
Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

"This is a bad idea," I said, folding my hands and not moving from my place.

"No, it is not Katerina," Elijah said with a sigh having enough of my whining.

"It is Elijah. You have gone bonkers if you think the people won't get suspicious when they see Elena Gilbert accompanying an Old man instead of her boyfriend to a Historical society tea party," I said, still sitting in the car.

He opened my side of the door and removed the seatbelt himself, saying, "It is just a beautiful girl accompanying the new author in town as a gesture of kindness while her boyfriend is out of the town." He then yanked me out of the car, gently, and hooked our arms, dragging me inside the Lockwood Mansion, "And what's it called...ah! FYI, I am not an old man."

"Says the thousand-year-old Vampire," I said with a snort.

"It's not like you are 18 years old either. And I am still good looking than you. I wonder why?" the Original said with a smirk. Before I could tell an early comeback, Jenna interrupted me.

"Elena, I thought you will be going to the lake house with Stefan," Jenna said, making her way to us.

"Lakehouse. Is it your idea?" Elijah asked me, lowly.

"Uh...Stefan had to go see his grandmother in Italy, as she was not feeling well. So we had to cancel the plan," I said to her, thinking of a quick reply.

"Elijah, I didn't know you two will be coming... together," she said, eying our curved arms.

"I asked Miss. Gilbert here to be my date since I don't know many people here, and she gladly agreed as it was not a school day considering it's Good Friday," said Elijah. As we are walking, Rose, Damon, and Carol made their way to us.

I hate interactions. I gave them my best fake smile. The more I talk to them, the more they are getting to me.

"Elena, Elijah, Damon? I am surprised you are here," Carol said, hugging Damon and Me.

"I am too," Damon said, looking at me with narrowed eyes, "Carol, this is Rose. She is a friend of mine... visiting," they both nodded in acknowledgment.

"Oh, Elijah, this Damon Salvatore. He is one of the founding families of Mystic Falls," She said. As they began interacting, I slipped away slowly.

"What are you doing here?" Alaric asked as he saw me drinking tea at some corner.

"Elijah wants to protect his bait," I said, and he nodded sympathetically. "And he knows where Elena is, Jenna, spilled the beans. Ask them to come back or go to some other place."

"What is Damon doing?" Alaric asked as he saw Damon taking Elijah into a room.

"Getting himself killed," Rose said, coming next to us.

"How is walking in the sun?" I asked her.

"Perfect. I can't believe I didn't feel the sunlight for 500 years," Rose said, smiling giddily.


Just then, my phone rang. I excused myself and came out of the house.

"Yes, Caroline?" I said

"So, we kinda have Luka in my house. Bonnie took your advice and did some juju on him, and he is knocked out. She and Jeremy are finding out if he is an enemy or not, and if they are related to this, she will find out how they are planning to kill Klaus, and did you know Jeremy is totally crushing on Bonnie. Like..." said Caroline through the phone as I cut her in the middle.

"Back to the point Caroline, and don't you think the warlock will be pissed once he gets up and finds out about this," I asked.

"Bonnie says she knows what she is doing," she said with a sigh.

"Just don't get yourselves killed. I can't come there. I am at a historical society tea party" I said

"How did you get roped into it?" she asked, chuckling.

"It's not funny. Elijah dragged me here" I said

"Just don't kill anyone, alright?" she said and hung up. Did she just hang up on me?

Young vampires. So arrogant.

As soon as I said the thought left my mind, Elijah came next to me with a speck of blood on his white shirt.

"Whom did you eat?" I asked, covering it up before anyone could see. But then I realized, "Oh my God! Damon," I said and turned to look for him. But Elijah stopped me and said, "He is alright. Now we need to go home."

"I don't believe you," I snapped and freed my arm and searched for Damon. I know Damon will be okay. But I really hated how he is treating me like some dog. It's really getting on my nerves. By the time I entered the study, Damon was still on the floor, taking the pencil out of his neck, and blood was all over him. I went and sat beside him to help.

"Are you stupid enough to take on an Original?" I asked angrily. These guys don't even try to be stealthy. What if someone came and saw all this and shouts at the top of their lungs.

"Hey, I am alright. I heal, remember. I just pissed him off more than I thought to do. The guy got some ego on him," Damon said, holding the handkerchief I gave him.

"Were you worried about me," he said with a smirk on his face.

"No," I said with a scoff.

"Whatever you say, honey," he said, chuckling and getting up.

"Will you be alright, going home? I will call Rick," I said, leaving to find Rick, but he grabbed my arm before I could take a step.

"Thank you," he said, "For still caring about me even when I was a dick to you."

I really didn't know what to say to him. His tone was really genuine, "Welcome?" I said more like a question. I then left before my brain could come up with any more unwanted questions. I found Alaric, and Rose asked them to take Damon home without causing any suspicions.

Now I have to deal with an angry Original. I am pretty sure I pissed the guy off to the point that he wants to commit mass homicide...starting with me. That is why I didn't go home that day. I mean, I did, but just before I could go inside, my conscience warned me otherwise. And so I went and laid down on the rooftop, looking at the stars. Something I used to do in my old life.

Just like every time I am sitting alone, the questions of my existence in this fictional universe came back to me. What am I doing here? Why am I here? However, I didn't have much time to dwell on it because, after a little over ten minutes, I felt a presence beside me causing me to release a sigh. I don't even need to look to see who it was. The woody cologne already gave me the answer.

"If you are here to kill, just be done with it," I said, still looking at the stars. What if dying the only way to go back?

"Now, why would I do that Katerina," he asked, sitting next to me.

But whom am I going back for?

"Maybe because I pissed you off again. And you have had enough of my tantrums," I said.

"Believe it or not, Katerina. I am not here to kill you," he said.

