
The End.

"Hey, watch where you're going punk!" Shouted a middle aged man. The young boy squinted slightly, almost in a dazed state. Where was he? Who was he? Had he escaped his fate?

"Hu-Huh? Oh, I'm sorry sir... Can you... Direct me to the nearest station?" The boy spoke tiredly. The man looked at him, almost glaring as he crossed his arms. He let out an exasperated sigh, staring into the boys eyes. "Go down the street and make a left, from there, you'll need to cut through the alley on the right. That is the most efficient way there. Now get out of my sight." The man said, a hint of satisfaction lingered in his voice. As the boy went away, his body grew weaker. He gained a limp, and he became even more fatigue. Screams were heard in the distance. He knew he had brought the horrors of his world into this one, and this was truly, the beginning of the end.

"Shit... Shit... I need to get there... Fast... I'm not too sure if anyone in this immediate area knows swordsmanship..." The boy mumbled to himself. Hid memories were fuzzy, but he remembered his vast knowledge on how to fight, and how to speak. As he continued to limp along, men and women were running the opposite direction. The area he was headed, he assumed, was the initial area that the creatures were. He prepared himself to get mauled, as he continued to traverse down the streets, and into his inescapable destiny.

Otherworldly shrieks were heard in the distance, as he fumbled for his weapon, which was strapped along his hip, only to realize it had disappeared. "What...?" The boy said, questioning where his weapon went. "How could it have just...? Did I drop it before I came here...?" His eyes widened, realizing the mistake he made. If he dropped his weapon, he truly was doomed. He wasn't proficient in magic, and his combative skills were his only option. He didn't have the best martial arts skills, but he would have to make do. As he approached the shrieks and cries, he spotted an animalistic figure. It possessed a lean figure with a tall frame, dark brown fur covered its body, glistening with blood. The figure had goat-like eyes, which were painted a dark red. He wielded two war axes, and wore a loin cloth around its hips and a large, shining breastplate.

The boy's eyes widened in horror. He had forgotten what this creature was, but it was indeed frightening. He could only stand there, completely still and silent as to not attract its attention. It sniffed around, smelling a putrid scent of burning meat, and the familiar scent of toxic gases. The boy, however, was unaware of the gases, and breathed most of it in. Just then, he started coughing. Immediately, the creature laid eyes on him, and charged directly at him. With two swings of its mighty axes, the boy, had perished.