed from the three Koalas, I said," Let's go on the dinner table and continue talking".

"Master, about that", said Elsa making me guess something was wrong.


Well, it wasn't that bad, Elsa and Medea had made food for us, even Artoria but hers was more of a poison than food, I looked at D Ranked Poisonous food speechlessly, glancing at her I could see her looking down ashamed, I sighed and started analyzing the food she had made, there is no way that the food she made will be poisonous without any reason.

And soon I found it, some blackish-red particles in the food and going through my memories I remembered what it was, smiling I said," Artoria, I have found the reason why your cooked food is poisonous", she looked at me eagerly and asked," Why My Lord?", even Medea and Elsa looked me curious.

I snapped my finger and Blackish particles were invisible to the naked eye, She looked at it surprised and said," This is my energy!", I nodded and said," Yup, this is a black primeval cursed energy native to Britain, this energy is usually passed from successor to successor, in your case previously before becoming an alter you didn't possess it but now after becoming an alter your nature leans more towards Morgan who was the successor of this energy hence gaining access to it making your attacks more powerful and deadly".

Medea nodded and said," Now it does make sense why her cooked food was poisonous, I should have checked it before", she looked at me embarrassed, she could have found the reason but didn't try to, I replied," Fine, no worries Medea, and Artoria you should try to control to not release even a bit of this energy and later on I would teach you to cook myself".

"My Lord?", She looked at me her eyes sparkling and I nodded making her more cheerful while Medea looked at her in jealousy and pouting and asked," Dear, then I can learn from you as well?", I chuckled and said," Sure, you can join us as well", she became less jealous after hearing that.

"Now it's time to eat!", I said quickly shifting their attention, we all sat on our chairs and started eating, once finished Elsa asked me," Master, did you successfully make Barthomeloi your woman?", I nodded and said," Yup", Medea giggled and said," Hm! Like a normal mage can resist the charm of Neo!".

"I agree on that, my Lord is irresistible to every woman", said Artoria seriously, finally After chatting some more time Elsa went to sleep together, After a bit more chat we all agreed once a week each of them would sleep with me alone and rest of four days we all will sleep together, and while alone with each one of them there will be obvious lovemaking.

Thus I grabbed Elsa's ass and started fondling them, we kissed passionately each other and well let's just say it is gonna be a long night.


Next Day,

After the love-making session with Elsa and having breakfast I again teleported into Clock Tower, just before my office, to be honest after some time Medea, Elsa, and Artoria will come with me as well instead of staying back at the mansion, it's just I want to get a bit proficient in my work,*Sigh* being a husband of three which is now four is tough.

I opened the door to see Barthomeloi waiting for me, she quickly bowed and greeted me humbly," Master, I welcome you", I smirked and grabbed her ass, she moaned in surprise and I said," Waiting for me my dear Bartha?", she looked me surprised at the nickname I used for her, she nodded and said," I missed you, Master".

I cringed a bit for absolutely no other reason than the fact she became like this, I decided to just ignore her overflowing affection for now," Didn't we just separate for what a single night?", I asked her, she put her head on my chest, and looking at me cutely she said," I just want to be with Master all the time, I love you very much".

I kissed her aggressively taking her by surprise, I kneaded her ass with my right hand and breast with my left, fondling them I enjoyed their bounciness, and just like began another love-making session.


A few hours later,

*Palp* *Palp* *Palp* Palp*


Bartha continued moaning as I continued moving my hips, her back facing me as I f*cked her in doggy position, enjoying the tightness of her slippery vaginal walls which squeezed me hard, in this position my cock reached deep inside her, and my every thrust caused ripples across her ass which jiggled alluringly.

*Slap* *Palp* *Slap* *Palp*

"❤~Aghhhh!~❤Masterrrrr!~❤More!!~❤F*ck this b*tch of yours Moreeee!!!!~❤"

I had her hair grabbed while I spanked her ass, it was extremely pleasurable slapping those jiggly pieces of flesh, I grunted in pleasure as her vaginal walls tightened further, thrusting with a huge force, my penis penetrated her cervix reaching deep inside her womb, she moaned loudly as I held this position and creampied her.


Once I have finished cumming, releasing the last drop of my semen deep inside her womb, I looked at her face which was in a mess due to pleasure, it gave me a feeling of superiority to see that I made a beautiful woman in this state, while she moaned and begged for me f*ck her harder.

I slowly took my dick outside of her pussy, as soon as I did the mixture of her fluids and my semen flowed out, I caressed her red ass covered with handprints from my spanking, I was more of an ass person than breast, though only slightly as I liked marking myself on these two areas of my women. I waited for a few minutes for her to recover

"Ma-Master, I- for-got to tell you something", she said while breathing heavily, I frowned and asked," What?", she trembled and sat on the bed dirty from our fluids, she looked at me with unhidden lust and said," Zelretch, the previous Director of the Mage Association wanted to meet you, he will come today".

