
Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

"Isobel? Do you have a death wish, to call me this early in the morning?" I said as soon as I answered the phone.

"Now, now, Katherine, do you believe I will call you at this time if it wasn't important?" she said, "I think I got a lead on Klaus whereabouts."

"What?" I said, sitting upright.

"Yeah, now what do you want me to do," she asked me, "should I keep following him?"

No idiot, then he will compel you to kidnap me.

"Yes. But you don't go by yourself, send someone who doesn't know anything about you, and me. A human would do. And when I mean human, I mean a professional lurker," I said, "Compel him to call you to inform their whereabouts but never meet in person and don't at any chance tell him where you stay."

"But why?" she asked, confused.

"Klaus is cunning. He can smell you from a mile away. So, create a diversion track for yourself." I said, shaking my head a bit, "Just do as I say and keep me updated, alright?" I said.

"Okay," agreed Isobel, and cut the call.

What a wakeup call it was.

Oh! I got a message.

Let's meet at 2 pm in the woods a mile away from Lockwood Property- Mason.

I replied with a 'sure.'

I went and got ready for my food. I am damn hungry, and I don't accidentally want to kill my house owner. She cooks a delicious meal.

So, I went near the outskirts and saw a hiker. He compelled him to stay put and drank from him.

Delicious, aged to perfection.

Klaus! I need to figure out something for him that could buy me a ticket to get away from him. Also, Silas and travelers. Travelers are going to need my blood even when I will be the last standing doppelganger. I don't think I can take out an entire crazy coven of them. I need strong allies. I need to act like a sweet innocent Katerina for 10 more years as there are time skips in the TV show, and all the problems will go away. Well, not all but the principal difficult life killing and changing problems.

I took my phone and went through the contacts and dialed a number which I thought was very much useful.

"Katherine?" the voice asked, surprised like I expected it to be.

"Lucy, do you remember the favor you had to do for me?" because I don't, "I want it now."

"Hello to you too, Kat. Yes, I am fine. How are you?" she said sarcastically.

"Whatever, I am not in the mood. I am having a terrible week," I said to the Bennett witch, not at all amused.

"What favor?" she asked.

"I want to know if you have a spell that can stop the compulsion from working by anyone," I asked her.

"What? Why?" the Bennett witch asked, confused.

"Just tell me already," I asked.

"No, I don't think so," she said

"Well, that sucks. How about not able to speak somethings even if they are compelled?" I asked.

"That I can do. It's like a privacy spell. When a witch tries to keep someone's mouth shut and stop them from spilling any secrets, she can use this particular spell. The victim won't be able to speak of it, even if compelled or if they are desired to," Lucy explained, "Not everyone knows about this. But one of the Bennett witches Grimoires has it somewhere."

"Good. Where are you? I will come to you just be ready with everything you will need for that," I said.

"Richmond. I will text you the address," she said, and I cut the call.

"So, What's this fuss about?" the nosy witch asked me once I entered the house.

"It's a spell to keep my secrets, and if I tell you about it now, it wouldn't be a secret, now, would it?" I said to her.

"Fine. Come on... this way," the witch said, taking me to the living room and pointed at a place, "Sit here."

"Okay, talk me through this?" I said.

"I need you to write whatever you want to be secret in a paper, and then I will do the spell, and you should then burn the paper in this," she said, pointing at a small fire thing in a bowl.

"Are you sure no one can compel it. not even a powerful witch or a psychic," I asked one more time for confirmation.

""No one can get it out of you, unless you want to say it yourself, wholeheartedly. It will be bound by my blood. No one will know that my blood is the key to open your safe. So when you are writing that secret better write that I am a key in it," Lucy said.

"When you say blood is the key...is it just your blood or any other Bennett blood?" I asked.

"Only mine," she reassured.

"And what if you die. I mean you are a witch, and you will only live for 60-70 years, will the spell wear off then?" I asked.

"No. Don't worry," she said.

"Are you sure because if it is, then you don't have to pay any more debts to me. You will be free," I asked for reassurance one more time.

"Yes, Katherine," she said more like grumbled.

"Let's get this done, then," I said, sighing. I took the paper and wrote all the things that may cost my life. Like me coming from another dimension, knowing the future, using people to get what I want, and playing with their feelings by saying we had a great past. All my plans were put in the paper, along with Lucy being the key to open them up. And with that, I then burned the white paper as instructed.

"It's done," she said.

"Let's try this, shall we? I am not Katherine," I said to her, not really meaning it.

"What?" she asked. Oh! She didn't say what for that. She said it because she didn't hear what my last sentence was.

"Good, it's working," I said to her.

"I know it will," she said cockily.

"Now, you will no longer have to see my face again," I said to her. She smiled, and before she could say anything, I ripped her heart out.

