

"August time to get up or you're gonna be late" Charlotte said

August got out of bed and brushed his teeth

"You're still in your pajamas boy, get out of em" Charlotte said laughing

"August is there something wrong" She asked

"No I'm good" He said going back to the bathroom

"Well I'm making French Toast, your favorite" She said screaming upstairs


Elysia Im texting you to see if everything is alright, did y'all get there safely?

If u need anything let me know, if u get scared j text me, j text me back Elysia


"Maybe I over did the shit" August said hitting his head with his hand

"Huh, why couldn't I go with her, I should be there to protect her not Flynn" August said to himself grabbing a black Raglan

"I wish I hadn't disrespected her like that, she doesn't deserve that, I have such bad skills with girls I make them uncomfortable" August said laying on his covers

"Come on El text me back" He said gripping his phone


August hurriedly grabbed a light blue pair of jeans and his favorite retro black and white Jordans, he raced down the stairs putting them on at the same time


"AUGUST" Charlotte ran over to assist her son

"Auggie, why are you putting on your clothes and walking down the stairs at the same time?" She asked

"Because you have been calling for me" He said pulling his pants up

"Alright, so where are you and your boys going today" She asked pouring August some milk while telling him to drink it

"Drink your milk" she whispered

"I don't know, wherever the wind takes us" he said picking at his food

"August what's wrong" She asked

"Nothing mom" He said drinking his milk

"August is this about the thing with your dad?" she asked

"I'm just trying to prevent you from getting hurt" She said

"Getting hurt from what exactly? I can't even see my own dad" August said

"August I didn't want to shield u from him" She said

"Mom, don't forget this all started because you wanted to sway me in doing the bad side of things, I never wanted this" August said

"I'm sorry for that son, but I am trying to help you" She said

"By keeping my dad from me, I gotta go, the guys aren't meeting me today" He said getting his book bag and leaving

Charlotte looked down in agony

"Hey guys I am on the way" August said

Knock knock

"Who is- oh son" Nicholas said

"Hey dad" He said sitting down

"What's wrong son?" Nicholas asked

"Did you really abandon me" August asked

"What, what are you talking about abandon" Nicholas said

"You want a snack or something" Nicholas asked

"No dad, did you or did you not abandon me" August asked

"I didn't abandon you, who told u that, are your friends saying silly things" He asked laughing

"Mom says you had every chance to fight to get me but u didn't, u ignored me and left me to her care" He said

"No, that's not true every time I went into those courts they were against me, now son u may not know but when u have a mom with a child they will favor her" He said

"But you are still my dad?" August said looking up at Nicholas

"Son, don't make me do this again, u gave me that same look when u were about 8,that was the fourth year I tried to get you" Nicholas said

"Son I'm sorry for not trying enough but your mom, as much as I hate to say it was a better care giver than me" He said

"Mom's not a caregiver she's my mom and you're my dad" August said

"August I don't know what to tell you, but I do love you, son and I'm proud of the man you've become, you even have a girlfriend and everything" Nicholas said

August sighed

"Dad I don't wanna do anything today" August said

"Oh well son, what's wrong?" he asked

"Do you ever just feel like you've could've done a lot more but didn't because there was something holding you back" August asked

"All the time son all the time" he said

"Is there something you wanna share with me" He asked

"Uh, uh uh well uhm no I'm fine" He said smiling and walking to the door

"Have a good day August and I'm sorry for making you feel like I never loved you, because I always did" He said hugging August

"Here take some snacks for your friends too" He said

"Thanks dad" August said slightly smiling and leaving

Crash Ruffling

"You broke a fucking promise, where were you?, Why the hell aren't you dead" A man said holding a knife to August's throat

"Listen man I don't want any trouble, let's talk this out like men, just kindly back off of me" August said

"Shut up, you betrayed me, do you know who I am" the man said

"No man, I'm sorry I don't recall" He said

The man took his mask off to reveal a young man with Jet Black Disheveled hair and sad brown eyes

"Oh shit" August said

"Jax, how did you find me dude" August said

"That isn't important, more importantly why'd u leave me to die huh, huh why" Jax said pulling on August's shirt

"I didn't leave u to die, my mother moved us I could not control that" he said

"Now can u get this knife aw-

"Make one more step and I will make sure this goes through your throat" Jax said with a intense look

"Look man you look like you're on drugs calm it down there" August said

"Alright, August I'll leave you alone and I'll just find your wannabe girlfriend with that incompetent blonde kid and kill the both of them" Jax said


August grabbed Jax's arm and slammed his entire body over him

"Say some shit like that and you'll make me kill an old friend" August said

"Hmph, aAHHHHHHHH" Jax charged toward August but missed

"Auh auh auh auh" Jax swung his knife toward August who dodged his every move

"You were always so better than me" Jax said swinging the knife again

"And I still am, Jax give this up" August said

"No I'm going to kill you, why the hell would u just up and leave a buddy in need" Jax said

"You knew I had no place to go, and still u left without ever even saying goodbye" Jax said

"Look man I'm sorry, my mother arranged it that way" He said

"I hate you and I wanna see you killed" Jax said throwing the knife aiming at August's heart

"Woah, what the hell"

"You are a good thrower, despite also an almost attempted murderer" Rai said catching the knife

"Rai?" August said

"We were looking for you man, u never responded" Rai said

"Who is this guy" Rai asked running

"He's a kid I was friends with a while back, he's up to no good" August said

"Jax continued to throw knives

"I can see that" Rai said

"You ruined our friendship over a girl, u got whipped in it that bad, well get this August, friendships last not whores" Jax said throwing a full shelf of knives

August caught all 9 of them

"Jax you can say everything you want about me but keep her name out of your disgusting mouth, also I didn't even know Elysia until these months,she didn't ruin anything" August said

"And why do you get to decide that, u could bail on that girl too, I don't know why anyone trusts you" Jax said

"Fuck you August" Jax said leaving

"August who was that" Rai said

"It was my friend, name's Jax Vale, me and him used to be best friends some years before I left my old city, we'd do anything we could together we'd camp, sleepover, everything"

"When I was about 15 it was time for us to move, and I was sad I didn't wanna leave the guy, he truly had no one, his mom was an alcoholic who occasionally worked his dad killed 14 people in an organized crime ring" August said

"So hey I was from a villainous mother too, so why not be friend the guy, we made a promise that we would kill the world together as friends, but kids grow up and promises die, sadly Jax didn't want to face that, he still doesn't he needs help, and he has no one" August said kicking a rock

"Jeez, I'm sorry dude I didn't know any of this, guess you did not feel the need to tell us since u basically moved away years ago" Rai. Said

"I'm sorry you hadda get involved I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid, I don't like him mentioning Elysia like that" August said

"So you do care about her" Rai said pushing August

"Yea yeah, I do care about her she's a good friend and a good girl" He said smiling

"Has she called you or anything" Rai asked

"No she's probably getting rest or something" August said

"Flynn Flynn Flynn!!!!!" Elysia yelled out

"Flynn where are you!!!!!"

"What's that noise and that smell" Elysia said looking at the plane

"Oh no, Flynn!!!!!!!" She said running toward the plane
