
Chapter 17

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

"Lovely place, don't you think?" John/ Klaus said, looking at the two-bedroom flat which, he decided, is going to be my new prison and his secret hideout.

"Not my taste, really," I said, looking around.

"Well, no one's going to look for us here," Klaus said, referring to the current flat that is just above Alaric's.

"Maybe if you had let Isobel live, no one would have even been searching for us. We could have stayed in Mrs. Flowers's house, eating some home-cooked meals," I said.

"I didn't come here for Holiday, Katherine. I came here to break the curse, which might I add, is postponed for another 500 years because of you," Klaus said turning around to face me, "And Isobel's' death was a vital part of the plan, it sent a message to the doppelganger and her friends' to not try anything stupid."

"Whatever, Sour wolf," I muttered.

"What did you say?" Klaus asked sharply.


"I said, sour wolf," I admitted, compulsion taking control of my body, but quickly added, "You know...since you are behaving like one," which was true

He seemed to buy it, "When I compelled you to speak the truth, it didn't mean I gave you permission to be sarcastic," he said, with a scowl, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I recently discovered that sarcasm is my only defense in situations like this," I said, taking a seat on the nearby couch.

"Enough chit chat," Klaus said, waving his hands, "Now, tell me, where the hell is my moonstone?"

"I tossed it, inside the tomb underneath the church ruins," I said with a sigh

Well, I did hurl the damned stone in there.

And I am starting to pray to all the stars above, for him to go and get stuck in there for an eternity.

Fat chance, but a girl can always dream.

"Why would you keep it in there out of all other places?" He asked, intrigued.

"Because a Vampire who enters it, can't come out without a witches' help," I said through gritted teeth, mad at myself for spilling everything.

"Ah! Well, then it's a good thing I have Maddox at my beck and call, eh?" Klaus said, clicking his tongue sitting on the opposite couch, looking straight at me.

"Can I get some blood now?" I asked, trying to act as if I am not sitting with a psycho hybrid that can kill me any second, he feels bored.

"...," He didn't say anything other than giving me a death glare.

"You know, I am not going to be much use to you... desiccated," I informed him in case he forgot with everything that's going on.

"And what makes you think you are useful now?" John/ Klaus asked, smirking.

"The same reason you still kept me alive for," I said, even though I don't have the foggiest idea of what it is.

"And what's that?" He asked.

"How would I know? I am not a psychic, I don't read minds," I finally snapped, hunger getting the best of me.

He just sat there for a while, studying me. I grew uncomfortable under his gaze but tried my best to act as if I wasn't hindered by it.

"Go on... Have at it," He said, opening his arms wide after a moment, pointing at the direction of the kitchen.

Not a second passed by, I was already ripping open the blood bag and drinking from it greedily. My dead pale body, came back to life as I savored the delectable taste of A-ve. Just when I thought to dive in for another bag, the refrigerator door was closed shut by a particular Psychotic wanna-be Hybrid.

I threw my hands up in the air, incredibly frustrated, "What now?"

"Now...you are going to sit still and answer my questions," He said, dragging me back to the living room.

"Tell me something... what happens if I were to snap your neck, and just leave?" I asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Well, my compulsion stays intact, and you will still be stuck in here until I get back here in the original body and kill you for your foolish act," he answered, equally sarcastic.

"And the epitaph on my headstone says, 'Dumbest Vampire in the History.' Oh! How I hate you?" I muttered once he shoved me back into the chair, roughly.

"The feelings are mutual, Katerina," Klaus said, sitting back in his chair, "But you don't see me, wasting my breath on confessing my feelings now, do you?"

"Of course, not. You just like to maltreat me, every once in a while," I said through my gritted teeth, angrily.

"Valid point," he admitted, shamelessly.

"What do you want?" I asked the inevitable question at last.

"I want to know... what the Salvatore's are up to," He said with a stoic face.

"They are trying to stop you and protect the doppelganger," I said

"How?" he questioned a bit angry with my vague replies.

"They got the help from dead witches, who are eager to see your demise," I said, closing my eyes, disheartened, for letting the compulsion get the best of me.

"Young, old, dead, or alive, witches are a pain in the ass," he snapped angrily. I stifled a laugh at that dialogue, remembering the problems he was stuck in at that time. Karma finally came and bit him in the arse by making his daughter part witch.

"What's so funny?" an annoyed, John/ Klaus asked.

Thanks to the ritual, I did with the help of Lucy Bennett, I didn't have to answer the question as it deals with future events. I can't even say, "It's nothing," because then he will know, there is a loophole in his compulsion.

So...instead, I said, "I heard your mother was a witch, from Elijah. I take it you didn't end on good terms with any of your family member."