I don't have anyone.

"Of course. You are waiting for your brother to take the opportunity," I said.

At least I have preppy Caroline here to annoy me, here.

"Do you believe that all the people that died turn into stars?" I asked, randomly. If they did, then canon Katherine would've created 30 percent of them.

Are my parents one of those stars?

"From what I know, the supernatural creatures go to a place called the other side after they die. And the humans, maybe they turned into stars," he said, lying next to me, looking at the sky.

"Then I guess my parents aren't one," I said. Universal gap.

"Why is that?" he asked, getting me out of my trance.

"Huh!" I asked, trying to think of the question.

"Why do you think your family isn't there?" Elijah questioned again.

"I came from a supernatural family," I said, turning away from him, getting into the character, "My father was a Traveler."

"Travelers. I heard about them. They hate witches with a passion. I didn't know you possessed magical abilities," he said, and I hummed.

"But I never got a chance to practice it. I didn't know anything about this world until I met you both brothers. I knew about my family after they died," I said, turning to his side.

Or did she knew before?

Who cares, no one will know.

"Do you know, my mother was a witch as well?" He said turning the conversation into a lighter topic

"So, she is the one who made you," I said, sounding I deduced it.

"Yes, she did." He said, looking at me. "When we came to the Old World, the werewolves and witches were already there. On one full moon night, my younger brother Henrik died because of some werewolves. My mother couldn't save him. So she decided to use her powers to make us more powerful and stronger than the wolves. That is how Vampires are created."

"Your mother is sure powerful to create a new kind of species," I really liked the amount of power she held. But she was an A-Class bitch, and her plans were faulty, more so than Damon's. And that's saying something.

"However, we never practiced magic. Our Father was a Viking, and so he wanted us to hunt and be warriors. However, my younger brother Kol, he loved doing magic. It was his greatest passion," he said.

"Have I met him?" I asked wrinkling my nose

"No, he isn't around us, often. He liked to travel alone, used to run with witches trying to find some connection to his old life," said Elijah.

"He sounds a lot like me," I mumbled to myself, "Do you know..." Before I could complete my sentence, two cold lips touched mine. Elijah's hand rested on my cheeks as his lips nibbled mine. I was in shock that I didn't know what's happening around me. It took me a moment to realize who was kissing me, and I couldn't help be lost in the moment as he showed how to kiss anyone. His hands slowly came down until they reached my waist, and he brought me closer as I kept my one hand on his chest. I don't know how much time passed as we laid down like that kissing under the moon and stars, little later he pulled away from me slowly giving one last peck to them. And just like that, I came out of the trance.

"I.. I should go and sleep," I stammered, getting up and sprinted to my room. I am such a dumb idiot. I should be angry at him, not learn seduction from the thousand-year-old Original.


Elijah didn't know what to do when he saw her run away from him. He wanted to go after her, but he decided to give her some time. The noble brother of Miaelsons siblings didn't want to scare her away, just yet. He didn't know why he kissed her either. Seeing her under the moonlight only made her look more beautiful and enticing. He couldn't control his feelings that he kept buried in for a long time now. If anyone asked him how he felt about Katerina a few weeks ago, his answer would be something along the lines like she deserves to pay for the betrayal or maybe something even more dramatic. But if you ask him now, he can't say anything for sure.

His interactions with her made him change his opinion about her. He always thought he is good at judging people, but he was wrong. He can't figure her out. He didn't expect her to be hostile to him, frightened, yes, but not hate. Now that he thinks about it, he couldn't help but agree with her. Would he have saved her even after Niklaus said not to? Also, if he did, would she be alive for more than a few years? Knowing Niklaus, he would have killed her just to get back at him at some point. She would've faced the same fate as that of Celeste. For a second, he agreed with her. She ran away without telling him and missed her horrible fate.

When he saw her for the first time after 500 years, so many emotions passed through him the satisfaction that she was finally found, betrayal for running away and causing a rift between Niklaus and him, curiosity to get to know the 500-year-old Vampire. He knows Vampirism changes people. He and his siblings are perfect examples of that. At least they had each other, but the 18-year-old girl from the 15th century went through it alone. Niklaus has killed her entire family just after a few days later she turned into a Vampire. He wasn't sure if she could handle it.

But again, to his surprise, a few years later, he heard the stories about the legendary Katherine Pierce. He wasn't sure if he was happy that she became brave enough to fight her own battles or sad that she became ruthless as his brothers Kol and Niklaus, and lost hope on the love, she used to believe so much when she was human. After hearing about her for three centuries, he didn't think she perished in a fire in the 1860s. And he hoped that it is true.

But seeing it for himself, he is glad that she didn't completely lose herself. She still believes in love, her eyes, and tears said it. He heard her history with the Salvatore brothers and saw how they still care for each other. Even if they don't express it, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Though the Salvatore's say they want to protect Elena, they would never want Katerina in danger. They would do anything to keep her safe. It was confirmed to him today when he talked to Damon Salvatore at the tea party. One of the reasons he wanted to rip the young Vampire's heart out. But he can't say he didn't feel anything when Katerina was worried about the other Vampire.

Maybe that was the reason he came to stay at her house instead of Martin's or some other hotel. The Original wanted to mend things with her and get to know the new her. He desires her to be the same girl he used to talk to in the 1400s. She was someone that connects him to his human days, or at least her face did. Now that his siblings are at the bottom of the ocean, he didn't want to lose the last thing that keeps him human.

He will bring back the girl who talked to him with a smiling face about anything and everything and used to listen to him when he speaks with so much concentration. Maybe that's the reason he kissed her today. She has reminded him of the days he used to care for her. He has taken the first step to accomplishing what he wants. He is not going to lose her. He was the first one to notice and understand her, and he may as well be the last.