
The Tale of the Second Dimension

A story about a girl who has to face the consequences of exploring the secrets of both the second and the first dimension. Read the first chapter to find out more.

Kyo_idiot · 奇幻言情
13 Chs

Chapter 4

"How dare you!!!! How about we give you the ultimate punishment." Jessica exclaimed with a grin so wide you could stuff a whole banana.

"Punishment for what? Not expecting a disrespectful person or not respecting a brat, either way, it's the same person."

"Girls!" Jessica snapped her fingers and I fell unconscious. This girl really had to use a frying pan, what is she, Rapunzel? 

The next moment I awoke on the ledge near the edge of the main cloud. The first dimension is built on clouds and if you fall off, you will enter the 2nd dimension. Is this the ledge? Oh…that's right, Jessica assaulted me. Should I play dead? Imma wakes up in five minutes, yes, that's the perfect plan. I'm a genius.

A scenario played in my head, In which I would burst up suddenly, catching the girls by complete surprise. "​Surprise, suckers! I'm not dead, I was just playing the world's greatest game of possums!" I would exclaim, doing a little victory dance. The looks on their faces would be priceless, faces of pure shock and confusion. Hehehee….

 Before I could take a little nap I got kicked in the gut. "OW!!! That hurts you know, and the plastic heels don't make it much better. You should be considerate when people are on the floor knocked out."

"Oh good," Jessica sneered with a wide grin, "You're awake. Now say bye-bye to your life in the 1st dimension and say hello to death in the second dimension."

"What a brat like you going to do?" I asked.

"This," she said, her eyes filled with. malice. Before I could react, she and her friends lunged forward, their fists punching every inch of my body. The blows rained down relentlessly, each one more agonizing than the last. One of the girls wielded an attuned frying pan, the impact reverberating through my bones and rendering me limp and helpless. The pain was excruciating, my nerves felt like they were on fire. Then, to my horror, one of Jessica's friends produced a gleaming knife, the blade glinting menacingly in the dim light. "You know what to do," she commanded, her voice dripping with glee. The other girl advanced, her movements were staggered. ​With a few swift and merciless motions, she slashed away at my wings, tearing through delicate feathers and flesh. The searing agony was almost too much to bear, and I cried out in anguish as I felt my wings become utterly useless, shattered, a bloody ruin. I was trapped, defenseless against their cruelty as they beat the life out of me. It hurts. It Hurts. IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!!!! HELP ME!!! The pain was unbearable, it was too much at once. How did it come to this Aghh…..

A dark figure looked from way up above "How pitiful…"

Suddenly, without warning, a harsh shove sent me hurtling into the abyss. Time seemed to slow as I plummeted, the ground rushing up to meet me. Panic gripped my heart, and a desperate plea escaped my lips, Someone... Anyone... HELP ME PLEASE... PLEASE... I AM BEGGING YOU, GODS. The cruel laughter of my tormentor echoed in my ears as I fell, their final words searing into my mind, "I've had enough fun for tonight. Goodbye Kyo, I wish you nothing but the worst." There was no chance for me to fly, no hope of salvation. I was utterly powerless, spiraling towards my demise in the second detention. The wind whipped past me, and I felt a sense of overwhelming terror consume me. This was it, the end. I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact, praying that the gods would have mercy on my soul. But the only sound that greeted me was the sickening crack of bones and the deafening silence that followed.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I was greeted by a sight that sent a chill down my spine. ​The sky above was an eerie, crimson red, casting an unsettling glow over the surrounding landscape.1 It was as if the heavens themselves were bleeding, the intense hue swirling and pulsing ominously. I quickly turned my head, taking in the desolate scene that stretched out before me. I saw a barren wasteland without any sign of life or vegetation. The ground was parched and cracked, with only the occasional stunted, lifeless tree dotting the terrain. It was as if a great war had raged on for centuries, leaving the land utterly devastated and incapable of supporting any living thing. A sense of dread and hopelessness washed over me. Where was I, and how had I ended up in this bleak, ruined place? The sheer emptiness and desolation of the landscape were overwhelming, leaving me feeling entirely alone and bereft of any sense of comfort or refuge. As I scanned the horizon, I saw no sign of civilization, no indication that anyone else had ever set foot in this forsaken realm. The air was thick and heavy, suffocating me with a palpable sense of solitude and despair. I need to get out of this place, but the endless expanse of barren terrain will offer no clues as to which direction might lead me to my salvation. Am I going to die? What is logical? I can't tell… At that moment I had fainted for who knows how long.