"Is that so?", I said, I quickly started recalling everything about Zelretch whom many called a prank in my past life, thankfully From some previous questions I asked the system about him I know that he isn't exactly a prank and not as OP people thought to be, he is someone who got 2nd true Magic somehow, against his battle with Bruenstad, at least in most of the timelines, in my timeline though he got the second Magic while testing an attack Magecraft which supposed to cut spatial boundaries.

Yeah, totally different from the Normal Fate version of Zelretch and Tsukihime one, as in my timeline Dead apostles don't exist nor the overpowered version of Tsukihime nor nerfed one of the Fate, to be honest how he got Second True Magic is bullshit as well since Zelretch of another timeline interfered and made him get the Second true magic.

I asked her," When will he come?", She said," He is supposed to come in the afternoon around 3'o clock", I looked at the clock in the room and found it was 2:30 P.M, supposedly thirteen minutes were still left, I quickly cleaned and healed her up, we both got ready to meet another True Magician and as expected he came at 3'O clock.

The door opened as he came in, he looked at me and said," Finally the time we Neo El Dlsardius", I smiled and said," I can say the same for you, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg", he sat on the chair in front of me, his eyes moved towards Barthomeloi and said," I have been seeing you after a long time, Lady Barthomeloi", she replied in a calm voice," Indeed, we have been meeting after five years Sir Zelretch", his eyebrows twitched hearing her.

"It seems to me you changed the Director even not consulting me about it", he said in a strict voice, Barthomeloi didn't back off either and replied in a sharp voice," Sir Zelretch, the director of the Mage association should be someone stronger than me, and who actually does his job, and unlike you, Ma-Lord Neo does his job, he is more worthy of being the Lord Director".

He said," Is that so? Fine, I am here to have a private talk so can you leave us alone", I patted my lap signaling Bartha who happily ignoring Zelretch's words sat on my lap and made herself comfortable on my lap, then wrapping her right hand behind my back she looked at Zelretch in provocation and said," As you can see Sir Zelretch, I am not entitled to follow the orders of someone who isn't director anymore".

He looked at us angrily and then glancing at me he said," Sir Neo, what I am going to talk about with you is better left between the True Magicians, A mage like her shouldn't pry on our talks", I calmly said," Sir Zelrewtch, Bartha on top of being my assistant is my woman as well, and thus you don't have to worry about our talk leaking".

She giggled and rubbed her head against my chest while Zelretch looked at us fuming, in fact, I would have naturally not done to anger Zelretch but this version of Zelrecth was like my power level of timeline except Servants is weak as hell, heck even Barthomeloi can beat her, except for being able to see in past and future of other timelines, he can't do much, heck despite being able to travel in a parallel timeline he can't do so due to lack of enough Mana and fear of a method which he barely knows.

So yeah, a super nerfed Zelretch, For some reason my timeline is kind of extremely safer compared to others if you don't include Holy Grail War and servants which aren't weaker than other servants of different timelines.

"Fine, then let me say it, Neo Do you understand the consequences of your actions?", he said angrily looking at me, I sigh knowing this old man was going to rant about some unnecessary stuff, and said," Which actions?", he said," Your action of incarnating two heroic spirits in the modern world, by doing so you have created a huge chance of starting a new Age of Fairies due to Incarnating King Arthur, and there is even a slight chance of Age of Gods returning due to you Inracnating Medea a Mage from Age of Gods!!".

The room became silent for a bit before I started laughing angering him further," This is no laughing matter bastar-", he stopped in the middle as he looked at Bartha glaring at her," Zelretch speak any ill of Master and I would make you remember why I am stronger than you", he grunted angrily.

I stopped laughing, looked at him, and said," For that reason, you were here? Did you think I didn't take enough measures to prevent that? To be honest, you are kinda of pathetic, Unlike the other versions of you in different timelines you are too weak". He looked at me shocked at asked," Do- Do you have Second True Magic as well? Impossible! There can be only one user of True Magic at a time in a timeline! How, How do you know about this?!".

I quickly released a suppressing Aura while Zelretch fell on the floor, he looked at me trembling while I said coldly," Go away Zelretch, don't bother me anymore, I don't want to hear your annoying rants anymore".He looked at me embarrassed and standing up he said," I- I will leave now", and thus without waiting any further he teleported unsurprisingly, well he does have enough Mana to teleport away, if couldn't that either having Second True Magic he might as well have committed suicide.

*Sigh* Why did I get this wimpy old man in my timeline instead of a Badass Zelretch who killed Brunestad, fate is indeed annoying at times.