
The Tears of a Prince

THE MAIN STORY IS COMPLETED. Kai had left everything behind. His past and his hurtful memories. He wished to forget it all, the blood, the hunger, the pain and the responsibilities. He didn't want his legacy, he didn't want his bloody crown after he lost everything, his everything. That's why he ran and ran, trying to hide from his own guilt, from the fact that he was a monster. Many years later they find him. Friends and foes all part of a greater mystery and somehow he is involved. Soon an adventure begins filled with blood, tears and old memories that feel like they have come back to haunt him. As the man with the tattoo on his neck returns the one he used to call his destiny, his dead heart starts to beat again. "They are after me. They will try to kill you too" "I don't care what happens to me, as long as I get to save you"

Yaminoyosei · LGBT+
336 Chs

Chapter 29

He was bigger, scarier and heavier than Kai remembered. He felt his body fall on the floor as his huge paws landed on both sides of his shoulders. For a second his breathing stopped, the impact hurting a lot more than he thought. His blue eyes were wide staring into the silver orbs of the beast above him. 

Kai could throw him to the side, he was strong, a pureblood. He could definitely grab his thick throat and throw him away, he would fall unconscious and then he would get up and run away, everything would be fine. 

He didn't scream, he didn't cry he just laid there frozen hearing the wolf breath heavily. A drop of saliva landed on his shirt, the silver eyes scanned his face.

Now! grab him now and save yourself. That's what the voices in his head kept saying but for some unknown reason, once again Kai did not move. 

Why wasn't he trying to escape? Did he really think that something inside Philip would stop him from attacking him in just a few seconds from now? Even though he denied that there could still be love in his heart, maybe he was still foolish enough to believe in his bloody destiny.

It wasn't that though, no such romantic and courageous reason existed. The prince was tired, he simply was exhausted. Kai had forgotten what hope meant years ago. 

"Kill me" he mumbled and closed his eyes. He would let go. Finally the time had come for him to pay. His last breath, his last moment on this earth would be with him and that somehow was enough. To die by his hand maybe was a blessing, to meet his end while the one he adored took his life was actually too merciful, he had been lucky in a way.

As if the wolf was trying to obey his request he opened his jaws revealing dangerous rows of teeth. He moved his nuzzle and in just a heartbeat he had his fangs dived into Kai's fair skin. 

He bit him, poison spreading through his veins. He would start to cough blood, he would raise a fever and hallucinate and in a day or so he would be gone. If he was lucky once more Philip would devour him right then and there and spare him of the pain.  If he didn't, his last day would be torturous until the poison burned his insides. Then it would all end and he would finally pay the price for his horrible actions. 

One bite, that's all he needed and that's all he had gotten, nothing more and nothing less. Just an excruciating rip of the skin, an infusion of deadly poison and then he was done.

Once Philip bit him he couldn't keep himself silent anymore. He screamed, loud, louder than he ever had and then right after he heard footsteps. His cry had been an alarm, he wasn't an ask for help though. He was still conscious, just for a little more, feeling his blood escape from the holes in his body, dirtying his clothes, damping his flesh. Philip tried to bite him again. Yes, rip him apart, end the misery but something unfortunate happened.

The wolf was thrown away from him. He landed on the wall, breaking it and finding himself in the dark bathroom. No growls could be heard anymore. Kai's head turned to the side, slowly, as he struggled to stay awake. 

Tears escaped from his eyes when Lun kneeled next to him, grabbed him and raised him up. 

"Let me die" Kai said, his voice hoarse and Lun's eyes widened.

"Why, why Kai. What the hell?" He screamed at him. His friend was in panic, gripping his body tightly, shaking him as if he was scolding him. "How could you…" he said but Kai couldn't hear anything else. He couldn't keep his blue eyes open anymore so he let himself go. Sleep peacefully, forget the burn in his shoulder, ignore the fact that someone else was walking towards him now.

So it was morning. The beasts had turned into humans, he thought barely conscious.  Philip was approaching them. He couldn't see him, he couldn't hear that well either but still his voice was loud.

"What...why" the wolf mumbled and for a second Kai felt bad. He had turned him into a murderer, would Philip feel guilty? Would he care? 

It was alright though, he would forget him easily, in the blink of an eye. Kai smiled. He had given Philip his revenge, he was finally going to avenge his sins. 


Philip had been thrown to a wall, he felt the bones of his spine crash as he broke the sink in Kai's bathroom. He fell on the floor, surrounded by shards of the white furniture and slowly his body turned in its initial form. 

While being there he groaned, disoriented by the whole experience until he heard Lun's voice. His head snapped towards the corridor and with his eyes he noticed Kai on the floor. 

He had bit him, he remembered. He was going to kill him, he realized as he stood up. His bones healed quickly, he was fast on his feet and he rushed outside. 

He heard Kai talk, he heard him tell Lun to let him die and he instantly got rooted to the floor. He had said that before, or something similar, moments of his beastly frenzy flashed before his eyes. The prince had asked him to kill him. But why? He wondered.

"What...why?" He mumbled as he moved closer, his stunned eyes stuck on the unconscious vampire. For a second he had hoped that all was just a lie, some kind of sick farce that they had planned but the bite was there, it wasn't healing and vampires were supposed to heal. 

"You fucking asshole" Lun screamed at him as he took Kai in his arms. He was no longer conscious. His limbs were hanging as if he was dead and Philip felt sick. Did he do that? To him? 

"I...what are we going to do now? I didn't mean to. I don't even know why I got out or how" he said, his expression showing how confused he was. "Really, I...I didn't mean to" he repeated but Lun's eyes did not turn nicer. 

"Untie the ones there. I am taking Kai to the living room. We need to think of a way to save him. This idiot." he swore as he walked away and Philip was left alone. 

He couldn't stop seeing it, even now that he had been taken away Kai's biten shoulder was haunting his thoughts. He couldn't move or think clearly. He felt an intense pain on his chest as if he was having a heart attack. He started sweating, panicking as he stumbled inside the trashed room. He broke the chains and the two men were quick to run out. They had heard and seen everything, they hadn't said anything, they hadn't even looked at him, they simply walked out. 

Philip needed to get to the living room too. Just a few steps. He had bitten vampires before, he had ripped their heads off. It wasn't such a big deal, it shouldn't be but why did he feel so horrible, as if he was sick? 

Kai's weak voice, his plea for his life to be over was loud in the walls of his head. Why would he say that? Why, why, why? So many questions and zero answers. Philip started to feel dizzy, the world spinning around him as he heard Kai's voice in his head.

Kill me, kill me, kill me.

"No, I can't." He mumbled before he collapsed on the floor.


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Also, please tell me because I am very curious. What are your thoughts about Philip? I really want to know.

Thank you for reading and I hope you had fun. Let's see what will happen in the next chapter!