And that is what we call an 'element of surprise.'

"Sorry, Lucy, but I don't want to take any chances," I said to the corpse.

I had reasons for that. One if given a chance she would've betrayed me as she did with canon Katherine, by siding with her family. Two, if I am staying here longer, then I as well take out my future threats. Three, I don't trust that important key with anyone, not even myself.

It doesn't matter if I behaved like a psychotic bitch. There's nothing new in it. It's a means to an end, and she is a bloody fictional character.

I then took care of the blood and body. Once and only once when I felt no clues were left behind, did I left to meet up with Mason Lockwood.

"Kathy," he said, hugging me as soon as he saw me.

"Hey Mason, how are you?" I said, pulling away with a fake grin. I wasn't still okay with physical interaction with strangers. I was absolutely surprised when I enjoyed Damon's kiss on the first day here.

"I am good, what about you?" he asked.

"Yeah. I am fine. Sorry I couldn't meet you early. I didn't want town people to notice two Elena's running around," I said

"I know that's why I asked you to meet here," he said, smiling.

"So, How is your search for moonstone going on?" I asked

"I just need two more days, and I will get my hands on it," he said

"Good. I really don't want you to feel that pain every full moon. Breaking all the bones once a month is not something everyone looks forward to," I said to him concern dripping my words.

"Me too," he said, "So, what are you doing nowadays?"

"Ran into my ex's. I had a really awkward conversation. And borderline, they hate me," I said teasingly.

I think I should try for movies after I go back to my real world. I would be popular.

"The Salvatore's?" he asked.

"mhmm," I said, nodding.

"Done all the preparations for today's night?" I asked him after a few moments.

"Yes, at the old Lockwood cellar. I got the chains ready," he said.

"I would have been there for you, but we both know I can't," I said sympathetically.

"It's alright. I understand. My bite's fatal to you, and I won't have any control over my body once I turn," he said.

I had to talk to him for two more hours with a smiling face, like a salesperson, and occasionally laugh at his dumb jokes without bashing his head into a wall. Being Vampire heightened my anger along with other senses. And mentally gave a pat to myself when I controlled it the whole time. The wolfy finally left, giving a kiss on the cheek.

Maybe I should try going to a shrink or take a few anger management classes.

Oh! I remember Damon going to one of those therapies in the show. "Hello, I am Damon. I have anger issues".I think it would be fun. I should take Klaus with me to one of those.

According to the show, there is no sign that Tyler Lockwood uses Vervain, which means there is a 99% chance that I can compel him. He also knows where the Moonstone is. I mean, I don't have an exact idea of location, but I do know that Tyler doesn't give it to his uncle after a lot of Drama. And today will be the perfect time to compel him when Mason's busy turning a dog with fur and tail.

Once I saw Mason making his way out of the mansion, I went inside and saw the person I am looking for.

"Hey, Elena. Are you joining us at the swimming hole?" the untriggered werewolf asked once he saw me.

"Nope. But I think you can help me with something," I said to him.

"Alright...What is it?" he asked.

"Do you know where the Moonstone is? Your uncle may have mentioned it," I compelled him.

"Yes, I have it with me," he said.

"Really? That's wonderful, sweetheart. Now be a dear a fetch it for me, will you?" I compelled him one more time, and he left to god knows where and came back a few moments later with the stone in his hand.

"Here," he said, keeping it in my hand in a dazed state.

"Thank you, honey. Now forget you ever saw me today. You don't know where the Moonstone is. You just heard it from your uncle, and that's it," I said to him, tapping his cheeks. "Now, off you go."

Such a long day, like every other day.

The Next day I went to meet my blonde intern.

I rang the bell, and the Sheriff opened it.

"Oh! Elena? Come on in. Caroline's still sleeping," she said, opening the door wide open.

"I heard from Caroline that she and Matt got into an argument. So, I thought to check on her," I said, stepping into the house.

"Oh! I didn't know that. Thank you for being there for her. I should leave now; I am late for work," she said, and I smiled at her, and she left. I then walked towards Caroline's bedroom and saw her sleeping.

I opened the curtains and let the sun rays fall on her.

"Elena?" she questioned, confused.

"Nope, try again," I said, placing a hand on hip.

"Kat," she said and tackled me in a hug, and I patted her back awkwardly.

"Miss me?" I asked once she pulled back.

"Matt broke up with me," she said, sounding sad.

So? What does she want me to do? Console her?

"Oh! I said the same thing to your mother to enter the house," I said, sitting on the couch.

"Really? Oh, I got my daylight ring, by the way. And let me tell you Bonnie was being a bitch. She basically told me that she will stop me if I hurt someone. What does she even mean by that? Is she going to kill me, and I didn't even do anything. Bonnie is behaving like she is indestructible or something. When did she become so judgmental? She is supposed to be my friend," She finished her monologue with a huff.