"Well, my mother wasn't a good one. She would end up getting negative marks if they were to hold a competition for the best parent awards."

"And where would you be?" I asked, not able to hold my tongue.

"What?" he asked, a little confused.

"If you were to be a dad one day, hypothetically speaking, what rank would you get?" I asked. He thought for a moment, then deflected the question saying, "It doesn't matter, I am an Original Vampire. However, a little birdy told me you have have been searching for your daughter for a while now."

"Isobel," I muttered, knowing who the little bird, he is talking about is.

"How did I miss her when I murdered your whole family?" Klaus asked.

"Didn't Isobel, tell you that?" I asked.

"I thought to get it from your own mouth. You know, talking face to face while you reminisce about your horribly murdered family," he said. He probably thought I would cry by thinking about some unknown strangers that died 500 years ago. Too bad, they are not my family, but I should probably wet my eyes a bit, not to raise any suspicions.

"There wouldn't be a doppelganger today if it wasn't for her. You at least have a chance, now," I said, instead, acting tough. Showing him, I am not as week as he thinks I am.

"That's not the question I asked," Klaus reminded me.

"She was taken away as she was born out of wedlock," I said in a compelled state.

"Looks like you did something useful for once in your life," Klaus mocked.

Afterward, he started interrogating me, asking about the plans we made and have up our sleeves to stop the ritual.

"So, the Martins have the power of hundred dead witches, which they are going to use for killing me, and they are looking into the Elixir, that Elijah procured for you 500 years ago, just so that Elena would come back human after the sacrifice," Klaus summarised from all the things I told him. I didn't talk about my plan to use John for resurrecting Elena as she outright dismissed it. And as I believed it to be the whole plan in my heart and mind at that moment, I didn't have to spill it.

"If the grillings' over, I would like to get some rest...or another blood bag," I said slowly, the amount of blood I consumed is not going to last very long.

"Actually... I still have a couple of interesting questions after my brief chat with Isobel," Klaus said, pushing me back in the chair when I tried to get up.

I bit the inside of my cheek, holding myself from snapping the neck of the person in front of me, and the fact that he is possessing John, is not exactly helping the case. "What more would you like to know?"

"For one, What were you doing the past few days? Two, Why do you believe the Sun and Moon ritual is fake?"

Well, shit!

"One, Its none of your business, and two, I am just a crazy girl with lots of free time," I said with a straight face, but he wasn't very amused by the response.

"If you don't want to repeat yesterdays' punishment, I suggest you start speaking," he all, but warned.

"I went to Greece, in search of Petrova family heritage..."I started saying, only to be interrupted by Klaus/John, "You don't seem like someone who will be interested in family heritage."

"Well, you didn't seem like a boyfriend who wants to sacrifice his girlfriend on a alter," I said back, almost immediately.

"Touche," Klaus said, clicking his tongue, "What's in Greece then?"

"Did you know, I was born in a traveler family?" I asked instead.

"No," was his simple reply

"Well, my father is a traveler. I didn't practice any magic when I was young, but since I have a lot of free time and am curious, I decided to dig in more information about it, and forget about everything that's happening around me," I said, praying for him not to ask any more questions.

"Fine. What of the Sun and Moon curse then?" he asked as I sighed inwardly for the topic diversion.

"Well, here is the logical explanation for it. You are an Original Vampire. First of our kind. You cant die even if you get burned, and you have the rings to walk in the sun," I started explaining, "Also, we both know, you are no martyr. Why do you care if the other Vampires walk in the sun or not?" Just when John opened his mouth to say something, I quickly began speaking, "But it must be something more precious to you if you are willing to wait for 500 years to do this ritual."

"You have outdone yourself, Katerina. I must say, I am impressed," Klaus said, causing me to scoff

Fuck you! I don't need your stupid complements. I just want to piss you off by showing I am not just beauty but brains as well.

"Since you came halfway through, let me walk you through the whole thing," Klaus said. With that, he started telling the whole story, which Elijah says to Elena, later in the show.

"So you are doing it to turn into a hybrid, while every other Vampire out there thinks you are doing it for the greater good," I said.

"See, I know you would get it," John/ Klaus said, sarcastically.

"Can I rest now?" I asked.

"Since you answered all my questions without any fuss, I will grant you that. Now, I will go and pay a visit to my precious doppelganger," He said, then looked me in the eye, compelling, "Don't go near the fridge, until I give you permission."

"Any tips you would like to give me before I leave," He asked heading for the door.

"Everyone hates John," was my reply.

Klaus nodded his head thoughtfully and left.

I can't drink blood, I can't go out, nor can I do any action that might help me to leave this place.

"Can I at least breath?" I thought aloud into the now-empty apartment.