
Let's get divorced

Janet took a step back and leaned her body to the wall as she felt her body was getting weak. The words he spoke were still playing in her mind and it was making an infinite number of cuts on her soul and heart.

-" You are not the Lan whom I loved.. You are not the Lan, who loved me… I lost my Lan long ago.. " Janet whispered while looking into her wedding ring.

Tears have found it's own way to roll down from her eyes. She felt she was all alone in the world without having anyone to support her emotionally. She left her family for a love, which she thought will always be in her life. She left her loving dad's heart broken for the love which was now hurting her just like the way she hurted her dad.

She may be a queen for Dylan but she was a happy princess with her dad. She was his whole kingdom for whom he always fought with his sweet wife.