"I did tell you she hates Vampires, and, you darling...you are not Elena," I told her. "Don't expect any special treatment."

I mean, when Elena turned into a Vampire, she was thinking of ways to bring her spirit back and whatnot. I mean, the girl is the reason her mother left. She cast a spell on Mikael to stop him from killing Elena and lost her magic along the way. She is also the reason her grandmother died. If it were not for her involving, everyone would live. But no one understands it. Because she is Elena fucking Gilbert.

"Oh! And after that, Stefan took me for squirrel hunting, which is gross if you ask me, but I didn't say anything to him. Damon, Alaric, and Elena went to Duke university... something about Damon's new obsession, and Elena wanted to know more about her family history. Afterward, I got super jealous when this stupid Ammie tried flirting with Matt, and Stefan scolded me for compelling her. Matt then broke up, saying he doesn't want an insecure girlfriend, and I cried. Then out of nowhere, a wolf came out. Stefan and I barely escaped that thing," she said.

Will she ever stop talking?

"Ahh! I should have told you to stay indoors yesterday. Werewolves turn on every full moon," I said to her, hoping it will shut her up.

"Werewolves? Are they real? Wow!" she said, processing it.

"yup, they are as real as Vampires," I said

"What else can you tell about them?" she asked.

"I know that you should not pet one. A werewolf bite can kill a Vampire, and there is no cure," I said to her.

After a while, Caroline's phone chimed.

"Barbeque at Jenna's. Damon wants me to be there," Caroline said, reading the message.

"Go on. Have at it. I will be going out of town for a while. I need to sort some things out," I said to her getting up.

"This is my number," she said, giving me a piece of paper. "Give me a missed call. I will save it later."

"Okay. Bye cupcake," I said and left the place.

I have Moonstone, and a Spy in the scooby do gang. Now, I don't have anything to do here. I don't even need to turn the Lockwood kid into a wolf. If Mason dies in the hands of Salvatore's, Jules will come to mystic falls in search of him. I don't need to compel Jenna to stab herself and make them hate me more and be stuck in a tomb.

All in all, I had a happy weekend in New York. I did a little research on Katherine, trying to get my hand on her funds she piled up for the last 500 years. I also brought a lot of clothes and shoes. I just felt sad I had to put on those plain Elena'ish clothes as long as I am in Mystic Falls. So, when I finally took them off and roamed the streets of New Orleans in my favorite style, I felt happy.

"Yes, Caroline?" I said, answering the phone.

"Where are you?" she asked me.

"New York," I said to her, "What mess did my ex's get into now?"

"Everyone got into a mess," she said. "Damon tried to kill Mason on the day of Barbeque, and today there was Historical society volunteer day, and Mason tried to get revenge on Damon by telling my mother about them. Long story short. We escaped, and my mother knows I am a Vampire, and she hates me. Damon is keeping her hostage in their basement. He said he will release her once Vervain leaves her system, he will compel her."

"Listen, your mother will understand. Just open up to her and try to talk, okay?" I said, "You don't need to compel her. The only problem with you both is, you cant express your feelings to each other. I didn't use my time getting to know my mother, so don't waste yours." I said very unkatherine like. I sounded so Elena.

But something in my past made me say that.

Shit! I sound so sappy.

"Thanks, Kat. You are my best friend," she sounded sincere.

"I will come after 2 days. I am taking care of a few things. Be brave," I said and cut the call before I could embarrass myself even more.

"Yes, Caroline," I said to her as I answered the phone when she called me the next day.

"I talked to her," she said as soon as I answered. WHO? Oh! Her mother.

"How did it go?" I asked

"I think she is opening up to me," she said

"Good," I said

"And there's one more thing. Everyone's talking about you. Bonnie had a vision of you and Mason looking lovey-dovey. She told Stefan, who told Damon. Elena is thinking you both are up to something. Jeremy heard from Tyler that Mason was persistent in looking for some stone that you told Elena about it. Apparently, it is the same stone that is written in the sun and moon curse. Elena convinced Bonnie that her life might be in Danger and asked Bonnie to help her with Mason. Stefan is totally against this idea. But Damon agreed as he wanted revenge on Mason for trying to kill him," She said and took a deep breath for rambling so much. "So..."

"So...?" I asked, confused. "What so?"

"SO, what's with you and Mason," she asked this time.

"Oh. Mason is my friend, who I met in Florida. We dated for a bit, and now we are just good friends. I met up with him again when he came to Mystic Falls for his brother's wake," I said to Caroline. "Anyway, I am a bit busy. Update me if there's something new, alright?"

"Okay," she said, and we cut the call.

Everything is back on track. It seems like the events are following the plotline again.