
Part 2: All is not what it seems

As I glance around, trying to find the source of this foreign presence, I hear a splash in the water, I look down and see something dive, the ripple effect in the water somewhat disturbing.

I slip in the moss covered ground and slide very unlady like, all the way down to the edge of the lake, not all is bad because I'm saved from getting soaked by a pair of hands that come out the water just in time to save me, I yell in a strangled voice, 'Holy Nu' Wa!!!' I don't know if this is a reaction to the hands that are keeping me from diving in the lake or just because I got my wits scared out of me,myself and I, anyway, it's bad.

The hands holding my feet, start pushing me back to safety has they emerge from the water, I see lithe arms, the hint of shoulders, the skin is kind of shiny, like fish scales, (Does anyone remember that scene on Twilight that we get to see Robert Pattinson shine like a Diamond?? Well this scene right here and now made me think of that... geez!) I'm just so dumbstruck I don't even think of escaping, (ohoh...Am I a lamb??) what's even stranger is that I don't feel threatened by this creature, whoever or whatever may it be.

Unfortunately I don't get to see it, because in the moment I would get to see the face, it turns and dives again swimming away, I hear footsteps and see Maggie coming towards me a puzzled look on her face, "What are you doing here at this ungodly hour?" She comes closer and stretches out her hand to help me up, the look on her face saying, 'she's at it again this crazy biatch!'

"Oh me, well I just couldn't sleep so I came to see the sunrise at our usual spot, so you couldn't sleep either?" I ask nervously looking around trying to sense anything out of the ordinary, but to no avail, whatever that was, it's gone. (Let's hope I can see it again, I keep adressing it as it, I know, let's give him/her a name... Saviour that in chinese is Jiuxing!)

"Nope I slept like a log, don't you know what day it is today?" Maggie eyes me suspiciously.

"Hummmm... nope not really, maybe thursday???" I say rubbing my hands together for warmth, (I feel so cold I could probably freeze you with my breath...no it's not a joke, I can actually do it if I want to.)

"J what the hell is happening with you lately, it's like you've been abducted by aliens and they replaced you with an even weirder version of yourself!!! Get a grip, it's friday we agreed we would go down to London for the weekend, geez we've been waiting for this for months!!! I went to your house but you were awol, so I figured you would be here...at least I got one thing right." Maggie's voice had a whiny side to it when she was mad...and she was MAD ...just what I needed.

"London??? Friday??? Weekend??" I totally sound like an A.I. processing too much information.

"OH MY GODS! What happened before I got here? Why are you this spaced out?" Maggie rolls her eyes and shakes me by the shoulders.

"Oh nothing, I just have so much on my plate lately, you know my dad, and Jun is also not letting up, I've had to up my game so I don't fall behind, the both of them are always on my case...you know that!" Even to my ears they sound like lame excuses, let's just hope Maggie stays true to herself and doesn't push me too much, cause this time I might just crack.

"Humm..ok..I gotta ya, so are you ready to blow off some steam??" Maggie takes me in her own stride, leaving me alone for now.

"Don't know about that, but I sure am ready to get the hell out of dodge... London sounds like heaven to my ears!" I look around quickly trying not to spook Maggie, but geez, I just felt my skin crawl again...Why can't I just have a normal day like any other human?

I still have to be grateful for I have a reason to smile, Maggie's dancing in front of me like a kid that just got a treat, she's even singing Cyndi Lauper's "Girls just want to have fun".

We walk away from the lake towards home, I feel eyes on us, but I don't feel any danger so I just head home, hoping that Jiuxing is just that ... a saviour.

Thank the Gods it's friday!!!

Hi there dear reader!!!

I hope you are liking the way the story is going...

I'm putting it all together...but it takes me a while because of time issues...

Just wanted you guys to know that I'm doing my best!

Take care everyone!

Unikeversecreators' thoughts