
Murder Mystery

"My stats drastically increased." Damon grins in satisfying, he took another shower on a lake not far from the road after taking the lone wolfs treasure. A few moments later he climbs up on a large tree to rest.

Morning Arrived, Damon wokes up, fully recovered in one night, His recovery was several times faster than that of a normal human, amazed of his own body Damon then tries to jump nearly 10 meters high and still didn't feel a thing a thing.

"How about i test my strength." Damon tests his punch on a boulder, expecting good results, giving it his most powerful blow, the boulder cracks into small pieces, it was better than he expected and said:

"Hehe, And the form of a child at that! makes an opponent letting there guard down, this might just be a blessing in disguise HAHAHA!!!." Damon then open the System Shop, buying a particular skill.


Soul Points -530

[Aura Manipulation Technique 1]

"Allows you to hide your cultivation on opponents lower than Elite Rank Cultivators"

No mana consumption.

Can be upgraded.


Then proceeds to left the forest and goes to

Chang ji city. Several minutes later

he already reach his destination, his also

a lot faster.



[Name: ************]

















[NAME: ************]
















"Uuhh, I guess they were chosen to be a guard for a reason." Damon thought.

The place was crowded as usual, he proceeds to enter the city. Looking at the place he saw many lead rank cultivators and some copper rank cultivators. Damon firstly goes into a shop full of clothes then an inn to seek shelter.

A few minutes of shopping he then plans to find an inn. The night came, in an inn: "I bought the things i need, now lets check the items and rewards i got."



"Rank 9 Body Tempering Pill x30"

"Demon Body Tempering Technique"

"Iron saber x5"

"Rank 7 Copper Monster Foundation Orb x1"


Damon took the items except for the saber.

he then ate the pills at once.

"Demon Body Tempering Technique"

Damon chose accept, the information started to imprint his mind he wasn't used to the feeling of unknown knowledge suddenly enters his mind. After more than 6 hours later, damon who was sitting on the floor cultivating at the same time absorbing the orb holding between his bare hands, while practicing the Demon Body Tempering Technique. Damon suddenly vomits black fluids on to the ground, notices the a disgusting smell, he opens his eyes and saw his body was full of similar black fluids sticking on to his body, damon then decides to take a shower after cleaning his room. after finishing his tasks he feels more powerful than before. Damon then checked his status.















[MP REG:3.5=>4.3]












Damon was dumbfounded, he didn't expect to grow to this extent in just a few days, he then carries on cultivating in excitement....

Dawn came, damon goes out early hunting for cultivators, monster, men even women as long as it has cultivation outside the city far enough not to be seen.

3 weeks later, rumors have started to take place, saying many missing people have found dead outside the forest including the incident with the young master of the jun family.

"Who did it!!" a roar of anger echoed kilometers away, A middle aged looking man with the look of a menacing face while staring to particular body, an unrecognizable rotten body was lying to the ground, large maggots continuously eating the moldy looking flesh.

"M-master please cal-"

"I said who did it! how dare they mess with the jun family do they take us some kind of ant?!! even he was just a useless bastard he still has the blood of the sur named jun!."

gripping the servants neck lifting him up in the air, The choked servant didn't have the courage to struggle, as he was about to fall unconscious his master pitched him to the ground cracks occurred from the floor, in spite of all that the servant was still breathing and consciously curls vomiting blood on the floor.

"Now tell me who did it!!"

"Head master kang we found the young master at the forest near hinter woods it seems that the young master was currently having with drinks with some feeble bandits and was suddenly ambushed based on the wounds of the dead all of them died from the same person, a human cultivator using an unidentified but similar martial arts" The head master also had the conclusion, he didn't know what kind of martial arts that was complicated as this, However:

"Although we didn't know what kind of technique killed the young master there are some rumors more likely to be related in this incident."

"Yes.. I already heard the rumors of people have been missing since entering the forest to the South, west and east. That madman must be living inside the city near the South-east gate prepare more men to survey the forest and the entrance gate i will go ask the city lord what thinks about this incident, GO!!"

"Yes Head Master!!." the guards from the jun family quickly marches towards the South-east entrance. at same time.

A rich looking carriages was pulled by an unknown carnivorous mammal running towards Chang ji City.

"Young miss were now a less than a mile close to our destination. Surely, young master Gu would be excited to see his beloved fiancee in person for the first time" The coachman informs the young lady inside.

Inside the carriage was a silver haired young lady with beautiful silver eyes, she wore a veil covers half of her face and a beautiful clothes sitting formally inside. "...." The young lady remained silent. there was a little look of sadness in her eyes.

"Young miss, i knew you're worried something bad is about to happen and would go through similar situation to the past, it's okay, you don't have to worry about that, I'm always here to protect you even if it cost me my life! We have 35 novice rank guards escorting us on the way, unlike the past, I'm also at the novice rank 1 realm and I'm about to broke through at the Tin rank." A burly woman with brown hair and big breast, cheering tries to brightens the young ladies mood. The young lady felt the warmth and gently smiles in return however they were ambushed several times along the way having a number of casualties. The young lady have experienced a traumatic past similar to this situation, not knowing the details, she rarely go outside the reason for her departure was an agreement between the two families.

"Young miss it seems there have been gossips lately about a murderous madman killing people in the forest ahead called hinter forest, many people in the Mortal and Novice Rank have been missing even the 7th young master jun hui fell victim from this incident." The burly lady said with a serious look.

"I see..... Do you know the it's reasons for killing?" Feeling upset but the young lady's eyes showed a bit of interest at the story.

"We didn't know the reason what this madman's objective, but some says his an insane person just killing for fun and other his a powerful robber who steals treasure and sexually assaults women." The burly lady was a little worried thinking about the madman having the ability to kill a Novice Rank Cultivator. She then erase that thoughts focusing only to protect the young miss beside her.

"Why don't we continue our topic for later and focus at our current situation in hopes of safely enter the city." The burly lady smiles at the lady a few moments before cautiously looking at side of the road.

Minutes later, While they continue to travel, out of the blue, A large number of assassins suddenly throw round objects filled with smoke making the place misty, following the assassins Attack.

"Ambush! men prepare your weapons!!!"

"There assassins be careful!!"

A yell of alert from soldiers that escorted the young miss.

"Young miss please stay inside, i will go outside to help them don't worry I won't be far from you"

"Sister Fei be careful." A worried expression wore from the young ladies face holding the hand of Fei ling.

"Rest assured young miss i will be back" Fei ling said with a gentle smile before going outside."

I added a new details for the system

which create more sense for the age of Cultivators, the higher your talent the more

faster to broke through, also here are the age limit for each ranked Cultivators

Age Limit

Lead Rank Cultivators:


Tin Rank Cultivators:


Iron Rank Cultivators:


Silver Rank Cultivators:


Uranium Rank Cultivators:


And about this planet will get unto later.

Hope you enjoy my story.

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